PS4 Users Beat Xbone in Porn Usage

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Andy Shandy said:

Anyway, you know, I would've thought the Xbox One's ability to go "Xbox Bing [insert your favourite real/hilarious porn title here]" would've given it an edge in this regard. And voyeurs would love being watched by the Kinect camera.
I was already laughing out loud at this whole scenario but seeing this has officially made me lose any sense of self control I had. Congratulations sir. You have earned my respect. Or laughter. Or both. I can't really be sure right now due to lightheadedness from all the laughter.

OT: Well this is the first I've heard about this streaming service. But why pay extra when the console has an internet browser? That'd be like getting a Netflix subscription but the only things you watch you already own on DvD.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
Arawn said:
Wow. I too am a loss for words. It's like that guy that wins the farting contest, sure you cheer him on, but you don't want to stand near him. That aside someone did bring up a good point;

Cabamacadaf said:
So they have porn, but they still won't allow adult rated games?
Don't want adult material in games, but watching adult material is okay. Yeah, a very odd logic that. Still don't want a porno game, but knowing the devs don't have to worry about crossing certain lines might open up some interesting new IP.
The gaming industry is already beating back criticism about oversexualization in games (remember the Mass Effect clip on Fox News?), not to mention its continued problems with sexism in video games and (more problematically) video game culture. Chucking actual pornographic console video games on that pile is not something Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft is exactly willing to authorize. For now, they're sticking to the R-rated movie limits.

Plus, I think we still need to work on getting the textures and models right before we start going in that direction. I mean, it's still hard to get two models to kiss well, much less stick a ****** in a ******. And can you imagine what glitch would look like? "Damn these clipping issues!"


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Statistical evidence that indeed PS4 users are the biggest wankers. Though given the glowing dildo that is the PSMove this does not surprise me.

I kid, but seriously guys? You are going to jack off in your living room? Though some might have it in their bedroom I'd still feel a bit weird massaging the sausage in the same place I entertain guests... I just realized that even that is probably someone's fetish.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
The Gentleman said:
I'm looking at the list of titles and am very disappointed in the lack of quality there. Someone needs to get around to making some high quality, well written porn with a plot. Give us some emotional investment in the characters who are now fornicating for our viewing pleasure.
Plot: You wake up in your bed, above you is the ghostly image of the girl living next door who has just died in a car accident. Asking you for help to fulfill her last wish of telling the boy she has a crush on that she loves him, you agree and in a freak accident she steals all your lifeforce to return back to the living while you become a ghost. Turns out lover-boy had a car accident as well and is in the same hospital as your physical body while you roam around as a ghostly figure, fixing up the next-door girl with her lover, returning to your body everyone else be damned or refuse to pick a side and cross over with death.

Figures of Happiness. Eroge game from Japan, go google it. In fact, eroge games in general are very nice games which just happen to contain porn but are never really about porn. And the music is generally excellent.

Have a listen.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Since there are no games for either the PS4 or XB1,the owners have no choice other than watching porn on their latest shiny new console.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
I don't think they were taking into account Cable Box Porn on the Xbox One. Still cheaper than SugarDVD rental. Most Cable companies offer Huster, Penthouse, Playboy, Ten, and Adult on Demand at monthly prices that match 2 or 3 hourly rentals.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
People are paying for porn?

And using consoles for porn?

I have to get me one of those Xboner things. /sarcasm

But seriously, this is ridiculous. Then again, one's marketed at middle aged geeks who want to revel in their childhood franchises and hardcore games, and another one exists as some kind of elaborate gag that somehow caught on, and now every 10-25 year old owns one who doesn't happen to live in a 3rd world country.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
I suspect its because there is nothing else to do with the ps4 besides netflix. At least the xbone actually has a couple interesting looking games out for it.

Cabamacadaf said:
So they have porn, but they still won't allow adult rated games?
Its not that they wont allow them its that nobody wants to make them. You cant just sell an adult rated game on the shelf next to everything else. There are strict regulations involved at that rating that make it a serious pain and not worth it.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
I wonder how many people bought the Xbone because they knew the camera would be watching them while they whack off..


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Finally a reason to get a PS4!

...though does the Xbox One support local media server streaming? If so, then I'll hazard a guess as to why an online porn streaming service have had less luck on it.

The Gentleman said:
Oh yes, although I only have one on my PC at the moment since I have no idea where I would download those.
This website did cover [] the merits of one such game.

You should be able to purchase a digital download.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I've been thinking of watching "It's okay!, Shes my step daughter! 13", but I haven't seen "It's okay! shes my step daughter!" 1 to 12, would I need to watch them to understand the plot?


New member
Jul 20, 2012
BrownGaijin said:
The funny thing is, Porn is the reason why VHS and Blu-ray won over Beta and HD-DVD respectively.

Also this:
You managed to make the Kinect look adorable.


New member
Jul 31, 2015
Didn't the xbox beat PS recently? I even remember that people were watching xhamster [] on a 3DS. Must be the 3D feature :D