

Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Roganzar said:
The best way to go about a Justice League set-up, is to not do another Batman until the Justice League.
I think it will be too late then. We need most of the core JLA team to be successful movie franchise in their own right. Nolan's Batman doesn't fit. Green Lantern was a bomb. Man of Steel out soon, but I fear they will take the wrong message from Nolan. Superman is not Batman. He is not the same character. Don't make him dark. That's Batman's schtick. Superman should be about hope and can do attitude. I hope it isn't too dark, but I think I'm out of luck. I think they even got rid of yellow in the S. :-( Wonderwoman TV wasn't bad though. Didn't make it. DC and JLA have a lot of work to do.

ITMT: I hope the next iteration of film Batman is similar to the TV show and the Arkham video games Batman. Bullet resistant but not proof. Lots of gadgets and comic book style villains. Realistic, but not of this world. Make me believe it with some disbelief. The comic brought to life rather than just to the big screen.

Siberian Relic

New member
Jan 15, 2010
My thoughts on a JLA movie were sparked by the Pixar artist's concept art (apologies for not remembering his name).

First, provide a new take on Batman. Second, for better or worse, Green Lantern has been introduced in film, but I'd recommend reworking him as John Stewart. Third, set this after the release of 'Man of Steel' (not hard, at this point), with Cavill returning to the title role. With the "established core" set, the final step would be using the film to introduce Wonder Woman and the film's antagonists (methinks they could come from WW's rogues gallery). All four coordinate their efforts to stop them and establish a watch tower. Following the inaugural adventure, the presence and actions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern would galvanize other less overt superheroes into prominence, such as Flash, Green Arrow, and Black Canary, and would also garner the attention of a man called John Jones.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
That clip is one of my favorite episodes of the entire Teen Titans series. Heck, I think cutting out Robin's quest makes for a better episode.

God, whatever happened to that show? It rocked! It was well-written, exciting, funny, and had RON PEARLMAN voicing the main villain. Too bad every indication I've gotten is that the actual comic is trash.

Er, also Batman and stuff.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I had a thought...

What about a Nightwing movie, where he is taking about his time as Robin and the adventures he, Batman and a couple of superheroes (Flash and Green Lantern, maybe). The ending would show Nightwing reading Batman's eulogy and donning the mantle.

Introduces Nightwing, Robin, and two DC super heroes they could launch their JLA series.

Though I would love a Captain Marvel movie (I refuse to acknowledge him as 'Shazam'. I get why but I'm still annoyed about it)


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
matrix3509 said:
I am all for a Robin long as their choice for Robin isn't Jason Todd.

Seriously, screw Jason Todd.

EDIT: Fixed mix-up with names.
We could always name him Robin, and that could be the joke.

Oh wait...


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Teen Titans, based off the INSANELY POPULAR cartoon version of the characters, would be a goldmine if done right.

You got basically 'The Breakfast Club' with superpowers and they could use the movies to introduce/hint at elements of the 'Justice League universe'.

Hell, maybe even SET UP things like 'the big bad' being Trigon.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
If Batman absolutely must go silver age with the blue & gray Adam West-style costume in order to make a JLA film, the reins of the full set of lead-in films, including another Bat reboot, should be given to Zack Snyder. He's doing the Supes reboot already and has proven that he can pull that style of teamup movie when he did Watchmen, a movie where there were plenty of analogues for the DC heroes just by virtue of the source's volatile history between Moore and DC. Having a full set of Zack Snyder DC flicks might actually make me at least mildly interested in the characters, like watching an Alex Ross painting come to life.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Robin getting his own movie would be pretty cool. DC's equivalent to Spider-Man? Maybe.

I mean think of all the times Batman was mentioned (not shown or even named, just implied) in the Teen Titans cartoons. So many geek boners. And yes, that cartoon did a good job of not only remaking Robin as a worthy Batman heir--dismantling a lot the awkward issues surrounding his character--but a cool character in his own right.

To say nothing of how well the other Robins are depicted in modern comics, and Dick Grayson's Nightwing being the "Batman for people who hate working with Batman."

Seriously, go for a Robin movie. Get the right people on it and it could be just as big as the Batman himself.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
MorganL4 said:
We will probably see a superman film hit screens in 2014 or 2015 to try to correct the Green Lantern mistake, and actually allow the continuity to take off.
Man of Steel comes out next year, the first trailer came out today...


New member
Dec 12, 2010
I'm sorry, but no. No. I will not accept, nor will I ever accept, Silver Age Batman. For me, a campish Batman just doesn't work. It just doesn't fit. You can twist and turn it all you like, saying that "Oh, but it's canon!", and I will just reply "So is the Clone Saga".
If they make another Batman & Robin-style movie, I will simply not see it. I honestly wish they would write out Robin out of the DC-universe as well. A teen sidekick? A spunky litte whiz-kid that goes "Great Golly, Batman!", that is all Robin will ever be in my eyes, no matter how badass they try to portray him.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Why not make Batman Beyond?
A great idea! However, it is questionable if the audience will "get" it, i.e the ones that haven't seen Batman Beyond before.


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
I personally think that a continuation would work fine but...
... only as a Robin movie. I honestly think there are all kinds of villains that would fit the current dark theme that have yet to be explored (Deathstroke for example) and I love Jason Gordon Levitt. Just rename him Dick Grayson and we're good.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Nolan has stated he'd like to see someone make a spin-off Catwoman movie starring Anne Hathaway and using the Rises version of the character. I'd personally be all for that, I really want to know more about this version of Selina Kyle. On the other hand if they're completely rebooting the franchise it would be weird to have a movie set in the Nolan universe come out after.

As far as reboots go I think we can all agree that we do not under any circumstances need to see Batman's origin story again. What I'd do is stick close to the tone established in the Nolan movies but introduce mild comic booky sci-fi elements similar to what the Avengers had (something Rises already went very close to) so Mr. Freeze could be the villain. Make him like in the animated series, with an appearance modeled on his Arkham City version, taking on a Batman who has been fighting criminals for a while but who hasn't faced a super-villain yet.

Alternatively I would love to see a Batwoman movie, specifically about the Kate Kane Batwoman. And while I know this would never happen, keeping her homosexuality would be awesome- it's high time we had a gay hero in a mainstream tentpole blockbuster and the Batman franchise makes so much money it wouldn't be a financial risk. People would complain, but anything with Bat[noun] in the title is going to make millions of dollars. Step up to the plate Warner.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Realitycrash said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Why not make Batman Beyond?
A great idea! However, it is questionable if the audience will "get" it, i.e the ones that haven't seen Batman Beyond before.
What do they have to "get", exactly? I suppose those of us who have seen it would find it annoying if they rehashed the story in the premiere of Batman Beyond, but the series has a setup that has plenty of potential.

Also, up until the end of Rises, I have always thought that the Nolanverse made enormous amounts of sense simply as the a prequel setting to Beyond...

Edit: After reading the comments on the actual review, apparently there is a script out there for another Batman Beyond movie already.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
rickynumber24 said:
Realitycrash said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Why not make Batman Beyond?
A great idea! However, it is questionable if the audience will "get" it, i.e the ones that haven't seen Batman Beyond before.
What do they have to "get", exactly? I suppose those of us who have seen it would find it annoying if they rehashed the story in the premiere of Batman Beyond, but the series has a setup that has plenty of potential.

Also, up until the end of Rises, I have always thought that the Nolanverse made enormous amounts of sense simply as the a prequel setting to Beyond...

Edit: After reading the comments on the actual review, apparently there is a script out there for another Batman Beyond movie already.
I think that the general public, unaware of Batman Beyond, will see it as a needless moneygrab, and that they won't understand the new villains, etc. Then again, I still hope they make it.


The Butcher On Your Back
Apr 25, 2010
I'd love to see a Robin film, provided it was handled right.

I wish that they'd called Robins character something like Richard Blake, instead of John, only at the end to reveal his birth name was Grayson. He already said he was an orphan, so it's entirely possible that he would take his adoptive parents names (blake) yet records from when he was younger would be in his birth name (grayson).
Yeah, I know that not everyone in the cinema would necessarily know who Dick Grayson is, but outright saying 'I'm Robin!' just felt a bit weak.


New member
May 28, 2009
MovieBob said:

MovieBob lists off a few ways Warner Bros could relaunch the next Batman.

Read Full Article
Don't read this article, huge spoiler on 2nd page Robin section.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
I like the idea of the Justice League leadups just leaving out Batman, and then this new actor in a Batman suit just shows up and it's like, "'Sup. I'm Batman. If you don't already know who I am you've been living under a rock for the last 20 years, and it's none of your damn business where I've been all this time."

That's the benefit of being a big-name superhero, or for that matter a famous character in general. You don't need to rehash his origin story every single time; everyone already knows the big stuff and can pick up the rest as they go along. That's why Arkham Asylum worked so well.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I like how Grant Morrison characterized Batman in the current comics, which is how they should do the next round of Bat-flicks. No more paranoid nutjob grouch, but CRAZY-prepared for every eventuality. Scary to his enemies, loyal to his friends, because he allows himself to have friends. He's the friend you can rely on, a father-figure, and a leader of men. Of BATMEN!!!