cookyy2k said:
Gilhelmi said:
I do not like people insulting others for their beliefs. I may not agree or believe what they do, but that does not give any-of-you the right to openly mock their beliefs. Just like if I started to mock Atheist for their beliefs (or lack-of) would be wrong. EVERYONE here would call me on it. I do not like hypocrites and I do not like mockers. I have no respect for them.
Yeah, this line of reasoning goes to a bad place. You know the whole people who believed jews should be exterminated... I think we were probably right to nip that in the bud.
Incidentally, I wouldn't call a genocide of
7 million "nipping something in the bud". But discussions of style aside, I think there's a pretty big massive border with stop signs and gun turrets between "faith in psychics" and "the belief that all Jewish people should die".
Also, there's a degree of consequence involved. After all, we can only chastise actions and not beliefs. Because if we could, we'd be giving up the freedom of expression which is so valuable to us.