
New member
Sep 12, 2010
Worgen said:
I never give up, I never surrender, hell in league of legends I have only voted to surrender once in over 300 games and that was because we lost 2 people early on and our enemy team sucked at pushing but we couldnt out fight the 2 extra chars in big fights
I hate surrendering to :| I only throw in the towel when they are clearly stomping us but will not push the nexus, because they are farming kills.

I hate people who give up once they are being forced to realize they aren't great. Fighting superior enemies is the only way to become stronger.

Your friends a coward. No offense.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
i've never ragequit because of people, but the Shitty servers for CoD:MW2 pissed me off to no end, i can't count how many times the servers would lag on me, often i'd get stuck in doors, and get killed because i was trapped in an infinite loop, running backwards and forewards through the door, or empty an entire clip into an enemy's face, only to get killed by him because the lag was so bad i was shooting at where he HAD been and he was already behind me.

so i just yelled out What the FUCK and left, never touched another Call of Duty game after that.

i've been tempted to quit in GTA before because some assholes take every little thing personally, or camp near the helicopters and blow them up, like this one person (i actually think i made him ragequit instead), who followed anyone in a helicopter around and shot at them, (i just wanted to dick around) and the moment i showed him who was the boss (IE: Blew his ass out of the sky) he decided to spend the rest of the game hunting me down, no matter where i was, i could understand the first time, but he must have been some pissed, because he spawn camped my ass, probably killed me about twenty times, ran me over with cars, shot me, and even resorted to hunting me down with a helicopter, and i've been trying to defend myself from him too, the last time he was so obsessed with getting me i was actually able to lure him into a trap, he crashes his hellicopter, i take off into cover, i shot him down, he quits the game, it's funny to see how people take being put in their place, ragequitters are a prime example of that, because they obviously cant cope with losing a match in an online game, imagine how they'll react to losing a girlfriend, not getting a job and so on, besides, every time i lose it forces me to reevaluate my strategies, which is healthy

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I used to get annoyed by players that ragequit, but I've learned to look at it as a positive experience; if I'm beating my opponent so badly that he ragequits before I can finish him, my skills must be improving. After all, they would have stayed if they thought they had a chance to turn it in their favor, right?

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I only rage quit when I can't do a thing to the enemy team while they kill the crap out of me. It happens a lot in BFBC2, especially the snowy maps.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
There's been a lot of ragequits lately in TF2, for obvious reasons. It's funny though, because after some of them leave, we would win the match.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
This guy sounds like a massive douchebag.
And the kind of guy that I LOVE to make rage quit when playing MW2.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Well really your asking more then one question but I'll give one answer...he's sounds pretty douche to me.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I don't tend to rage quit because of the joy one gets from finally recovering, or killing the guy who is dominating you. It has its place though, lets face it it is hillarious to cause rage quits!

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
The only time I rage quit is when I'm already in a bad mood and I just cannot be bothered to carry on playing.

For instance, having a fairly bad day, decide to play some CoD4 to blow off some steam. Entire server is filled with guys using grenade launchers. play for 5 minutes, "No, fuck it, I can't handle this right now.".

Went and played Mario Sunshine XD

I love causing rage quits just through being persistent. Repeatedly stabbing someone who's acting cocky over chat in any game :D


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Erock10 said:
yes i am the rage quit guy off of rooster teeth XD
Pfft, no. LtmKilla always promotes excellent grammar, YOU MOTHER #####!!!
And he's got some damn taste of wittiness when it comes to insults...

All in good fun, now. Don't take it harshly.

OT; You do realize there's a fun video series of rage quitting? Youtube it :p.

Personally, more often than not do I NOT ragequit, but I'll curse throughout the game a lot. Especially when I die in a manner I find unjust... Which is kind of, 60% of the time.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
I don't RAGEQUIT, I *getsannoyed* quit.

And even then, only in COD when some [REDACTED] has gotten 4 chopper-gunners in a row and I'm sick of spawning onto 12 or so bullets.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I'm infinately patient on my own and try to have fun whatever happens but if the team I'm in is obviously so fail it's completely beyond redemption then I'll bail or go off and just get kills.

Back when I played WOW one time in WSG I was on my rogue and a twinked up shadow priest was graveyard farming everyone, I spawned stealthed and managed to kill her before the other team could get to me. They basically put all thier eggs in one basket and we were able to 2-3 them which was cool. I tend to judge the situations as they come.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
demoman_chaos said:
I only ever played Total War online. Whenever I was on the receiving end of a severe arse kicking, I'd say screw it and banzai all my dudes (even my archers) into the nearest enemy. Better to go out in a blaze of glory than to retreat like a coward. I know there is an admit defeat button, but tis not as fun as yelling in the mic/typing in the chat box "BLUBLUBLUBLUBLUBLUBLBULUB" as you charge all your goons to their doom.
That's pretty hilarious, I'd love to be on the receiving end of that.

OT I'm quite prone to rage quits [especially on cod] not because I'm losing, but because you have one of those games where nothing, and I mean nothing goes right, run around with assault rifle? Get sniped. Snipe back? Get stabbed. Getting stabbed loads? Well there's nothing you can do against that arsehole strategy, since people running at you with marathon seem to be made out of titanium or something.

Another thing that will make me rage isn't losing, but losing because my team has the collective IQ of a piece of wet cardboard. The main things they do in Cod is;
Camp out, in capture the flag / sabotage.
Run around trying to quick scope and getting destroyed by someone who isn't a complete tool, and fuelling their killstreaks.
Doing everything in their power to not get the objective.

Quitting early
Taking the power weapons and running away, instead of waiting for the banshee / tank to come along and annihilate us.

Things like that would make me rage, but just losing? No. Your friend sounds like the worst human you could find online. Defeat makes us stronger.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
What I hate is when people who quit during FIFA. I mean seriously, so many people on that game quit when you start beating them too badly. It becomes an art trying to win, but not win so badly that they quit.

In team games it isn't as bad, since they can get replaced by someone else and the match goes on, but in one on one competition it's infuriating. Plus, if you never play against someone better than you, you can't improve, so what is the point? I'd quite like to visit the houses of everyone who quits and destroy their Xbox 360 for being a massive douche.

Plus, in FIFA the achievements are fucked up because they don't count disconnects, The achievement of playing 100 games online took me 130 games, because there were about 30 disconnects. Plus, the achievement of winning five games in a row is almost impossible, because it resets if someone quits on you. I had 6 matches in a row the other day, but because on of them quit before the match finished I didn't get the achievement.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
ilovemyLunchbox said:
A friend of mine has recently gotten a knuckle tattoo. For anyone who isn't already aware, knuckle tattoos are the finishing touches on any loser's desire to make himself unemployable. They typically consist of eight letters, but they invariably read "IM STUPID" no matter what is actually written there.

Now, this friend of mine considers himself a professional gamer. His Gamertag consists of annoying characters that signify his relationship with other players who are on his team. He studies the maps of whatever game he's working on. His K/D spread is always at least 2:1 no matter what game he's playing. He has never made a single cent off of this profession. He is terrible at any game that is objective-based rather than straight Deathmatch. He does not concern himself with taking out large, difficult enemies that only count as one kill. He only ever uses sniper rifles. He never loses.

Why does he never lose? He never finishes a game he can't win.

This man employs the art of Ragequitting to a ludicrous extent. I have never seen such pride in one's tendency to run away from fights. He believes it's a legitimate strategy used by real gamers who know there is nothing to gain from getting shut out by someone who is better than you. All gain is only achieved by stomping someone who wasn't playing nearly as competitively as you. The game punishes for leaving early? No problem! He unplugs his modem, and no penalty is laid.

And now his knuckles read "RAGE QUIT" (or as we have learned from earlier "IM STUPID," though in his case, I'd argue "AND ALSO A FAG" should be added).

Is this normal? Do people actually think running away from fights you can't win makes you a winner? Do you know anyone else who is this joyless in the act of virtual killing?

You're argument/story was interesting and well written until you threw in some random homophobia. Thanks. Or was that irony?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
What the fuck ... there's more to learn from losing than winning.
Until, of course, you're so badass you almost always win straight up.

So .. RAGE QUIT also reads I AM A NOOB


New member
Jan 8, 2010
otterhead said:
You're argument/story was interesting and well written until you threw in some random homophobia. Thanks. Or was that irony?
It was a joke thrown in by an adult who knows when and when not to take words seriously. I'll get in this argument right now if that's what you want, but you have to be out of your skull to think that was a homophobic remark.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Danceofmasks said:
What the fuck ... there's more to learn from losing than winning.
Until, of course, you're so badass you almost always win straight up.

So .. RAGE QUIT also reads I AM A NOOB
That has eight letters. I smell an idea.