Really Stupid Things You've Heard/Read Someone Say


New member
Jun 21, 2010
solemnwar said:
lol how can they even have 2 million subs when there aren't even 2 million people of earth. next time google it before looking like a complete idiot.
i have seen this before, was it from a youtube vid? (if so which?)

personally i have heard a lot of stupid things heres some from school

(sir holds up map of africa and points to libya)
sir: can anyone tell where this is,
girl: is it britan?
me = ಠ_ಠ
everyone else laughes their asses off

boy: is Neptune still a planet sir?

friend: i wonder if its the same for canadans
friend: but you lose all monumentum on it (meant to say momentum)


New member
Mar 14, 2011
During 9th grade physical science, a teacher related a few of his stories (he said he's actually going to make a book from it, and I don't doubt he'll fill one)

"So, what are we supposed to do during an earthquake while travelling by plane?"

and 5 years has been too long, can't remember the other one XD


New member
Jul 21, 2010
uneek said:
Dangit2019 said:
"One Direction's just like the Beatles, only better!"
One Direction is a group of musicians that revolutionized rock and roll and experimented constantly? Interesting.

"Romeo and Juliet is stupid! Why don't we read Twilight?"
Because it's a literature class?
My response after reading that:



New member
Mar 17, 2011
WaitWHAT said:
Weighing 130 pounds at age 13? I apologize you little twat. You're some fat-assed big fucking dumbass ****? who can't get off his fat shit to answer the doorbell. Your stomach has a larger circumference than a fucking wooly mammoth. You fatass shit, get out of your fucking house and do something with your life besides coming home from school and jacking off, then sitting your ass on the computer all day ignoring your parents and having them bring dinner into you room. You stupid little ******.*
Shut your fucking mouth you fatass pothead. Get the fuck out of our nation, we don't want idiotic shitheads like you fucking up? and polluting our world with your overweight obese sociopath nature. Go to Soviet Russia or whatever the fuck you want, hell, go rot in Australia for all I care and get killed by a poisonous snake. Now GTFO you ******.*

The starred ones were provably written by a 14-year-old who claimed to have military training in "Gorilla warfare", who was more than happy to settle this to 'ur fucking fac' [sic].
Was that from a picture post that called military people welfare queens? I remember somebody saying that they had training in the arts of Gorilla Warfare, and he threatened to cyberstalk and then headshot somebody who didn't agree with his opinion. :D

Anyways, the first time that my nephew drove with his mom, upon getting into the driver's seat, he said "The brake's on the right, right?". Not as idiotic as some other posts here, but it got a good laugh out of me.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Lumber Barber said:
This thread looks more like a bunch of elitist pricks being generally elitist pricks rather than actually discussing stupid things.
Count me in!
Someone once tried to convince me that all these Xbox 720 screenshots. were real. I mean, what the fuck, can't the guy get a little bit more fucking informed? What are worthless piece of subhuman trash he was, obviously it was fucking fan made. Stupid piece of shit thinking it was the new Xbox.
At least it wasn't one girl who I knew. I was in middle school and talking about Metroid Prime was for the gamecube. One girl who saw Drake and Josh said immediatly "Don't you mean a game sphere? Thats a good game right?"

This is a game sphere (What josh is holding):

It does not exist in the real world. Nor does it have the ability to talk to you. Nor does it have games installed on it nor is it given to a person 5 MONTHS BEFORE RELEASE DATE.
Nov 28, 2007
Terminate421 said:
Lumber Barber said:
This thread looks more like a bunch of elitist pricks being generally elitist pricks rather than actually discussing stupid things.
Count me in!
Someone once tried to convince me that all these Xbox 720 screenshots. were real. I mean, what the fuck, can't the guy get a little bit more fucking informed? What are worthless piece of subhuman trash he was, obviously it was fucking fan made. Stupid piece of shit thinking it was the new Xbox.
At least it wasn't one girl who I knew. I was in middle school and talking about Metroid Prime was for the gamecube. One girl who saw Drake and Josh said immediatly "Don't you mean a game sphere? Thats a good game right?"

This is a game sphere (What josh is holding):

It does not exist in the real world. Nor does it have the ability to talk to you. Nor does it have games installed on it nor is it given to a person 5 MONTHS BEFORE RELEASE DATE.
That's actually hilarious. Then again, I've seen quite a few episodes of Drake and Josh (enough to say that Josh Peck is an extremely underrated actor), so maybe that colors my perception a bit.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
thebobmaster said:
Terminate421 said:
Lumber Barber said:
This thread looks more like a bunch of elitist pricks being generally elitist pricks rather than actually discussing stupid things.
Count me in!
Someone once tried to convince me that all these Xbox 720 screenshots. were real. I mean, what the fuck, can't the guy get a little bit more fucking informed? What are worthless piece of subhuman trash he was, obviously it was fucking fan made. Stupid piece of shit thinking it was the new Xbox.
At least it wasn't one girl who I knew. I was in middle school and talking about Metroid Prime was for the gamecube. One girl who saw Drake and Josh said immediatly "Don't you mean a game sphere? Thats a good game right?"

This is a game sphere (What josh is holding):

It does not exist in the real world. Nor does it have the ability to talk to you. Nor does it have games installed on it nor is it given to a person 5 MONTHS BEFORE RELEASE DATE.
That's actually hilarious. Then again, I've seen quite a few episodes of Drake and Josh (enough to say that Josh Peck is an extremely underrated actor), so maybe that colors my perception a bit.
I didn't mind the show, at times it was funny. though to be fair there are times where they could easily make money off of product placement and instead they just parody every single brand by wasting money. Then it annoys me to hear "Pintendo GS" when its clearly a Gameboy Advanced SP.
Nov 28, 2007
Snake Plissken said:
"Anime is good."
While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I must point out that saying all anime is bad is like saying all western cartoons are bad.

Also, check out Naoki Urasawa's "Monster".


New member
Oct 10, 2008
thebobmaster said:
Dangit2019 said:
My English class was full of the stereotypical twi-tard, Bieber-worshiping idiots that people associate with today's youth. Here's a few gems:

"One Direction's just like the Beatles, only better!"

"Romeo and Juliet is stupid! Why don't we read Twilight?"

"Why are we even reading this story? Its all sad and depressing!"

I would go on, but I fear that more quotes would infringe on my fellow Escapists' sanity.
To be fair, I agree with the second quote, minus the Twilight sentiment. Romeo and Juliet was vastly overrated. It's an ephebophile who decides he has found the girl of his dreams a couple of weeks after breaking up with his last girl of his dreams, and eventually killing a man to save her, then killing himself over her corpse. Charming.
That's because you are reading it as a romance story which it isn't. It was written as basically "lol look at how stupid teen romance is" and not as "awww they are so much in love".
Nov 28, 2007
pffh said:
thebobmaster said:
Dangit2019 said:
My English class was full of the stereotypical twi-tard, Bieber-worshiping idiots that people associate with today's youth. Here's a few gems:

"One Direction's just like the Beatles, only better!"

"Romeo and Juliet is stupid! Why don't we read Twilight?"

"Why are we even reading this story? Its all sad and depressing!"

I would go on, but I fear that more quotes would infringe on my fellow Escapists' sanity.
To be fair, I agree with the second quote, minus the Twilight sentiment. Romeo and Juliet was vastly overrated. It's an ephebophile who decides he has found the girl of his dreams a couple of weeks after breaking up with his last girl of his dreams, and eventually killing a man to save her, then killing himself over her corpse. Charming.
That's because you are reading it as a romance story which it isn't. It was written as basically "lol look at how stupid teen romance is" and not as "awww they are so much in love".
Try telling that to my English teacher.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
"Japan's just afraid of us and hates us because we nuked them and they know we can do it again. Damn commies." from a kid in one of my high school math classes. I wanted to slap him across the face so hard.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Snake Plissken said:
"Anime is good."
Now now, I really don't like watching Anime because the art style just makes me cringe. But I'm not gonna call everyone who likes it stupid, because obviously they like it because the art style doesn't make them cringe and they may even like the art style. Or the writing or something like that.

OT: In fucking year 10 english someone asked "What's spelling". Seriously, how can you be that stupid?
Nov 28, 2007
Spot1990 said:
uneek said:
SomeLameStuff said:
'The first 3 Twilight Films are better than the original Star Wars Trilogy' - Mark Kermode

Well, he is entitled to his opinion. But, I do agree that saying it out loud is pretty stupid.
In fairness Kermode takes things in very relative terms. The genre and what the film was actually trying to do is as important to him as the film itself. He absolutely hates Star Wars, thinking it pussified pulp sci-fi (not his exact words).

TBH I think he's giving the director way too much credit. But Kermode at least backs his opinions up.
To quote Roger Ebert, "It's not what the film is about. It's how the film is about it."


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Okay, here's a curve ball for you guys seeing as this is neither intrinsically spoken or written, but may I present this video of an air-headed ditz attempting to play Portal 2.
The original video without the third-party commentary has now been made private. Gee, I wonder why.

Apparently this dumb broad is some sort of internet celebrity, but I'd never heard of her until I stumbled across this video after watching a video posted from the same user during the Tropes v. Women nuclear flame war about sexism that just occurred here. And yes, I'm aware that calling a woman a "dumb broad" is inherently sexist, but hoo-boy does this gal deserve the title. She clearly doesn't know how to think with portals... minus the "with portals" part.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
solemnwar said:
People say dumb things. It happens.

But sometimes they say just mind-bogglingly stupid things that make you stare at them (or the screen) in utter shock and you pray to god they're trolling you. Youtube is a really good hotbed for these I've noticed.

I'm PRETTY damn sure this is a form of trolling as I've seen it more than once now, but here's my contribution:

lol how can they even have 2 million subs when there aren't even 2 million people of earth. next time google it before looking like a complete idiot.

So, Escapist, give me your examples. I want to give myself brain damage from facepalming! It an be online or offline, with friends or complete strangers. Politicians, rednecks, teachers- anyone is fair game.
Did that happen to be a comment on youtube to a CaptainSparkelz video? Because that was going to be what I said...


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Spot1990 said:
thebobmaster said:
Spot1990 said:
uneek said:
SomeLameStuff said:
'The first 3 Twilight Films are better than the original Star Wars Trilogy' - Mark Kermode

Well, he is entitled to his opinion. But, I do agree that saying it out loud is pretty stupid.
In fairness Kermode takes things in very relative terms. The genre and what the film was actually trying to do is as important to him as the film itself. He absolutely hates Star Wars, thinking it pussified pulp sci-fi (not his exact words).

TBH I think he's giving the director way too much credit. But Kermode at least backs his opinions up.
To quote Roger Ebert, "It's not what the film is about. It's how the film is about it."
It's actually why Kermode and Ebert are my favourite critics. I disagree with them a hell of a lot but at the same time movies I like that other critics slate (the remake of Arthur for instance) tend to get good reviews from those two for mostly the same reasons I like them simply because they know you don't measure every film by the same metric. Ebert gave American Reunion 3 out of 4 stars for christ's sake. While our own Movie Bob refused to even review it because of what it's about and the kind of movie it is. They're generally where you should go for slightly offbeat or genre films because they won't automatically slate it just for being the kind of movie it is. Also they make me reconsider movies I hated and even if I still don't like it I come away seeing some merit.
Well, Moviebob did review "That's My Boy" on his column last week saying that while he didn't like it, he thought it was good for what it was. He doesn't dismiss movies, he just chooses which ones he prefers to see. Something he doesn't get to do a lot as a critic.