Racists boycott Thor movie because of Idris Elba playing a god


New member
Oct 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure that it's never mentioned in the Eddas or Heimskringla whether or not Heimdall is black. I'm fairly certain that Snorri Sturulson was more concerned with tracing the actually important parts of the story.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
These are the kind of people who give Germanic neo-paganism a bad name, dammit! I'm not a neo-pagan myself, but I'm fond of the archetypes and the stupid racist factors of the sects ruin it for the rest of us reasonable folk.

Besides, given the mythology these beings are drawn from, they aren't even human to begin with! Also, I second Blind marskman's post.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Ok the CCC are tards for making this a racist issue, hollywood are tards for adding a black man to every movie just to show they aint racist, but...

Imagine the outcry from black groups if an African Deity was played by a white man, and they would call that racist too.

IMO Edward James Olmos has it right...the only Race is the Human Race

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
Wait, Heimdall's in this movie?! That's awesome. Fuck Thor, Heimdall is far and away my favourite god from Norse mythology. This just made me more excited.

To be technically accurate, he really shouldn't be played by a black man. But hey, I like the actor,and I'm not expecting any level of technical accuracy, so I'm not bothered.

Edit: Just rememberd that Heimdall is known as 'the white god', so this has a level of irony to it. It's also still flat out wrong.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
It's called Color Blind casting- where you care less about the person's race and more about their performance- commonly used in modern interpretations and presentations of Shakespeare.

I mean, hell take the version of 'Much Ado About Nothing' in '93 that starred Denzel Washington who was, essentially, playing an Italian due to the setting of the original play- and the only Black actor in the whole film- but it's not a matter of importance


New member
Aug 3, 2009
It's one thing to say "WTF" at having a black Norse god, but a whole 'nother retarded level to boycott the movie because of and use it as an excuse to spread hate speech.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
icame said:

I am disappoint.

Edit: Uhh... Ok, I can understand claiming Norse God's shouldn't be black because the original God's were all white in the mythology since the culture that believed in them was white. However, the whole "America is European and must protect it's European genes" is so many levels of stupid I can't even think.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
I dont see whats wrong with this atall, Marvel is using the mythology as their own separate intellectual property, so it wouldnt even matter if one of the gods happened to be black.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
TheHecatomb said:
Well man has always created God in his image, ancient Northern mythology surely was no exception.

And to be honest the only reason I can imagine why they'd pick a mixed cast is obsessive political correctness. It's like that fuss about black Hobbits. It has nothing to do with racism, it's just about the industry being terrified of the rage of a pathetic group of misinformed people who are blindly obsessed with being discriminated.
Couldnt have said it better my self.

Nocturnal Gentleman

New member
Mar 12, 2010
I don't really see why this matters in any way. They're making the movie on a marvel comic not the actual mythology. Since the comic is so loosely based on the real deal who cares what actors they choose? Honestly I'd find the movie much more entertaining if they stuck with the alien idea and even make them talk in an inhuman voice and language. It would also be funny if their skin tones were all fabrications and they were all naturally a weird color like blue.

Also, would people actually read the article. This is not about the casting choice of Thor.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Racist racists are racist. While Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Eh, I'm not surprised or upset that a bunch of racist pricks got upset because a black dude is playing a character in a movie adapted from a comic book based off a religion that came about in Scandinavia. If they're upsetting the bigoted people, then they're doing something right. And I'm guessing that God (also known as Morgan Freeman) isn't to happy with their white supremacist views.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Refraining from putting meme of a pic with a little black kid with the subtitle "That's Racist!"

Those guys are jerks. Their motivations are completely racist.

But I will say that the casting of a black guy to play a deity from Nordic mythology, who is portrayed in woodcuts as white, and whose comic book persona was white, does seem to be a bit of a "I bet this'll stir things up," hire.

I'm not upset by it, but it just seems weird.

Unlike the author, I'll refrain from describing his character or any part of the movie as "awesome" or "not awesome" until I've actually seen the film. That being said, my butt will be in a seat opening weekend. I loved Thor as a kid.

And I'd also like to say, even as a hetero male, that while I think it's an odd casting decision (at the moment... might change my mind once I've seen it), that Idris Elba is still a handsome, handsome man.

... no homo.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
tbh i didnt read all of the original post but thats because its so biased, automatically calling them racist isnt helping your arguement. Greek gods were white, why hate people how ask why the actor isnt? Although to boycott seems extreme.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
TheHecatomb said:
Well man has always created God in his image, ancient Northern mythology surely was no exception.

And to be honest the only reason I can imagine why they'd pick a mixed cast is obsessive political correctness. It's like that fuss about black Hobbits. It has nothing to do with racism, it's just about the industry being terrified of the rage of a pathetic group of misinformed people who are blindly obsessed with being discriminated.
I do agree that a director should get the actors that make the most sense for the roles. If a gay man makes the most sense, yeah, make him a gay guy. In this case, I think it would make the most sense that the Norse god's are white since the vast majority of the people that believed in them didn't even KNOW that black people existed.

Though you got to admit that "American is European and must protect it's European heritage" is all sorts of levels of stupid.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
icame said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
Heimdall was called the whitest of the gods. Why the hell should he be portrayed as black?

It just doesn't make sense
I'll repeat a previous post.

Do you not follow the comics or the info about the movie?The Marvel characters are not gods.They are beings from another realm/planet who came to Earth.They happened to end up in the Nordic regions, and because they were more advanced, they were seen as gods.They are not human, nor do they hail from Earth.Their skintone means nothing
Right, so they were worshiped as gods? Which means they are still the gods from Mythology, Marvel just explains their existance for that universe, they still fill the same role as they do here in the real world as they did in the Marvel universe, so they should still follow the same lore set forth by the Norse legends.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
MrFluffy-X said:
tbh i didnt read all of the original post but thats because its so biased, automatically calling them racist isnt helping your arguement. Greek gods were white, why hate people how ask why the actor isnt? Although to boycott seems extreme.
Thor wasn't a Greek god.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
...Aren't people of Nordic descent...white?
So wouldn't it stand that their gods, created in their own image, be white?

I mean, I'm all for equal rights and all, but the thing is, the nordic Gods were white! Yet, Escapist made a big fuss about non-white Hobbits, claiming that since the Hobbits were based in Scandinavia, they should stay mainly white. Make up your minds guys: Do we mess with the canon to be politically correct, or do we allow black characters to be portrayed by black actors and white characters to be portrayed by white characters?

Now these guys are definitely handling it the wrong way, but really, they have a point.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
What! A black person in a movie playing a god!
Since when have black people been allowed in movies, or been regarded as no different from the rest of us and therefore equal. Also how long have pictures been moving for?


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Iv looked at their site. its quite a laugh. Id advise you all come see it. its pretty funny.

OT: He's a god. more importantly, as the Director, its his movie. he can do whatever the hell he wants too do with it. you have no idea what his skin color would be. so Shaddup.