Strategy Gamers please could you spend two minutes to fill this out, I just need to do this for a piece of coursework.
Thank You in advance.1. What age group do you fall under?
Under 16 16-18 19-21 22-25 25-30 30-40 40-45 45+
2. How many hours a week do you spend playing strategy games?
Under 6 6-12 12+
3. Do you prefer graphics or game play?
3.5 Please explain your reasoning
4. How many strategy games do you own?
0 1-2 2-4 5-8 9+
5. Would you say multiplayer is a major selling point in the majority of strategy games?
6. How often do you use mods for strategy games?
Never Sometimes Often
7. Is a dedicated modding community a major selling point for you with strategy games?
7.5 Please explain your reasoning.
8. Is a dedicated modding community a major part of giving the sales of a strategy game a ?wide tail? (continue to sell)?
8.5 Please explain your reasoning.
9. Have you ever contributed to a modding team?
10. What kind of games would you like to see more of in the strategy game market?