PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Korten12 said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Korten12 said:
Quiet Stranger said:
I hope he wins, it is our right to do what we want to the PS3 after we buy it, I remember one time when I was delivering Pizza, the people were playing Super Mario All stars on their PS3. They looked like they were having lots of fun, now they can't cause Sony are asshoes
Uh, no they have no right to be playing SMAS on their PS3. No matter if the game is fun, they pirated the game and hacked the console? Thats like double the offense.

If someone pirates a game and says they're having "fun" doesn't suddenly pardon them.
The game is so old now though, if you bought it at a pawn shop the only one getting money would be the pawn store owner, the companies would no longer be getting the money 9I mean, that's the problem isn't it? With piracy for new things, the creators, like apple or microsoft, or Gearbox or whoever don't get their money?) and they bought it so I think they have every right to hack their PS3, also Hack is such a strong word, like rats, or ****
Alright, well I guess it will suck once they close down PSN due to too many pirates and hackers. But hey, they're having fun and they bought their ps3 so it should be perfectly fine...
I don't know what you're getting at but I think hacking your PS3 for things like SNES roms or old things like that are fine.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Quiet Stranger said:
Korten12 said:
Quiet Stranger said:
I hope he wins, it is our right to do what we want to the PS3 after we buy it, I remember one time when I was delivering Pizza, the people were playing Super Mario All stars on their PS3. They looked like they were having lots of fun, now they can't cause Sony are asshoes
Uh, no they have no right to be playing SMAS on their PS3. No matter if the game is fun, they pirated the game and hacked the console? Thats like double the offense.

If someone pirates a game and says they're having "fun" doesn't suddenly pardon them.
The game is so old now though, if you bought it at a pawn shop the only one getting money would be the pawn store owner, the companies would no longer be getting the money 9I mean, that's the problem isn't it? With piracy for new things, the creators, like apple or microsoft, or Gearbox or whoever don't get their money?) and they bought it so I think they have every right to hack their PS3, also Hack is such a strong word, like rats, or ****

They have had a recent re-release on the Wii, so you can support the companies.

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
No matter how legal it apparently is, I know I won't be playing any online games on my PS3 anymore for the rest of its existence.
You said it. My thought exactly. And that goes for my Xbox as well.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
drbarno said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Korten12 said:
Quiet Stranger said:
I hope he wins, it is our right to do what we want to the PS3 after we buy it, I remember one time when I was delivering Pizza, the people were playing Super Mario All stars on their PS3. They looked like they were having lots of fun, now they can't cause Sony are asshoes
Uh, no they have no right to be playing SMAS on their PS3. No matter if the game is fun, they pirated the game and hacked the console? Thats like double the offense.

If someone pirates a game and says they're having "fun" doesn't suddenly pardon them.
The game is so old now though, if you bought it at a pawn shop the only one getting money would be the pawn store owner, the companies would no longer be getting the money 9I mean, that's the problem isn't it? With piracy for new things, the creators, like apple or microsoft, or Gearbox or whoever don't get their money?) and they bought it so I think they have every right to hack their PS3, also Hack is such a strong word, like rats, or ****

They have had a recent re-release on the Wii, so you can support the companies.
Yes but if you don't have a Wii or a super nintendo or other old console and the Wii doesn't have the game you want to play, roms are the next best thing


New member
Aug 7, 2010
I understand what this man is saying, he wants to use his PS3 to do crazy things like give everyone cowboy hats and play Mario and the likes on his PS3, and I think that's great.
But all that's stopping him from pirating and hacking the PS3 online into unplayability is a damn pinky promise. GeoHotz may have no intention of pirating his ass off, but there's easily 100 other people for every one like him who is willing to. And he and others like him are giving them the power to.
I can't support him in that respect. I'd rather Sony act like some damn dictator than have stuff end up like Modern Warfare 1 and 2...

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
People like this bother me. "I'm completely against activity X, but here, let me give you a step-by-step guide on how to do activity X. But remember, I'm against it!" It's like writing a book on how to rape a woman, then someone follows your book. You knew it was going to happen, but you did it anyway because it's your "right".

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
9_6 said:
You act as if there's nothing you can do about hackers.
Take a look at PC gaming. And no, DRM has nothing to do with preventing online hacking.
Of course there are things that you can do. It's just harder on PS3 than for example Xbox where Microsoft just banns the Xbox from Live connection if they notice hacking or a pirated game. As I said PSN doesn't know the difference so Sony has no clue who has pirated the game and who hasn't. And yes DRM doesn't have anything to do with preventing hacking but that is one thing that Sony considers.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
He hacked the PS3 knowing it would cause some legal shit, and people still supported him.

But I'm not here to talk about that. I have to be the obligatory poster that bitches and moans about the removal of Linux, even though I'd never use OtherOS and it's better/still supported on PC in every way.


New member
May 31, 2009
Hardcore_gamer said:
I honestly can't think of any legal advantages that a modded PS3 could provide that is worth all of this hassle.
Can't you see? This is the ultimate game of chicken!!

Control of your console is everything to Sony! If they lose this, the floodgates open!!

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
"Sony does not even try to allege piracy or copyright infringement in this case, they allege I did things like play "Super Mario World, an unauthorized game" on my PS3. And access my PS3 in an unauthorized way. Who are they to authorize what I do with my taxed and paid for property?" he asked rhetorically.

This is where you discover the privacy violation provoked by the avidity of control and power,
actually this is a very important Ethical question that i remember we talked about a year or so in one of the Escapist subsections...

but in the end it is sad that the law of the jungle is still being used:
Whom goes with more money wins.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Ok, can community support really go against an international media giant?

This will be interesting.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
hansari said:
Hardcore_gamer said:
I honestly can't think of any legal advantages that a modded PS3 could provide that is worth all of this hassle.
Can't you see? This is the ultimate game of chicken!!

Control of your console is everything to Sony! If they lose this, the floodgates open!!
Linux, emulators, more freewares, for example instead of the 2 or 3 visualisations you get on your console, you'd get a hundred more available, idem for skining your console etc but free, that's why they're afraid of this matter, because they have plans to make us pay for stuff that in PC or in other circumstances, should be given for free.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Hardcore_gamer said:
I just read the article again and I can't believe that the admin who posted it actually supports him. If hacking PS3's is made ok then it will lead to nothing but bad shit for everybody, besides the pirates.
Yeah, but it's all in the name of sticking it to the man, so that makes it all okay.

Let's just hope the PS3 hasn't gone down in flames yet by the time The Last Guardian is supposed to be released.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
To all of you people worried about hackers ruining your online gaming - blame the developers and Sony for making such design choices that freely allow it. If the structure of coding on consoles was better, there would be plenty of ways to prevent such occurrences, yet, instead of improving the quality of their product, in this case, Sony prefers to just shut down functionality of PS3 down, one by one.

Just like with always-online DRM schemes for some PC games, this is going the easy mode route from Sony. Perhaps changing the structure of the console is not possible till next gen, but it's their fault they haven't planned ahead for such situations. Answer yourself this. Why online games on PCs are still playable, despite full access to both hardware and software while console games suffer from much higher rates of cheaters abusing the hacks?

I don't mind them banning people who mod their consoles, it's in their rights because online service is service provided by them and they can filter the access to their will, limiting the un-verified machines to use it. But legal actions? That is a step too far.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I really have to ask.

When did we as a consumer base decide it was ok to hand over all our consumer rights and consumer privilages over to companies and let them dictate what we do and how we do it? Once upon a time the customer used to be the most powerful force going, you piss them off and your machine tanks, it was as simple as that. And the ever-daunting piracy looming over the companies's heads was a reminder not to publish crap; a quality-ensurance service in a way. But now the big boys throw their weight around, instead of fearing the consumer's wrath they bend the consumer over a pinball machine and go to town.

Now we have DRMs which are a hinderance to people who legally and legitimately purchased their games. We have first-day and pre-order DLC for games which force people to buy a game without any review or demonstration (I'm looking at you, Dragon Age 2). We have locked content on most disks that gets sold to us weeks later. Yet in all this massive shitstorm the generation has surely the fans would unite and speak up in outrage over how we're being treated. Yet no, all we get are apologists and fanboys, defending the actions under the guise of it's all to protect the almighty dollar/pound/yen and that's more important than actually treating customers fairly.

This is why games aren't considered art, because no art seeks to fuck over its consumers as much as video games do.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Sniper Team 4 said:
People like this bother me. "I'm completely against activity X, but here, let me give you a step-by-step guide on how to do activity X. But remember, I'm against it!" It's like writing a book on how to rape a woman, then someone follows your book. You knew it was going to happen, but you did it anyway because it's your "right".
This pretty much explains my thoughts on this.

Good for you, you hacked the PS3, congrats. But honestly, what he's doing makes no sense to me.