As someone has probably mentioned before, the relationship system would clearly be messed up, although saying that, lego characters do have that hole in the back in order to stick to their seats. Hmmm ...
But yeah i wouldnt play it, i enjoyed the first Lego Star Wars, missed the second, hated lego Indiana Jones and i was just meh on Lego Batman, and they didnt really need to show any depth, a game like Mass effect that is based off its storyline rather than recognizable characters would take away from Mass Effects meaning.
But yeah i wouldnt play it, i enjoyed the first Lego Star Wars, missed the second, hated lego Indiana Jones and i was just meh on Lego Batman, and they didnt really need to show any depth, a game like Mass effect that is based off its storyline rather than recognizable characters would take away from Mass Effects meaning.