Prototype Is VERY HARD


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Hey guys,

The Elizabeth Green fight can be really annoying. So far I have beaten the game on easy and normal, and I found a really easy strategy for taking her down. I don't know what she is like on hard yet, because protecting the Bloodtox machine as it pumps the gas into the ground is near impossible on hard, but I am going to assume the strategy for Green will work regardless.

Here is what I do:

1) As soon as the mission starts, check to see where your health is. You want it to be high enough to perform a devastator attack. Make sure you have the Air Groundspike Devastator unlocked. If your health isn't that high, then grab anything that moves and take off to the top of the nearest building and consume them.

2) Go to the tall black building to the left of Green (from the starting perspective of her when the mission starts). You will spend 99% of your time there. When you get to the roof of the building (not the very top, the building is too tall, but rather the first roof), you should be just above her head. From there you avoid everything with ease. Her green missiles mostly hit the building, her rocks also hit the building, and the fire blast she does can hurt you, but if you jump a little you should avoid it.

3) With enough health for a devastator, jump off the edge of the building directly towards Green. As soon as you are over her, use your Air Groundspike Devastator. Landing anywhere near her will diminish the health of basically every tentacle she has.

4) As SOON as the attack is over, get back up on the building. Hunters and infected generally follow you up there, so kill them and get some health until you have enough for a devastator again.

5) Repeat until she faints. Then get down there and hack at her with the arm blade. When she goes away, get the necessary health orbs and get back on the building . Keep doing that and you should have her beat in no time.

The point of this strategy is to make Green's attacks ineffective. By having the high ground, nearly every single attack of hers either can't get to you or can be dodged easily. The hunters and infected give you plenty of chances to get some health while up there, so don't go down to the street unless you absolutely need health and no infected are coming for you... or you just like to Rambo through the game ;) This strategy works wonders and it took the Green fight from near impossible to being the easiest boss battle in the game.

Hope this helps!


New member
Nov 10, 2007
bomber6689 said:
2) Go to the tall black building to the left of Green (from the starting perspective of her when the mission starts). You will spend 99% of your time there. When you get to the roof of the building (not the very top, the building is too tall, but rather the first roof), you should be just above her head. From there you avoid everything with ease. Her green missiles mostly hit the building, her rocks also hit the building, and the fire blast she does can hurt you, but if you jump a little you should avoid it.
I used the building to the front left with all the billboards on. Hunters and Evolved Infected will follow you up it, and you can nom them for health. The billboards completely protect you from Greene.

Also, you can jump down, hit her parts a few times with charged whipfist Y attacks for respectable damage, and run back up, good if you've not got Air Groundspike Graveyard.

5) Repeat until she faints. Then get down there and hack at her with the arm blade. When she goes away, get the necessary health orbs and get back on the building . Keep doing that and you should have her beat in no time.
When she goes down, hit her with Critical Pain. Takes about 1/4 of her health off and comes out fast so you don't get mobbed whilst you're trying to do it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I dunno, I didn't think Prototype was so hard. Granted, I'm not finished playing it yet, but The only times I REALLY got stuck was my fault, not the fault of the game. Like doing that one mission where you have to take out the like 20 viral detectors? Yea, I did that without killing the soldiers, or the helicopters followed me the entire mission. Because I'm a total idiot sometimes.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
londelen said:
I dunno, I didn't think Prototype was so hard. Granted, I'm not finished playing it yet, but The only times I REALLY got stuck was my fault, not the fault of the game. Like doing that one mission where you have to take out the like 20 viral detectors? Yea, I did that without killing the soldiers, or the helicopters followed me the entire mission. Because I'm a total idiot sometimes.
Prototype is somewhat of a cakewalk until the boss the OP is talking about.

I ended up just jacking a bunch of helicopters, fired a couple of missiles at her until she destroyed my heli, jumped down for health, rinse, repeat. It took forever.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Warning, about boss fight:

Actually, I thought Elizabeth Greene was piss, on one the buildings near where you fight her, there should be loads of billboards, hide there and consume the hunters that come to get you, then jump out every so often and use the Air Critical Pain Devastator then rinse and repeat, took a while, but none of her attacks hit you that way. It helps if you have that upgrade that lets you use up to 3 devastators per critical mass :)


New member
Apr 14, 2008
The way it felt to me, it can be hard to complete missions or win boss fights if you try and do it your own way. It's much easier when you figure out the way they WANT you to do it.

Kinda sucks, but that's how it is IMO.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Lopunny said:
Warning, about boss fight:

Actually, I thought Elizabeth Greene was piss, on one the buildings near where you fight her, there should be loads of billboards, hide there and consume the hunters that come to get you, then jump out every so often and use the Air Critical Pain Devastator then rinse and repeat, took a while, but none of her attacks hit you that way. It helps if you have that upgrade that lets you use up to 3 devastators per critical mass :)
This is exactly what i was about to say.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I found that this games was either 2 easy or just gave u really overpowered bosses

That said cross is really easy


New member
Apr 15, 2009
GloatingSwine said:
bomber6689 said:
2) Go to the tall black building to the left of Green (from the starting perspective of her when the mission starts). You will spend 99% of your time there. When you get to the roof of the building (not the very top, the building is too tall, but rather the first roof), you should be just above her head. From there you avoid everything with ease. Her green missiles mostly hit the building, her rocks also hit the building, and the fire blast she does can hurt you, but if you jump a little you should avoid it.
I used the building to the front left with all the billboards on. Hunters and Evolved Infected will follow you up it, and you can nom them for health. The billboards completely protect you from Greene.

Also, you can jump down, hit her parts a few times with charged whipfist Y attacks for respectable damage, and run back up, good if you've not got Air Groundspike Graveyard.

5) Repeat until she faints. Then get down there and hack at her with the arm blade. When she goes away, get the necessary health orbs and get back on the building . Keep doing that and you should have her beat in no time.
When she goes down, hit her with Critical Pain. Takes about 1/4 of her health off and comes out fast so you don't get mobbed whilst you're trying to do it.
*sigh* Ninjad by 25 minutes XD but thats the way of teh internets...
Jun 11, 2008
PauL o_O said:
Picked up prototype this afternoon, and due to heavy thunderstorms, I've played it most of the day. Since "normal" difficulty was the hardest option it gives you the first time around, that is what I am playing on. And let me tell you something, THIS GAME IS HARD AS BALLS.
After over a dozen attempts to guide a truck (which was still shooting at me since I am the common bad guy) to said point, I was faced with a giant demented Hydra. I hit that thing for 45 minutes, and took off about 10% of it's health. Idk if I'm doing something wrong, or this game is just far to tough.

I have to ask first what other games have you played that you consider hard as I'm just wondering as I don't have prototype.

The Angry American

New member
Jun 18, 2009
Use sheild, run like hell, eat more peeps for heath, use the aerial graveyard whatchamacallit attack of carnage = easy win, less then 10 min fight


New member
Jun 30, 2009
PauL o_O said:
Guitarmasterx7 said:
Oh, just wait until you have to fight
THE SUPREME HUNTER! DUNDUNDUUUN!Which is coincidentally the next part of that mission
the one on the battle ship? Yea I just got there, and that was 10x easier then Lizzy Greene fight.

I forget whats it's called, but it's not a HUNTER, its supreme something though, I beat the game and It wasn't that hard for me...

when you are doing escort missions and the army are your biggest concern, drive safe, because they go apeshit if you so much as NUDGE their vehicles, if you're at the mission I'm thinking of, just kind of avoide the hydras, though, I forget, so you HAVE to kill them to preoceed?


New member
Mar 7, 2010
when I played the game for the 1st time I was so exited to play...ahh memories
anyway when i fought with the supreme hunter for the 1st time I think I got my 1st death from his devestator accidently air bladed him when he was charging for a devestator lol I got raped anyway now I use
mussle mass and just throw shit at him .DONT GET COPTERS 1st the hunter will throw shit at you with insane aim or jumps really damn high(I tried to escape by going up untill it wont let me then out of nowhere I saw the hunter near me in the air and destroyed my chopper*HOLY FUCK THATS A BIG JUMP!*if you dont beleive me try to get a chopper and go high)2nd if you dont destroy the turrents they shoot you like crazy!use mussle mass throw missles at him whipfist to get him stunned get on his back use mussle mass for more damage when your hittin his back
May 5, 2010
Wait, the Hydra? You mean the giant tentacles, or the stupid thing that has like, 4 different health bars and 3 different attacks that kill you instantly?

Because that thing was FUCKING STUPID.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Really? I don't consider myself a very good gamer but I thought Prototype was pretty damn easy.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I think half the challenge of Prototype was the flaws in design and frustration the controls brought. Be honest, how many times has the game locked you onto a civillian or a soldier or something during one of the many bossfights? Or when you desperately needed to switch to musclemass but the stupid radial menu that doesn't pause the game (at least not according to memory) had you pick the tentacle whip and is now making you lunge onto a helicopter. Or when three enemies would stunlock you into a corner and drain all your energy or whatever it was that meant you had to sit there and take it like a *****.

I still beat it though, despite the many frustrations of the final boss fight.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
Wait, the Hydra? You mean the giant tentacles, or the stupid thing that has like, 4 different health bars and 3 different attacks that kill you instantly?

Because that thing was FUCKING STUPID.
Stupid easy. But I'm a grinder so by the time I faced my first Hydra, i just whip armed it to death in a minute or two. the most annoying thing is that it throws crap at you. Since when do cars home in?


Apr 28, 2008
I actually thought prototype was kind of easy.
There were a few frustrating parts, but besides that I breezed through most of the game.


New member
May 25, 2010
It is hard, use the tentacle extendo arm for more damage and grind to upgrade its two parts along with your health and armor. and if you think thats hard wait till the mid-super boss and final boss fights. Use cheap tactics on the mid-boss and keep running on the final boss.