Hey friends, if you haven't yet heard The Escapist is under new management (again) [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/703.1055804-Escapist-Under-New-Management-Again]. We're making a bunch of changes starting ... well, last month. One of the upcoming changes is we're discontinuing the Pub Club.
While the new owners sort through the various servers to find out what's stored where, please take a moment to go into your profile and cancel your Pub Club membership to ensure you won't be billed. The auto-bill system is ... well, to be honest, we don't know where it is. We're looking for it so we can shut it down.
As we transition the website to whatever its new incarnation will be, I'll keep you updated about how your visiting experience will be changing for former Pub Club members. A lot of that is TBD.
if you have any questions of need help canceling your Pub Club membership, please email
[email protected]