Hazy992 said:
That sucks :/ You'd have thought Sony would have left it as free as it would have been another selling point over Microsoft.
At least they're not gating services that I already fucking paid for behind it.
The thing is, though, that even though they're taking that step to do that, you
still get all of the freebies and discounts that came along with it on the PS3. If anything, they one-upped Microsoft again on that front. The only thing that MS can do on that front is match Sony's deal; which, given current circumstances, is highly unlikely due to the amount of anti-consumerism attitude they've taken with the XBone.
Not to mention that:
It's worth noting that you will not require PlayStation Plus to watch Netflix, and it will continue to offer the current PlayStation Plus benefits such as free games [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/124562-Deus-Ex-Human-Revolution-Goes-Free-On-PlayStation-Plus]. If you're already a PlayStation Plus subscriber, your membership will carry over from the PS3 and PSVita to the PS4.
Also, the benefits of PlayStation Plus are nothing to scoff at. Sony isn't offering the bottom of the bargain bin for its free game catalog, but new releases and best sellers like XCOM and Uncharted 3.
And you know something else? I'd rather throw money at
this practice rather than what MS offers. Sony just gained this consumer's attention and money, should the good news continue.