Apparently Phil Spencer has said there will be NO Xbox Series X Exclusives for YEARS! All games will be available either on the Xbone or PC in addition to the SeXBox.
Again proving that not only do they not have anything in serious development and what they do have will be available on other platforms.
So if you already have an Xbone. You do NOT need a new SeXBox, and wont for 2-3 years after the console launch. If you have a PC you will never need an Xbox.
Why are they even making Consoles? Just make games and put them on PC or Playstation. I don't understand why go through the expense of making a console, when you aren't trying to make it an inticing item to own.
This is simultaneously pretty great, and pretty bad.
On one hand, if you dont have the £300+ to throw around on a new console, you wont be left behind, when it comes to the new games. This is really cool for those people.
On the other hand, im really worried that the games that are primarily intended for the Series X, like Halo Infinite, will be limited by the Xbox One. What I think will be a massive shame is if features cant be included, because they can't work on the Xbox One version of the game. I remember back in the Battlefield 4 days, one of the DLCs included a Riot Shield for the player to use, and the intention was for the player to be able to use their pistol at the same time, so they can shoot whilst using the shield, but
because of the technical limitations of the 360 and PS3, this had to be cut, and the shield was released without this feature on all platforms. I think it will be a massive shame if something like this happens to the early lineup of Series X "exclusives".
On the plus side, though, the fact that Xbox's lineup of games are all available on PC, means I don't need to get one, which I think is pretty fantastic.
EDIT: It also might be worth noting that consoles sold towards the beginning of a generation are sold at a loss, with game sales, and things like Xbox Live Gold and PS+ recouping those losses. If Microsoft is disincentivising sales of the Series X for early adopters, and making new games available on the Xbox One for at least a couple of years, they can still get that same profit, without losing so much money from hardware sales - then when games stop being made for the Xbox One, and presumably when hardware sales ramp up, the console itself be made for cheaper, minimising those losses even further. Sure, they might lose quite a lot of market share to the PS5, but it makes financial sense on paper, at least. Regardless, it is an interesting experiment.