Ranting Thread


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
I wish some plastic packaging without special ziplocks or adhesive strips was easier to tear open by hand.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
LegendaryGamer0 said:
FPLOON said:
Before I could tell you that we are all black as an "necessary" asterisk to the potential mindset that usually would come from a blatant statement like that, we clearly were approaching this conversation from our respected generations, thus leading to some rant-feeling statements without any side really learning anything new, let alone anything that could be consider "old" in or out of context...
I'm replying solely to say, you're black? Not a Wii U Controller?
Yeah and my actual Wii U is black... but, only because it was cheaper than the white Wii U... True story...

(I regret nothing...)


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Wrex Brogan said:
...Gay Sulu. When the original actor and the guy who you're doing it as a 'homage' to says himself that he's uncomfortable with making an established character gay instead of making a new one, you've done fucked up. The most annoying part is the defense of the move, being Pegg (which is REALLY disappointing to me, I LIKE Pegg) saying 'We're all LGBT somewhere' (referring to multiverse theory) which... really misses the point. Shit, by Multiverse theory we've all got a counterpart in the Robot Gorilla Dimension, it's still a ham-fisted move to make a character gay after two movies DESPITE the protests of Takei himself.

Also, the worst part is now I'm going to have to listen to FAAAAAAAR too many people talk about how amazing and awesome this is and how if you don't like it you're homophobic and it's just... fuckin', god dammit. Yes, great, a gay character in a mainstream movie, fantastic, it's still a shitty go at it given they're just slapping homosexuality on him like a fresh coat of paint instead of putting some thought into it and making a new character (heh, 'putting thought' into the new Star Trek. I need to stop having such high hopes for the impossible), that again, the dude they're paying homage to himself disagrees with.

Ah well, not the first time I'm going to be told by straight people what to think about a gay character written by straight people, certainly not the last.
On that same note, I get really annoyed that when you don't like an artistic choice about an existing character, then that means you must be labeled a racist, misogynist, or crybaby. Not liking new Ghostbusters doesn't make you a misogynist. Not liking gay Sulu doesn't make George Takei a homophobe. Playing Grand Theft Auto doesn't make you a psychopath. I once had a professor in school argue that playing a game where you have the option to murder hookers suggests that I have will have problems with women and relationships in life. I was 20. I had never even been on a date and like a lot of young guys, really had no solid ideas about sex whatsoever. (I'm very happily married now, by the way.) My choices and opinions about media don't define me as a person. For example, there's a new Iron Man in the comics: a fifteen year old black girl. That's fine, I guess. Seems weird that she's a teenager, as Iron Man seems like a more world weary, smartest guy in the room type and - what's wrong with you, you racist agist misogynist pig! It's fine, it's fine, I don't even read the comics, I SO don't care. SO YOU DON'T LIKE COMICS. COMICS AREN'T VALID TO YOU?!!! No, I read comics, just not Marvel right now and - DC FANBOY!!!!!


Seeker of Ancient Knowledge
Aug 3, 2011
I really shouldn't go on bout this and just focus on moving on but its late night and these feelings are starting to come to head. Where to begin, this will be a long one. Well sunday of last week, my best friend left me and unadded me from skype which sent me into a huge suicidal depression that put even my stomach in constant pain. During that time, I talked to other friends about how I was feeling and others bout my plans to end it. The worst part is that who I thought to be my best friend seemed to be having so much fun after they left me and it pushed me and further cause I just couldn't understand especially since her boyfriend, who is also supposed to be my friend but guilt tripped me while I was suicidal, treats her like shit and manipulates her anytime things don't go his way yet I am the disposable one. The one friend who was helping me the most during it encouraged me to try to move on from my lost friend and not beg my former best friend back or anything like that. Well the other day, they come back saying they will come back a few months and talk if I would still be willing and being the loser I am, I begged and begged and eventually me and her reconnected and started talking again. It wasn't as much as before but it made me beyond happy again. We talk occasionally every few days for a lil while and it feels good but the time in between can make me anxious and scared as fuck about going back into that one mood which is what I am feeling as of this moment of writing this. They can go days without talking to me and I just don't know where I stand with them since they still haven't re added me on skype so I am scared. I also feel guilty cause I didn't take the advice of the one helping me the most but I couldn't stand that mood anymore and I just wanted her back. So yeah thats me right now. Stuck in this limbo of being happy for a bit and then heavily anxious and afraid after a while of no one talking or not hearing from her


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Parasondox said:
Mild swearing? Da ****!! What is this, an early Netflix Original? Can I at least flash a nip for 2 secs in a non erotic shower scene?

That aside. Bad Customers who commit fraud. *sigh* You know, working in retail you get all sorts of customers. The good, the bad, the picky, the moody, the rude, the sweet, the high, the drunk, the adorable and many many more. The ones I dislike the most? Fraudsters and thieves.

But wait wait wait. I can't accuse them of that, even though they are seen on CCTV stealing a memory card, batteries and a Dyson. Nope, can't confront them. They do it every month and worse is that they return the stolen items with a fake receipt, fake email and demand a cash refund for said stolen items. They even get defensive if we ask to see said receipt in the first place. Once again, we cant accuse them, we can't confront them, we just have to act nice and polite and carry on as normal so trouble isn't caused.

I just do not understand this obsession of lying, stealing and thirst for money that these people didn't earn and aren't theirs. Is it a power thing? Not knowing or seeing the line between right and wrong? Heck, my other anger is I bust my balls and back off working long hours in the early dead morning each day, even a weekend, on minimum wage just so I can be mugged off by fraudsters, who don't just effect the store but my job too. **** them!! Greedy *****!!

Retail is not for me.
Bad customers and fraud is something that I've been worried about. But I've been looking at a possible cause of this behaviour, but I don't have a timeline. US bankruptcy laws stipulate that creditors cant go after a stockholders capital that isn't invested in a company if the initial investment doesn't cover the loss (almost 50% of bankruptcies cover their loss through fire sales and most of the creditors money is recovered so it doesn't happen as much as you think.) If you take most countries in Europe, if the CEO makes a mistake, creditors can go after his stocks and house. In the US, you cant. Both have negative and positive implications, but the most important is that reckless is incentivised in the US because it doesn't cost you anything. You place the risk onto others

I feel that ideal of making others pay is similar to bad customers, taking what they want and not paying its worth (also things like blood diamonds and sweat shops are like this)


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Two songs come to mind:

Firstly, a song about a women telling her rival that her BF will remain faithful. This doesn't work when sung by a girl band, he can't be in a monogamous relationship with all 4 of you at once.

Secondly a song about a woman being lonely. Only, in the clip, there are four dancers, and the dancer lip-synching has a fellow dancer really in her personal space there. She's not particularly alone there.


Feb 9, 2010
I work in a call center so I could fill this thread with rants about the morons I deal with on a daily basis but I'll hold off as I don't really want to be thinking about work on my day off

Something that has been bothering me lately is people claiming they speak for others.Just last week I was watching the news and there was an item about a "pro life" rally.They interviewed one of the organisers who claimed "the people of Ireland have spoken"....

....I'm sorry but did I miss when you were appointed spokesperson for the entire country.Do not fucking presume to speak for me lady.Several thousand people who share your views do not represent the whole population.Given that polls consistently show a high level of support for changes to the abortion laws I think it's pretty clear that the people haven't spoken yet


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Oh man, if I ranted about everything that pisses me off I'd be here all day. So I'll just limit myself to a few things that get under my skin:

-People who never learn from history and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again without any self-awareness.
-People who use religion and their culture as an excuse to be assholes to other people.
-Rabid fans or anything who make the rest of the fandom look bad.

And that's just for starters! But if I go any further I'd probably start swearing like mad...


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
I'm sick and tired of the stupid rhetoric that surrounds political discussions shit-flinging contests online. I'm sick and tired of people being completely okay with casual discrimination because they're completely blind to the issues of others. I'm sick and tired of all of the outright bigotry that has been showing itself in America over the past few months, and the fact that every forum or social media website has been completely overrun by people who have no worries about referring to black people as all sorts of denigrating things and saying that they all deserve to be killed. I'm sick and tired of people who lash out when they're called out on their casual sexism or racism to call their accuser the "REAL" racist/sexist. I'm sick and tired of people who fundamentally don't understand the things they're actually talking about, who try using them as "gotcha!" moments against their ideological opponents. I'm sick and tired of the paranoia that surrounds the idea of gun control and addressing police brutality in the US, when over 600 people have been killed by the police this year alone.

Finally, I'm sick and tired of the fact that I can't come here to have intelligent debates about video games anymore, because every topic has to inevitably tie back to "SJWs" somehow and the population of users here has dropped so significantly that threads which actually interest me die off almost immediately, and every time I look in the forum again I see the same five-ten threads at the top that were there the day before, and the day before that.

EDIT: And yes, I realize that I'm not entirely helping by making my whole post be about political bullshit, but that's the point of ranting. I'm not interested in debating any of these points with anyone who feels personally affronted by anything I've said.

Epyc Wynn

Disobey unethical rules.
Mar 1, 2012

I'll argue anyone who has the balls to hate on this post. Otherwise, that's pretty much all I have to rant on the matter.
Oct 12, 2011
Pushy salespeople. I really hate being pressured and my instinctive reaction to being pressured is to dig in my heels and say "No". Unfortunately, it seems that the salesperson either is unable/unwilling to read the customer and take the hint that the sales pitch isn't working or (and this does seem to be the case waaaaaaay too often) they are under insane pressure from higher-ups to MAKE THE GADDAMN SALE NO MATTER WHAT! DO YOU HEAR ME?!? YOUR JOB IS ON THE LINE AND I WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE IF YOU DON'T MAKE THIS DAMN SALE!!!!!!

In the first instance: Dear salesperson, no means no and you need to shut up now and go away.
In the second instance: Dear boss of the salesperson, FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU SCUM-SUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!

Edit: Full disclaimer: Why yes, I was in a position where I was put under insane pressure from my boss to make upsells and regular sales while working in a call center. And, yes, I still bear a *mild* grudge about it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Terminalchaos said:
Speaking of defending horrible action, I am sick and tired of people doing this for celebrities or certain AAA companies. I don't care how good the movie, game, or the album was, it does not excuse shitty behavior. It's reason why I can't stand Kanye West, nor the people who support him. He's an egoistical assholes who never shuts up, and deludes himself or foolish others in to thinking he's a good person. His material ain't special either, because it always has to be about him. There are plenty of rappers that have surpassed him before or after he showed up: Mike Shinoda, Shing 02, Nujabes (RIP), J Dilla (RIP), Ox, Doujah Raze; I could go on all night.

Side note: Mainstream rap for the most part has gone so far up its ass that the genre thinks it's the hot shit in a non-existent pocket dimension.

Lazy titles in games or movies. Can we stop this now? Hollywood, AAA VG industry, get off your asses and keep away from the remake, reboots, or remakes disguising themselves as rebootsPlus it makes looking for the orginal titles more confusing or bringing it in to conversation.. Especially when your reboot is a franchise that was barely 5 years old at the time. I am looking at you Capcom! That goes triple for EA as well. Rebooting the Need for Speed franchise for some $60 DRM paper weight is the dumbest thing they have ever done. All the more ironic was that spoke person for EA said the reason for the reboot was due to the series "stagnating" and beginning to lose brand recognition. Now not all the of the NFS games were hits, but most were fun or enjoyable. I liked NFS: Rivals (PC version is a travesty though). No, the series is stagnated now by limiting your player base to dumb-asses with too much money or time on their hands. Fuck, pointless reboots!

No more quick cuts or shaky cameras in cinema or straight to video in general. Just because you use this style of camera work does not make your scenes more real or immediate, it makes your film look more rubbish. Remember the days when people kept the camera still for a reason. We are seeing less of the shaky cam nowadays, but it still crops up every now and then. Marvel Studios is guilty of this practice too; see Captain America: Winter Solider & Civil War for proof.

Cartoon Network, make actual cartoons. Not just brainless comedies that insult the target audiences minds (*cough* TeenTitansGo!). Kids are smarter than what you think. Toons with not only humor, but engaging plots and action. We are sorely missing cartoons with decent action these days. Yeah, Disney XD has some, but most of them are either Marvel or Star Wars related. How about some original IP action shows? Where are those? After Legend of Korra's series finale, and the cancellation of Ben 10: Omniverse (thank Christ), the genre just bellied upped and died.