Really Stupid Things You've Heard/Read Someone Say


New member
Mar 16, 2008
mParadox said:
Oh oh! Here's one! It's a doozy~

In case it gets taken down, here's the text by +IMDb user brian__007:

"Overall, I like "Lord of the Rings." However, I do feel that Tolkien kind of rips off "Harry Potter" in many ways. There are several parallels, such as elves, dwarfs, wizards, goblins, trolls, magic (especially invisibility), etc. Sauron is referred to as ?Dark Lord? just like Voldemort is. There is also the elder white-haired bearded wizard who serves almost as a mentor, Gandalf, who is reminiscent of Dumbledore. Some of the character names are similar, such as Wormtongue as opposed to Wormtail, too. There is even a gigantic spider (Shelob) at the end of "The Two Towers" that reminds one of Aragog from "Chamber of Secrets." I even noticed that the plots of both series begin with the protagonists? birthday. Now I see that Tolkien, this unoriginal bastard, is coming out with "The Hobbit" in December. This would be fine, but why didn't he just write this book first to begin with? I still like "Lord of the Rings," though--don't get me wrong--but I wonder if Tolkien has ever said in interviews whether he borrowed elements from Harry Potter. I?ll be watching the extended DVDs later this week and I think he?s featured on the commentary track, so I look forward to that."

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
- Johnny Bravo
I don't doubt that someone could be this stupid, but I wanted to ask, are you sure it wasn't...a joke? Like someone just pretending to be that stupid? I only ask because...that's just....not right.

OT: Let's see...I won't post the highschool newspaper article that I've posted twice already. People have seen it, know about it, so let's move on.

I'll instead share a gem from my days of retail slavery at the movie gallery.

Phone rings and I pick it up.

Me: Movie Gallery, this is Screamarie, how can I help you?
Woman on the Phone: Yeah what's showing?
Me: the movie theater?
Woman: Yeah.
Me: .....I...don't know....
Woman: (to someone on her end of the line) This lady doesn't know what's showing at the movie theater.
Whoever the fuck she's talking to: That's crazy.
*Phone goes dead*

....Yes, I should know what a business that has no affliation with my own is doing. And just so you know there is only ONE cinema in my town...and guess what's it's called...Cinema 1 & 2...and yes it is in the phone book.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
someone once told me santa claus was middle eastern. he based this on the fact that the guy hung out with jesus.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Lilani said:
"Could of"
"Should of"
"Could care less"
"You times the numbers"

I'd think of more but I'm very sleepy. You get the idea, though. For me, hearing and reading these phrases are worse than nails on a chalkboard.

I got into an argument after telling someone I was an atheist. It wasn't that he was religious, he just likes being on a pedestal about everyone else. He said I was equally as close minded as any religious nut because he said Atheism was a lack of belief in any supreme being, and then extended that to belief in any complex or unexplainable entity out in the universe. I said I didn't have any disbelief on that, and he vehemently claimed that meant I wasn't an atheist.

Oh, and if you ever hear "I'm not racist/sexist but..." prepare to hear something so unimaginably bigoted that it physically injures you.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Screamarie said:
OT: Let's see...I won't post the highschool newspaper article that I've posted twice already. People have seen it, know about it, so let's move on.
I haven't seen it. I wanna see it! D:

Midgeamoo said:
"80GB iPod? Wouldn't that get really heavy if you stored that many songs on it?"
I literally just had an intense physical reaction to how retarded that is. Please tell me you're fictionalizing for something to post. There can't be people like that that aren't filed under some mental condition.


Feb 12, 2009
Every time I see this topic come up, I always remember the go to English class fail: "I'm not UNliterate".


New member
May 10, 2011
"Soda is NOT unhealthy for you"
Any time someone relates a situation in North America to the Nazis or another similar regime.
Both of those are from these forums, the latter happening way too often.

Also: "Evolution did not happen. If evolution occurs why are all the animals still the same? We have never witnessed it."
-Grade 10 religion teacher

Captcha: "no brainer" lol


New member
Dec 22, 2011
CrimsonBlaze said:
IGN's article on why people hate EA, by asking EA why people hate EA.
Yeah that's my vote as well.
Legendsmith said:
"Really Stupid Things You've Heard/Read Someone Say
This was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title.


New member
Oct 6, 2011
In school discussing an upcoming provincial election (Canada)

Teacher: Who would you vote for billy?
Billy: Whichever party is in favour of legalizing marijuana.
Teacher:... Thats a federal issue.
Billy: Then I'm voting federal.

and they say pot has no side effects... ;)


New member
May 20, 2009
Oh dear Lord, these people are just... wow...

OT: Okay, from Year 9 Geography (that's 13-14 year old schooling in the UK)

Teacher: "Okay, lable the countries listed on your map and explain how music effects them" or something.

The countries were Brazil, Canada, The US, and India.

The girl next to me leans over, points to South America, and says "That's the US right?"
I then say "Okay... what about the others?"
She then says that Canada is where the US actually is, that India is South Africa, and that Brazil is China.

I just... I have no words.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I once had a girl ask me what the stock market was. I was dumbfounded. This same girl also asked me when we were going to be able to land on the sun. Oh, and President Obama's 57 states speech.


New member
May 14, 2010
Over heard while at College and while I'm paraphrasing from memory I shit you not how close together these sentences were:

Girl#1: Why are they making us go to class to day? It's way too cold. They should cancel classes for the day.

Girl#2: Totally.

Girl#1: Oh so are you going to (local bar) tonight? (So and so will be there).

Girl#2: Yeah I think we're heading out about ten.

In all fairness it was a cold day with the wind chill dropping it to somewhere around -10 F; but why on God's green earth would you ***** about the cold and then talk about going out after dark in almost the same damn breath? This was when I realized that a college degree was completely fucking useless and had no baring on how actually competent or in any way intelligent a person is.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
EeveeElectro said:
Alternative said:
EeveeElectro said:
Also this girl.
There's no way someone that fucking stupid can function properly.

I started to read through her twitter posts, i have never hated a person that ive never met before except her.

she inspires rage in me like never before, if i ever met her i would kidnap her and torture her to death, slowly.

I thought it was just a troll but she put pictures up of herself in a room covered in Bieber posters and holding the CDs that she's bought.
Either it's a really determined troll, or they're using someone else's pictures. Or seriously that retarded.

Either way, she'd going to be so embarrassed when she looks back on this.
Dear god, these people actually exist. Now we know there is no god. Fucking hell, and the way she badmouths her parents. Wanting them to die because she didn't get the PLATINUM edition? Sounds to me like the little tramp's already entitled enough.

I chose to reply to one of the ****'s posts with this:


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Terminate421 said:
I knew it was that, and I don't say its bad but I'm not buying the game because it has too many protentious followers.
This! Seriously buddy, your coolness won't be negatively affected by buying a bloody videogame (or spelling "pretentious" the right way).


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
OK, so there was this girl at a school I went with, and she was notoriously known for being really stupid. Sometimes I just wish she was trolling, but, well, here it is...

Her: "Whats a Korean?"
Me: *Weird look* "A Korean is someone from Korea..."
Her: "Oh! Like the Japanese are from China"

Her: *Puts her hand up* "Miss, was Jesus at the battle of Hastings?"

Her: *Puts her hand up* "Miss, you know that World War I was fought in Afghanistan" *Entire class stares at her funny* "How did they get there, 'cus they didn't have planes?"

The entire class then preceded to piss themselves each time


New member
Apr 6, 2005
Hmm stupid things I've heard people say....

The American Civil War was fought over slavery.

I want to strangle people I hear say that. Is it so hard to learn a little history?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Simonism451 said:
Terminate421 said:
I knew it was that, and I don't say its bad but I'm not buying the game because it has too many protentious followers.
This! Seriously buddy, your coolness won't be negatively affected by buying a bloody videogame (or spelling "pretentious" the right way).
Its not that at all!

I'm just sick of the constant kind of treatment a game like Amnesia gets. Constant "Its an indie game, its automatically good!" when there are hundreds of other games which could be far better are ignored because they had a publisher involved.

Also, it doesn't help at all when I'm attacked for a typo.