Random BS people say that you get fed up with.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
"I'm entitled to my opinion."

Yes it's true you are entitled to your opinion. What you aren't entitled to is treating your opinion as fact, especially in the face of conflicting empirical evidence.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
"Why do you like anime? It's full of weird japanese stuff."
"Because I'm a normal person."
"America is the greatest country on earth" (I'm saying that one as an American myself)
"Americans are all ignorant retards." (Don't think you're exempt either, dipshit)
"Why are you so different?"
"Why don't you want to do what everyone else does?"
"Why do you think there's no such thing as normal?"

I could go on.


New member
Aug 7, 2010
SadisticFire said:
Pathetic excuses for drugs. "Not being high makes me feel bad" in particular.
And what Solemnwar said, with the addition of men who give too much attention to females for just because they're female.
Also people who just call you a nazi because you believe in Socialism/Eugenics is morally okay, then proceeds to tell you why you're wrong for ten minutes.
Point 1: Whoever is calling you a nazi for being a socialist has no idea about politics, given that the Nazi's were fascists ie. as far right as you could possibly be, whilst socialism is mid left.

Point 2: Eugenics, not only from a moral standpoint, but from a biological and anthropological standpoint, is never acceptable in any way. Anyone who believes otherwise should fall victim to their own ridiculous regimen.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
In advertisements for things like shampoo, deodorant etc. when they use the phrase "revolutionary technology" when describing a new formula. That's not technology, that's chemistry! If it's a new form of application, fine but when it's simply an improvement/change to the chemical compounds, ingredients it's the WRONG term to use.


New member
May 21, 2011
What really annoys me is people who try to defend their skepticism in stuff like global warming/climate change, certain science advancements, etc. b/c "Do you honestly think humans have that big of an effect on anything? You're an idiot!"
It's really annoying. First off, let's just ignore there's 7 billion and more coming people on this planet who have covered entire landscapes with skyscrapers, grocery stores, and airports of concrete, wood, and plastic. Let's ignore that dark grey smoke coming out of things and pretend like releasing that in quantities the Earth has never seen has no effect. If you go to a very polluted city actually it feels hotter until the smog clears then it's cool again. It's very interesting actually. It's just annoying. It shows a pathetic ignorance covered up by pathetic excuses. Will the Earth bounce back from us? Sure, it will. The movement is to save us really not the Earth.


New member
May 20, 2009
ToxicOranges said:
SadisticFire said:
Pathetic excuses for drugs. "Not being high makes me feel bad" in particular.
And what Solemnwar said, with the addition of men who give too much attention to females for just because they're female.
Also people who just call you a nazi because you believe in Socialism/Eugenics is morally okay, then proceeds to tell you why you're wrong for ten minutes.
Point 1: Whoever is calling you a nazi for being a socialist has no idea about politics, given that the Nazi's were fascists
nazi means "national socialist german workers party" granted hitler changed a lot of the doctrine of the party to a more facist one yet some of his policies were still based on socialism so i can see where they are coming from. If anything they should be calling you a marxist not a nazi


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Adverts on TV where they name random chemicals that are in their product that 95% of people aren't going to know shit about, simply to make it sound complicated and hi-tech.

Misuse of the word "organic" to mean "natural".

When people tell that BS story about a pet snake who keeps getting found laying alongside the owner at night, because it's "checking their size to see if it can eat them".

"A weight of 1kg" - no, it's a mass of 1kg, weight is measured in Newtons.

How schools tell you early on that there's only 3 states of matter, or that there's only 3 subatomic particles, only to be massively wrong later.

And whilst I'm sure many people will disagree: Music is nothing more than a sound. I'm sick of people telling me that it's some transcendental thing that goes beyond any other stimulus. Sure it can invoke emotion, but it can always be outmatched by other things that use more than just sound (i.e. a movie) to move you.


New member
Oct 27, 2012
moggett88 said:
thethird0611 said:
moggett88 said:
Chemical123 said:
People only used 5% of their brains and geniuses are people who can tap into all of 100%. In that case, why are headshots so damn deadly? If we are only using a small percentage of our brains then we can lose most of it and be perfectly fine.
This. People dont understand that it means you use a small percentage of your brain at a time, not just that you only use one corner. You use your whole brain, with each part corresponding to a different function. If you used 100% of it at once you would likely have a massive seizure and die.

Also, that religion is the cause of all conflict. This is wrong - people are. Theyd find something to kill each other for even without religion.
Actually, in Neuro Psychology, we were told about this and it was debunked to us. That quote was made some years ago, and people just accepted it, but we use a large chunk of our brain constantly, whether it be sending out data or receiving it.

Just think to, we are nearly constantly breathing, seeing, hearing, feeling, moving, thinking, and other things, as well as the having the small processes like our noses stopping dust from getting in happening.
...isnt that what I said? That you may not use the whole thing at once, but you use all the different regions at different times?
Actually you are all pretty much just wrong on this.
No you don't use all your brain at one time, but all of it is active in some way or another.

The 'you only use 5% of your brain' thing is, partially, true, in that only around 5-10% of your brain (varies on age etc. etc.) is actually made up of neurones, i.e. the nerve cells you actually use to think and which carry out the other neurological functions of the brain (movement, coordination, speech, visual processing etc. ad nauseam.) The rest of the volume of your brain is made up of the cells that support them, provide them with nutrition, make up the blood brain barrier etc. etc. These aren't used to think as they are not neurones but are still important for basic functioning.

As for loss of brain and continuing to function... You can lose 1/2 your brain and live, or <0.01% of your brain and rapidly die. It entirely depends on location. In the end any significant loss will lead to a deficit, whether it is immediately obvious or not.

Sources: Medical degrees.
Feb 22, 2009
'Whether you agree with them or not, you've got to admire their conviction/courage/willpower/ability.'

No. No I do not. I'm not going to admire a serial killer because they're really good at it or really committed to the cause of stabbing people, am I? If I don't respect what a person's doing, I'm not under any obligation to admire their skill in doing so.

I'm convinced no-one who says this actually means it, though. What they mean is 'I do agree with them, and fuck off you're not allowed to disagree with my opinions.' It's never someone who is anti-whatever-that-person-did saying this shit, after all.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
bojackx said:
Misuse of the word "organic" to mean "natural".

"A weight of 1kg" - no, it's a mass of 1kg, weight is measured in Newtons.

How schools tell you early on that there's only 3 states of matter, or that there's only 3 subatomic particles, only to be massively wrong later.
This whole natural/organic thing is bullshit anyway. Because you know what else is natural? Bears. And bears aren't good for you. It is fun to point out to these people that petrol is organic.

As for the mass/weight thing, in principle I agree with you, but in practice it becomes easier to talk about weight with the average person, even if it's not technically right. Mass is a somewhat nebulous concept to the layman ("It's how much of something there is", "It's a measure of how much something resists motion", etc.).

Basically all of science education is based on lies to children [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie-to-children], which is a shame but at times unavoidable.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I hate when people say ''My X isn't like that'' or some variation when you're having a conversation with them.
I tend to like sharing interesting facts I know when I talk to people(Yeah i'm that guy) and very often when I tell something, mostly when it concerns animals people tend to go ''Oh but my cat isn't like that!'' YES IT IS! It's a universal fact and your cat isn't special.. Or when people do the ''That's not true'' and when you say it is they just continue to say it isn't like that somehow makes it so.

GAH! Now I gotta go punch a tree or something.


New member
May 10, 2008
Using the word "Gimmick"

I went from being amused, to annoyed and now pissed, and possibly later disappointing in some people. :p

Some people might not of heard, the rumble feature in a controller is a gimmick. :p But fans still complained and moaned about wanting it back. -_- http://www.destructoid.com/ps3-rumble-is-all-but-confirmed-sony-finally-implements-a-last-gen-feature-45436.phtml

The feedback is fun for sure, but it is a gimmick.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
For one, people saying, "But it is what it is," after explaining some dick-ish thing that they have done or currently do as if that excuses the dick-ish-ness in any way.

People who insist on using an inaccurate generalization even after they've been shown why it doesn't work.

People who act like all opinions carry equal value in all situations. Example:

1. Some ill-informed douche gives provoking opinion on something controversial like child-raising or religious history.
2. I, as a parent or history teacher respectively, share my knowledge and experience to point out how his perspective might be flawed.
3. SIID dismisses my views outright, with no logical basis, saying something along the lines of "Hey, these are just opinions," implying that his ill-informed opinion is just as good as my significantly better-informed one.
4. I grumble about human stubbornness and idiocy.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
The terms 'Objective fact' and 'Subjective opinion'.

In both of those phrases, one of those words is made redundant by the use of the other. But people have to use their needless words and make their dicks feel big, don't they?


New member
May 10, 2011
TheScottishMexican42 said:
"It was a miracle"

Like "The fact that the pilot landed the plane without wheels is a miracle" or "Do you think the fact you lived was a miracle?" or "This teams victory was a miracle!"


It was the pilot's abilty that landed the plane.
It was the skill of the doctor's that they lived.
It was the team's skill, and teamwork that helped them win.

Not divine fucking intervention.
I don't think you really understand the context the word is usually used in though. Everyday people (not zealots) tend to use the word miracle when skill itself isn't the sole reason. It is used when heavy amounts of coincidence and chance allowed something to happen - not simply when someone did something good.

Most dictionaries today don't define miracle to exclusively mean divine intervention. This is pretty typical as far as your definitions go:

1. A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine.
2. A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment.

So people aren't necessarily using the word incorrectly.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
HHammond said:
Xdeser2 said:
Also, what gets me is when people complain about an emotional outburst from a character. I've never understood the mindset that sates when someone close to a character dies, or when a traumatic event occurs, they can't show any emotion at all. Seems dumb, and completely lacking in empathy, which is pretty much needed when speaking for a character.
Yes! This annoys me. It seems that it's almost impossible to have a "depressed" character who isn't just a grizzle jawed veteran who's stupidly stoic. As soon as you try to show someone reacting realistically to trauma they are deemed "whiny". An example of this that really annoys me is Hope from Final Fantasy XIII, admittedly, yes, perhaps he is a tad too whiny but he's 14! In the space of about 3 hours he is exiled from his home, watches his mum die and is branded a terrorist, I think the resultant freak out is quite understandable!
What really bothered me about Hope is how easily he changed his mind about hating Snow. Honestly, I just wanted some proper drama with murder between playable characters.

Speaking of emotional outburst, or lack thereoff, Cloud's reaction to Aeris's death. (C'mon, this is way too old to be a spoiler!) I recall his words went something like "my mouth's dry, my palms are tingly.." Seriously?! A woman you might be in love with is murdered before your eyes, yet you sound like a hypochondriac talking to his doctor. Still many people call this a great character. Nostalgia is scary.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
People who use the "It's just a word" excuse to use offensive language.

White dude: "Oh, but the n-word is just offensive if I mean offense..."

It makes me tilt.
Why on earth do you want to use words like that!?
Guess what else is just a word? Cephalothorax. It just means what we assign it to mean.
Still don't see you using it.

Maybe that got away from me a little..

Point: If its just a word, lose it from your vocabulary and stop pestering the groups of people hurt by it that you really, really want to use it.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
" I am X " "I worked/have been in the industry for X years " "I have worked in software engineering "

Seriously? The internet stopped believing these stories before it was born. Especialy since there never is any proof following those claims.

Also any kind or form of elitism derived from any kind of statistics be it number of forum posts, K/D ratios etc etc.

No your opinion about game balance is not worth more then that of any other forum user... no, your win ratio does not allow you to decide who should or should not be able to post on a games forum.

You are just another player.. deal with it.