Ray Kurzweil Predicts Human Immortality in 20 Years


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Y'know, if we could even get 30 minutes under water, a lot of people would still be psyched.

He's being overly-optimistic, that much is obvious, but I hope that at least a small part of what he's saying is true.

Dr Ampersand

New member
Jun 27, 2009
Bah, impossible I say but assuming it is true it'll be so fun. The "purists/naturalists" with their EMP devices combatting the "augmented/transhuman". Ill be chilling on the sidelines on a deckchair; a nicely chilled pan galactic gargle blaster in one hand, and a laser pointer that can direct airstrikes of bombs and toxic gas in the other.

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
Christemo said:
would be awesome. then i could experience 2 millenium shifts in my lifetime, if not 3.
Yea sure would be fun to have the same boring routine for the rest of your life, 2k years, you know if you don't really age there is going to be no retirement, your going to working your same damn job for the rest of you life raising your kids that now take 200 years to reach maturity instead of 18. In your tiny apartment cause houses now take up too much space for the population we now have. Yea sounds fun huh.


New member
May 11, 2008
Can I just say. NANO technology?
Seriously, this is almost atomic level. We can barely make things microscopic. Seriously, whilst we may be able to do genetic manipulation, NANO is CENTURIES away.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
dragonsatemymarbles said:
Doug said:
dragonsatemymarbles said:
Also, if you want to stop aging, you'll have to kill off all the free radicals in the body - which are required for certain essential biological processes. Even if they weren't a necessary part of the body's mechanisms, the amount of antioxidants needed to get rid of all those radicals would almost certainly exceed the fatal dose.
From what I understand, it is possible to repair the damaged caused by free radicals - something to do with anti-oxides in plants or something.
I don't think you can actually repair damage due to free radicals, but you can prevent them from damaging cells in the first place using antioxidants. And like I said, too much antioxidant (or indeed any chemical that can be introduced to the body) will do more harm than good.

Not to mention they've been linked to strokes and colon cancer - something to do with the oxidative stress interfering with the body's metabolism.
Hmm... what about RNA interference? Again, not overly familar with these things.

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
DarkLordofDevon said:
Can I just say. NANO technology?
Seriously, this is almost atomic level. We can barely make things microscopic. Seriously, whilst we may be able to do genetic manipulation, NANO is CENTURIES away.
What hole have you been living, we already have nano machines, they just aren't widely used because of high cost and they are still being tested.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
KoreyGM said:
DarkLordofDevon said:
Can I just say. NANO technology?
Seriously, this is almost atomic level. We can barely make things microscopic. Seriously, whilst we may be able to do genetic manipulation, NANO is CENTURIES away.
What hole have you been living, we already have nano machines, they just aren't widely used because of high cost and they are still being tested.
I thought we had micro-machines, not nanomachines - nanostructures, just not robotics.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I'd be up for this completely, nanotechnology could do some amazing things. Just so long as it doesn't go all Von Neumann on us...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
This sounds like the kinda stuff I rant about to my friends as they facepalm.

Yeah, I believe this is true, but first we really need to go more into nanorobotics and looking at the structure of DNA and the way it affects the body, only then I think we will be able to live forever.

Then we can go Terraform Mars and that'll be bitching!


New member
Nov 6, 2006
I was having a conversation about this the other day...

While its all certainly possible with nano-technology, whats fucking scary is the militaries use for nanotechnology.

This from a fucking general in the military!
"We hope to create a cloud of nano-machines that can fly through an enemy encampment, and destroy its infrastructure."

"Those same nano-clouds could get into enemy combatants blood streams, and destroy them from the inside out."

Seriously, that shit is crazy!
So I propose one thing.
Never let the worlds military touch nano-tech unless its actually benefiting humans, and doesn't destroy them! (3 laws, and such)...

The other obvious problem is, by having nano-tech in your body, its going to lead to say, a wi-fi connection between you and your PC, or even between people.
So we are going to go from our standard bacteria/virus/ect which will virtually be wiped out from nano-immune systems, to having actual 'computer virus's screwing us over majorily!

In SG1 there was even that 'race' they proytrayed, where the nano-tech replaced there immune system so completely, that there natural basically got eliminated. Which is a very real possibility... So they would have to have any nano-immune system work with our natural one, or aid it, but not eliminate it. (The hard part is, obviously that our immune system would attack the nano-tech.)


New member
May 11, 2008
KoreyGM said:
DarkLordofDevon said:
Can I just say. NANO technology?
Seriously, this is almost atomic level. We can barely make things microscopic. Seriously, whilst we may be able to do genetic manipulation, NANO is CENTURIES away.
What hole have you been living, we already have nano machines, they just aren't widely used because of high cost and they are still being tested.
Not by the dictionary definition of nano. We're making them small, but not that small.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
while this would be very cool i cant see this happening in our life time or the next 80 generations life times its miles away.

though it would be very cool


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Cajt said:
Fuck yes!

I just hope this isn't another "We'll have flying cars by year 2000!"-thing.
Oh yeah, i loled when i heard that from my mom :D

Sounds completely the same though. I'm betting this guy is probably off by at least 50 years though. Can't say i know anything about this however.

Edit: Hah yeah! XD What if there was some computerised virus created for this new nanotech. Well with every high, comes a low.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Guys, guys it's obvious what we'd do to solve the over-population problem! Have a huge war over oil fought by crazy nano-cyborg humans! Great idea, eh?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
This ssems really cool. Although, how quickly will first-gen nanomachines become "last generation". Like when they first come out, people can sprint for 15 minutes, take four hour dives, etc. But what about the next gen? Will a person eventaully become superman? If so, this is awesome, and yet weird...