Question for all High School Students?

One Seven One

New member
Feb 5, 2009
Pretty much evert possible site is blocked, youtube, wikipedia, yahoo, anything classified as Games, Forumes, and such.
Of course, being rather determined students, we always find exceptions or other ways.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Mr Wednesday said:
So, you have a problem that free school computers, machines that exist for educational purposes and paid for by the education budget, can not be used for some recreational sites?

Don't make rude assumptions. I'm not complaining. I visit sites on my 3G phone so it doesn't matter to me. I was just curious.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
I'm posting from school, where the Escapist is blocked.

I use a combination of sites like [a href=""]this one[/a] and software like [a href=""]this[/a] to get around it (that program also lets games and steam work through the filter).


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Seems like almost everyone here had them, I know we didn't we could access everything we would want.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
My school blocked the most random list of websites. So, one day, my friends and I managed to obtain the network username and password (they NEVER changed it from "admin" and "password".). We went in, and removed all the blocks, and using our minimal computer knowledge, drafted a program that would end explore.exe after spamming the user with annoying messages. Some were giberrish, some were memes, and some were blank. We uploaded into the network, which put it on every computer in the school.

Did we ever get caught? Nope.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Currently, our school blocks everything that could possibly be related to a forum or blog, blocks every video site imaginable, blocks anything that has games on it that are any more complex then Pong (except one gaming portal is linked to a teacher's webpage, so it's unblocked, which defeats the purpose of blocking gaming portals....), and anything that may or may not be a social networking site.

Ironically, the lightest block is on images of porn (A couple people have come across some rather interesting applications of Rule 34).

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
The school I visited pretty much blocked everything. Wikipedia pages about Hitler and WW2 were blocked. In a german school. I wish I was kidding. This is with 16 year olds sitting in front of the screen too.

Ironically, sites like @homo and nobrain werent blocked. Which resulted in more than one person being told to type things of that nature into there address bar and getting told off when they suddenly had a bunch of old peoples cocks bouncing around the screen with no way of closing the browser except for alt+f4 or task manager, combinations and features most people dont know.

Seriously, even the hub of porn wasnt blocked. I cant read up on the most successful tank crew in WW2 but I can watch EXTREME ROUGH ANAL RIPPING WITH ONE GIRL 15 BLACK GUYS AND 3 GLASSES OF KETCHUP (YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHERE THAT SHIT IS GOING) XXX XXX XXX EXTREME EDITION? Fuck school.
I hate to say it but I laughed extremely hard at the all caps part.

Our school blocks websites when someone gets on a website and the monitors see that it's not meant for education, and they also have some programs for it.
But I figured out how to get around all of the programs they use, not that I've ever really used it much but it's pathetically easy if you know how to do it


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Our school filter was unbelievably frustrating.
I once painstakingly created an online jeopardy game for a class assignment, only to watch in disbelief as the filter blocked it.
I got a zero. Yeah... o_O


New member
Mar 17, 2010
My school blocks Facebook, The Escapist, every proxy you could possibly name, and a bunch of other stuff. It's really annoying, because they're blocking so much now that it can actually interfere, quite significantly, with research. Good thing there's still the old 'cached' button. :p

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
My old Highschool was terrible for that. Sure Youtube, Facebook etc. I can understand. But when you are a Modern Studies (read: Politics) student and the official Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem websites are blocked due to containing political material, as well as sites on Christianity etc. Blocked due to religious references, and anything Nazi related blocked for being Nazi related (FUN FACT; My history course was all about the Nazis and their rise to power) it makes doing research in class a *****, especially since proxies were blocked as well.

Oh and did I mention the council told my school beforehand to "get with the times" as my teacher put it and invest in 50 smartboards as opposed to black boards and let kids "take learning into their own hands"?

Edinburgh Council - trolling world champions 2009-2010

Damien Granz

New member
Apr 8, 2011
C2Ultima said:
How many of you attend a high school with internet connectivity with blocks and censors on websites such as (For example) Facebook, YouTube, or this site The Escapist? What are your opinions about it.

I'm in a high school where The Escapist is blocked. I'm using 3G from my phone to connect.
I'm gonna show my age here, but I think it's good they block that stuff.

It's one thing if you live at the high school and would be expected to surf on your off time (like a dorm room or whatever), but a place of work or whatever that you're not reasonably expected to spend free time at, blocking things that disrupts what they need to do (IE, teach you in this case), isn't a bad thing.

Used to be if you even had a cell phone on your person you could get it taken away.

Edit: Yes I can see the harm blocking does to doing research online, but if they give you a machine that plays video games as well as does math for you, which are you going to use first if nobody is looking?


New member
Apr 2, 2010
My school's got a block on pornography and 4chan, but other than that it's pretty free.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
My school's got a block on pornography and 4chan, but other than that it's pretty free.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Eh we had a reasonable ban, I don't remember anything too stupid being banned. However we were allowed to play dota and quake 3 during lunch periods and stuff.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
When I went to school, so many sites were blocked that many of the sites I used for legitimate research were blocked... but in my last year they removed all of the blocks. Distasteful content was considered a legitimate reason.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Our school's filtering is pretty basic, so I can just get around it by using my laptop and turning off automatically acquired proxy settings.

But yeah, Facebook and The Escapist are blocked, but not Youtube.


New member
May 23, 2010
They've put a block up so that you can't connect to servers or something. So many people were playing WoW and the like.

I hate it 'cause it stops me from getting achievements from Kongregate :mad:


New member
Aug 1, 2009
C2Ultima said:
How many of you attend a high school with internet connectivity with blocks and censors on websites such as (For example) Facebook, YouTube, or this site The Escapist? What are your opinions about it.

I'm in a high school where The Escapist is blocked. I'm using 3G from my phone to connect.
My first year I used OPH crack on an unattended computer, got the adim password and user name, problem solved. I didn't tell anyone the password for 3 years (when passed it down to my younger brother) and didn't raise any suspicion. I even put WC3 and quake3 on a usb drive and played them during lunch break.