Edit: As for the video, the next time I get some pepperoni pizza I will see about putting some marshmallows on it.
Varya said:
I'm sorry, in what universe does that red stuff qualify as liquorice? I know us swedes are the only one who likes the real stuff but you'll never convince me that raspberry candy is liquorice.
I'm guessing you are referring to Twizzlers, because that is what they put on the pizza. But it isn't raspberry, it is strawberry. I know a long time ago, the company that makes Twizzlers branched out with other flavors, but the main flavor has been strawberry.
What they dropped the ball on with this is that liquorice isn't the make or look of the candy, but the flavor. The interesting thing is that I happen to have a giant bag of Twizzlers that I have been eating while watching the video. I looked at the packaging and nowhere on the Twizzlers bag does it say or call it liquorice. That is obviously because liquorice is the name of the original flavor of candy that looks like Twizzlers do now. Because of that, I guess it has gotten twisted into any candy that looks like liquorice is called liquorice.
If you come to America and ask for someone to buy you liquorice, ask for black liquorice, because I believe that is what you consider the real stuff in Sweden.
PhunkyPhazon said:
I have no idea what Swedish liquorice is like, but I can tell you right now that the Twizzler crap is disgusting, at least for me. Everyone else seems to like it for some reason.
Have you ever had black liquorice? That is most likely what "Swedish liquorice" is like. As I point out above, liquorice is the flavor not the actually name of the candy, Twizzlers does not call theirs liquorice, unless you buy the black Twizzlers.
Twizzlers are fine I guess if the person likes strawberry candy flavoring.
Plus, if you ever get to watch any kind of TV program that the setting is the 1940's or farther back in history, when a kid goes to the store and asks for liquorice, it is black. The whole strawberry thing that Twizzlers does, compared to history, is a fairly new thing.