Silentpony said:
Like doesn't a sexual fetish usually involve you know, sex?
Well, I think one of the things about fetishes is that they can be very strange and don't necessarily obvious relate to sexual intercourse itself.
I'm going to digress heavily about someone my wife did therapy on, a teen who was scared of needles. To cut the story short, turns out his father was seriously ill, and he associated medical treatment with the fear of his father dying. You can see there's a link there, but neither is it obvious you should be scared of getting a tetanus jab because your dad might die.
So our psychology can form these strange links. And these links can possibly grow.
Imagine at some point back in alernative, pre-internet history porn mags had adverts, but only for gloves. I would be willing to bet you hand / glove fetishes would be massive: because every time porn afficianados indulged in sex, they'd have been seeing gloves. Once the association is created then it also creates a market for it so porn will continue making glove-orientated themes, which other people will pick up and it's self-sustaining.
It could then develop with a life of its own - novelties involving hand/glove fetish as people explore and expand on it, and there are always some people who follow the links, which also get a life of their own. It's not hard to imagine it ending in some weird stuff that some people associate with sex that make absolutely sod all sense to the vast majority of us. But somewhere there will be a whole pathway of associations, some cultural created over time so potentially even the fetishists don't even really understand it, linking back to sex.
So for vore, you could imagine it started with someone having a revelatory sexual experience where their partner bit them (possibly hard). And thus we have the origin of a sex and biting interest. Let it develop and expand, next thing you know someone's fantasising about being eaten.