A ridiculously boring summation of a ridiculously boring show. Hey, look at them both as comedy and I have the 2 hours + reading time back!
Pretty much this. I enjoyed the article on the Simpson's a while back particularly for this reason. Mocking an established franchise is perfectly fine. Even the mocking of GFWL. But this article was just done poorly. Some people are taking as a serious account of the pilot episode, adn will refuse to watch it. As a target audience (we're a bunch of geeks. We're (the Escapist) expected to watch things like the cape) doesn't tune in, the show is likely to get canceled before it can get better.Mysnomer said:Yeah, it's weird, normally I do to. But, I dunno, maybe it's because she's picking on a new show, which I feel is unfair. If you go back to stuff that aired years ago, or things that should be evaluated in a vacuum (like a videogame), I think the snark works, because you are mocking a something that is fully realized. It's akin to trading friendly banter with a long time buddy. "Hey, remember that time when you had an episode constructed of nothing but bad cliches because the media watchdogs were on your case?" etc. etc. But in this instance, she's brutally ripping the pilot of a brand new property to shreds. That's more like kicking the crutches out from under the cripple and saying it's his fault he couldn't run away fast enough.Shamus Young said:I love deconstructionist humor so much. This article was tremendous fun.
Post-article fanboy crying was a nice bonus.
In summation: This article feels less like a humorous commentary and more like vicious bullying. But, hey, you're pretty good at this stuff Shamus, why don't you teach her the ropes.
God forbid someone have a different opinion than you. Try getting off the pedastal.HG131 said:No. No. No no no no no no no. Just go watch Firefly. I need only that to dismiss that statement.For.I.Am.Mad said:I liked it. Needs more Keith David and less boring family. And the computer chick needs some more acting lessons but has potential. 'Like, oh my god, I'm acting. Yaaahhhh.'
It'll be interesting to see who likes it and who doesn't. I don't think the over-thinkers of the world will enjoy it.