PS3 Hacks Force Infinity Ward to Rethink Game Security


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Nah, really?
Public hosting being hacked?

And this is why they should of had dedicated servers as it would also fix the horrible lag issues, but killing 2 birds with one stone is just too much for these guys.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Straying Bullet said:
Sony has been too tight. No responsibility such as Dedicated Servers granted to people and the like.

In all honesty, I want them to be hacked, they did screw over the early consumers by removing the OtherOS feature.
They also screwed over the late adapters by removing backwards compatibility.

poiumty said:
WELL SHIT, maybe you should have given the community the ability to moderate itself? Via, you know, dedicated servers, maybe give the host the power to vote ban or kick someone? I dunno, something like that?

You know, like that PRIVATE SERVER has had for months now?

Seriously, this is the most pathethic apology in the history of game developer excuses. These are the consequences of your idiotic decisions, and we're stupid to have ever trusted you.
But writing dedicated server code for people is expensive, and we can't control what they do with it. That's why they can play on our servers. This is their logic. Now they're paying for it.

Actually I think the worst apology ever was the Virtual Boy. I think they only thing they said was we're discontinuing the VB. They basically just pointed and laughed if you already bought one.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
So, Infinity Ward is concerned there are people with Prestige 10 in the first week of launch (which is basically not that bad) but that their game is horribly imbalanced and just completely broken on the PS3 is A-OK? I completely lost all fate in Activision, not Sony.


New member
Aug 8, 2008

It`s like on the PC, but with less buttons..and alot later


New member
Dec 25, 2010
Isn't this just a sign that Sony should start banning people now? At the very least, they should ban those confirmed for cheating in online games.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
..uuuh.. what? Where (on neogaf groupthink forums) do these random (publisher spawn from various companies) come up with these ideas?

The xbox has had the jig for.. how long now? It allows anyone to simply install and change files at will. The hack on the ps3 allows you to install new packages, but not replace or change existing files. Writing "patches" means packaging your files properly with the encryption needed, then applying it to the existing ID - this is neither trivial or done as a general hack. It has to be done specifically for each ID.

But this is a problem. In a way that the jig on xbl isn't. Haha. Funny guys.

Also, why does the Escapist just regurgitate the same thing? ..And when are you going to hire that tech-editor?


This is a Forum Title.
Oct 2, 2008
DTWolfwood said:
Second, Have any hacked PS3 done any good at all? and y i shouldn't just support Sony in their lawsuits against the "hackers?"

Just seems like nothing but bad news (to be fair, i'm pretty sure Microsoft have had to deal with these problems too, its just not made public too often)

It takes time to generate good homebrew. It doesn't take nearly as long to pirate software.

You shouldn't support Sony because they brought this entirely upon themselves. They removed a console feature that the hackers, specifically, paid for. The entire reason most of them purchased a PS3 in the first place was because OtherOS gave them access to far more processing power (at the time) than they could purchase in a PC for the same price.

None of the involved parties, just like the original PSP homebrew community, are interested in piracy. They do know that they've opened that door, but they don't care - the DRM was simply a roadblock, to regaining the features they had already paid for, that they were forced to bypass in order to keep other features of the console up to date.

Had Sony not placed that roadblock, the individuals with the knowledge to bypass it never would have bothered.

To give you another example:
Imagine, if you will, that you have an entirely software-controlled vehicle (which is not much of a stretch, really). You've purchased the vehicle with the understanding that it has a climate control system and radio. Now imagine that, several years later, the company which sold you the car decides that they're no longer going to allow you to access the air conditioning, nor are they going to allow you to listen to the radio - because they feel that those features use too much energy, are slightly reducing gas mileage, and are making the company look bad.

Are you going to care that, in order to bypass the system and regain access to the air conditioning and radio, you'll also have to bypass the limiter that prevents the car from doing 200mph?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Aphex Demon said:
DTWolfwood said:
Aphex Demon said:
Dedicated Servers with admin rights would just sort the whole thing, done.
this isn't about in game cheaters as its more about alteration of information (account modding) dedicated servers will do nothing if whatever is stat tracking is hacked.

Plus do they have client side (public) dedicated server on consoles at all? o_O

No, they dont, not for the 360, or the PS3 I dont think.
I think for the Ps3 it depends on the developers. I believe some games do have dedicated servers, like Warhawk, but most companies just go with their own servers. That's how MGS4 got it's own separate online entity that you needed an entirely new login for (boy, the lag was horrible).

OT: Gee, I wonder what Infinity Ward will do to ward off the hackers and/or pirates? Isn't it possible that they could strengthen their DRM, be it with online-activation, plugging in a code, or paying extra money for the multiplayer portion like how Kotick desperately wants to []?

Naw, that's impossible, there's no way that piracy will ever cause and effect a company's method of DRM thereby restricting the product to the legitimate customers.

Nobody wins in the end except pirates. And that's depressing.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
Why do I get the feeling that the Consoles are going to understand why DRM sucks the big one sooner rather than later?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Mabye next time sony makes a security system for a console, they will use a godamm random number where it aks for one, instead of "4" (cookie for reference).

I'm sorry, but Sony, you had my upmost respect for OtherOS, you said "ok hackers, here's a fairly expansive area of our platform for you to use, that doesn't comprimise our security in a way that allows piracy that we cannot stop, have fun."

hacker: "cool thanks sony, this is great for us!"

Sony: "TROLOLOLOL we remove it cus we can, stuff your consumer rights!"

hacker: "Well we know linux can run on it, guess it's time to get linux back on there ourselves"

Several months pass

hackers: "wow, you guys suck at security systems, no wonder you put otherOS on there to keep us from seeing this"


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Jaranja said:
Thank god I have it on PC.

seriously?? you seriously are saying that there are "less" hackers on PC???? if that was sarcasm i seriously missed it, everybody knows that PC games are the most hacked games, hell i can put "hack black ops" on google and it will show 5 hits for the PC version and 2 or 3 VIDEOS of how the hack works on the console, then i would need to digg deeper to find the hacks for the consoles

its just not true and in the "Console VS PC" battle (which i find certainly dumb) that has always one of the main points of console gameing, the lack of hackers.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Weren't Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 big messes on PSN long before the console was cracked? It's probably not helping, sure, but this sounds like a bit of blaming someone else for their own mistakes too.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
That's been happening on every console since day one.

Well done, Infinity Ward. It only took you three years to spot it.