Prove something to me.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Life is terrible?

You're using a computer, a resource you wholly do not need, that runs off electricity, which is a luxury resource.

Your life is fine.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
Judging by how you said your parents would not approve of donating to internet charities, I going to guess you are a teen, or at least young. You might think your life seems shitty now, but all you need is perspective. I can't really talk, seeing as I'm 18 and just putting my life together myself, so I'll let John Cheese do all the talking for me.

Suck it up and take what you perceive as shit on the chin. Life is awesome, even if you can't quite see it yet.


Member of three secret societies
Feb 2, 2011
You know what always make me happy? The Cat Empire.
That song always makes me feel happier.
Jun 7, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
BIG BOUNCY BOOBIES! Now that i have your attention...

You have an abundance of x's, _'s and 1337s i your username. For that reason i can safely assume you're a white teenager from an (at the very least) financially stable family and you're going through your precious little emo phase right now. As a 15-in-19-days-year-old myself i can give you the following advice.


Now that might have been a tad strong but fuck it, you need to realise this before it's too late.

People go through the same shit as you everyday and they get the fuck over it because they realise that they're acting like pathetic attention whores who deserve to be shot in the balls and set on fire.

You were the strongest sperm out of all of them, millions of them, beat the fuckers down like the bitches they were destined to be. Ask yourself, are you going to be a ***** as well?

HELL NO! That's a fucking order!

I used to be just like you, feeling alone and unwanted, like the world didn't need me, like it was my life's purpose to unwillingly carry the burden of unhappiness so that others could be happy.

Then you know what i realized?

I am fucking awesome.

I stopped obsessing over my illusory problems and saw the light at the end of the tunnel, i saw my tormentors and looked right into their measly, unimportant souls and saw nothing in store but an empty sleepwalk through life.

I realised that in 30 something years time i would go to the school reunion and i would look down upon them with their dead-end jobs and bastard children, trying to convince themselves that they are still worth something while i would look at them, and as the did at me all those years ago, i would look at them and laugh my fucking ass off.

What's got you so fucking miserable anyway? Arseholes at school? A girl?

Because i can tell you, if it's the first, shut up, you are better than them by default.
If the second, grow a pair and add her on fucking facebook or something, see what she likes, talk to her, grow a pair and live.

If that doesn't work out, forget about her, i did the exact same thing. Trust me, you'll forget her. I can absolutely guarantee it.

There are people going through much worse than you on a daily basis.

TL;DR: You are fucking awesome. start fucking acting like it.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
Prove to me that life in this world we live in is not as completely sh** as I think it is. Which is 'pretty darn completely terrible'.

3, 2, 1, go.
people who have no idea who you are trying to cheer you up. if that doesn't make you happy, go play or watch gameplay of kirby's epic yarn. I challenge you to not smile at that


New member
Jul 16, 2010


And stop being a wimp... Life isn't shit but it isn't gold either. Life's life. So try to enjoy it while you can because there's a good chance you won't enjoy anything else once it's over.

Stop focusing on the negative or you'll never be able to enjoy the little things. Also don't focus solely on the positive or you'll probably be disappointed by all the little things.

Simple rule: be moderate. It actually solves way more problems than you'd think.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
leet_x1337 said:
Prove to me that life in this world we live in is not as completely sh** as I think it is. Which is 'pretty darn completely terrible'.

3, 2, 1, go.
I'd have to go with:
Lots of pretty girls ( although my girlfriend is the most awesome of all)
fireworks on the 4th of july
tons of delicious food
the oppratunity to speak my mind
the awesomeness that collage will be
the water
the sun
the universe
the science of a firework
my girlfriend, because I'd be unable to live without her
and the fact that I might just be able to cheer up somebody who used to be depressed like I was


New member
Mar 18, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
Prove to me that life in this world we live in is not as completely sh** as I think it is. Which is 'pretty darn completely terrible'.

3, 2, 1, go.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're not an orphan, you're not homeless or starving, you're not crippled in any permanent way or dying of some incurable disease.
If you really can't see anything good in life, you're fucked. Even in my lowest lows, I knew that life can be great. I just thought that all the greatness is as far away from me as it can be.
I found out that it's just about the attitude. If you constantly think about life as shit then it will be shit and even great things will be shitty to you. Approach life as an adventure, not a nightmare (cliche, I know but it has to be said). Look for opportunities to improve it and you will find them. When that happens, make use of that opportunity because if you don't, you're going to have to look for the next one. Usually, the bigger the opportunity, the less often it occurs.
Don't just sit on your ass and whine about anything and everything. That's just childish. Actually, it's worse than childish because at least children know how to enjoy themselves a lot more than adults do.

Tell you what:
Stand in front the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, slap yourself in the face as hard as you can and say: "Stop being such a fucking pussy!"


New member
May 13, 2010
leet_x1337 said:
Prove to me that life in this world we live in is not as completely sh** as I think it is. Which is 'pretty darn completely terrible'.

3, 2, 1, go.
Everyone has at somepoint, if not right now, got to deal problems which makes them stressed, angry, upset and depressed. You aren't the only one who feels like this.

But hey, at least you don't live in the slums of the Victorian era or live in London during the 'Great Stink' o/

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Because we can go to motherfuckin' space.

And we know that all the atoms in our body came from stars that exploded.

We are all stardust.

Screw your pessimism, I'm stardust.


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
Read history. Discover what people in the past had to contend with - disease, poverty, constant hunger, constant war - and realize how lucky you are to have been spared such a fate.


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Okay heres just a little inkling into my life.
I recently got made redundent from a job i was in for 3 years, last year my girlfriend of 6 years had to mave away now she lives 6000 miles away from me, soon im going to be homeless... and worst of all someone came on my profile when i wasnt here and clicked the red button but even though i have beibers face everywhere i look im still not gunna be to down because one day it will all be alright. one day im going to see my girlfriend again and im going to marry her... so in short life is difficult but it WILL get better you just have to have the will to make it so...
Matt signing out.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Wow, the escapist community surprised me. I scrolled down expecting to read torrents of posts agreeing with the OP's depressing view on life. I found mostly the opposite. Well done escapists.


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Dunno about you, but my life's pretty damn good. Sucks if yours isn't, bro, but I think that's mostly to do with your attitude, which I can't change for you. Sorry.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
You're on this site so you obviously have free time with which you can have fun yourself and have a certain amount of freedom (no government censorship). Although things may not look good, we live in better times than previous generations (WWI, WWII, Cold War, even medieval ancestors had it so much worse off).


Elite Member
May 19, 2008

Christ man if you are not finding a tiny bit of happiness in this gorram nice world society made for you you are not looking hard enough! Go get wasted or something. Go to the beach, go play a game outside with some friends. Go meet a girl. Go watch firefly! Jesus its laid out on a plate for you. Thank god you dont need to try and find happiness while hungry, diseased AND in fear of rape.

Secret world leader (shhh) said:
leet_x1337 said:
BIG BOUNCY BOOBIES! Now that i have your attention...

You have an abundance of x's, _'s and 1337s i your username. For that reason i can safely assume you're a white teenager from an (at the very least) financially stable family and you're going through your precious little emo phase right now. As a 15-in-19-days-year-old myself i can give you the following advice.


Now that might have been a tad strong but fuck it, you need to realise this before it's too late.

People go through the same shit as you everyday and they get the fuck over it because they realise that they're acting like pathetic attention whores who deserve to be shot in the balls and set on fire.

You were the strongest sperm out of all of them, millions of them, beat the fuckers down like the bitches they were destined to be. Ask yourself, are you going to be a ***** as well?

HELL NO! That's a fucking order!

I used to be just like you, feeling alone and unwanted, like the world didn't need me, like it was my life's purpose to unwillingly carry the burden of unhappiness so that others could be happy.

Then you know what i realized?

I am fucking awesome.

I stopped obsessing over my illusory problems and saw the light at the end of the tunnel, i saw my tormentors and looked right into their measly, unimportant souls and saw nothing in store but an empty sleepwalk through life.

I realised that in 30 something years time i would go to the school reunion and i would look down upon them with their dead-end jobs and bastard children, trying to convince themselves that they are still worth something while i would look at them, and as the did at me all those years ago, i would look at them and laugh my fucking ass off.

What's got you so fucking miserable anyway? Arseholes at school? A girl?

Because i can tell you, if it's the first, shut up, you are better than them by default.
If the second, grow a pair and add her on fucking facebook or something, see what she likes, talk to her, grow a pair and live.

If that doesn't work out, forget about her, i did the exact same thing. Trust me, you'll forget her. I can absolutely guarantee it.

There are people going through much worse than you on a daily basis.

TL;DR: You are fucking awesome. start fucking acting like it.
This man is a god among men. I had a similar realization. It rocks. It really does.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
leet_x1337 said:
Prove to me that life in this world we live in is not as completely sh** as I think it is. Which is 'pretty darn completely terrible'.

3, 2, 1, go.

i would like to tell you about one of my theories; life is pain, every action, feeling, want, ect. eventully hurts somebody, might be you, might be your friend or the guy working in the store down the street. there is however a way of making the world, or at least living in it less painfull, THINK about the consequenses of your actions, and choose the behavior that hurts others or yourself the least. and maybe if enough people do this,then this irrepairedly broken world we live in might just be a better place for it.

this little "gem" of information helped me deal with a dystopian world view and a dysteistic belive.
hope it helps you.
best wishes :)


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Life sometimes sucks, sometimes it doesn't.

What right do you have to tell us to prove anything to you?

If you wanna be happy, go watch some Bill Hicks.