Recommend a non-violent videogame


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I noticed recently that the vast majority of my games (over 80%) could be easily classified as violent--they are mostly based around killing things with guns, swords, lead pipes &c. My library of books, films, and television has a completely different ratio (almost the opposite). This is an embarrassing result, either for me or for gaming in general.

Thus I want to know if there are any good non-violent games. Let violent games be defined as games that (a) require or encourage the elimination of enemies by physical means (guns, swords, jumping on their heads (that's right, I am classifying the Mario games as violent! Hope you like a challenge) &c.), or (b) involve considerable amounts of blood and gore.

For additional points, recommend a non-violent action game. Let action games be defined as games that (a) give players a large degree of control over a single character, (b) use a first- or third-person camera, and (c) place a large emphasis on movement.

So far, this is what I have come up with:
Machinarium, and other point-and-click games.
TheBIT.TRIP games.
Various platformers, e.g. Canabalt and VVVVVV.

Action games would include:
AaAaAA!!!- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity.
Portal and Portal 2.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and its sequels.

So, any other good non-violent games that I and others should be aware of?


New member
May 5, 2011
Donkey Kong Country for the Wii.

After looking around my room for forty seconds, that's all I got.

The Dreamer

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Audiosurf (unless driving over lights is vehicular homicide),
Tetris (unless wiping out rows of blocks is dismemberment),
Animal Crossing (unless beating people with a surprisingly blunt ax is assault with a deadly weapon),
Racing Games that don't involve shells/lasers/bullets/etc. being thrown at other drivers (Unless the potential for vehicular homicide is as bad as actual vehicular homicide) ,
Super Meat Boy (Well it's violent, but Meat boy himself can't really kill anyone or anything so it's all good),
The Sims (Unless little cartoon smoke fights count as assault with a deadly cloud of smoke),
oh, and those Guitar Hero-esque rhythm games (Unless Singing about blood and gore and bodies hitting the floor is as bad as going out and living it.)

Sorry for taking so many in one fell swoop, but I figured no one will read anyone else's anyway, so if you thought of one of these, go ahead and post it anyway.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Katamari Damacy is non-violent, and it's all bright and sugary and a japanese. Fits all of your guidelines.


New member
May 30, 2011
Boom Blox? if you don't bash the critters. and minecraft played on peaceful. that's all I can come up with off the top of my head that are not mentioned.

Wrath 228

New member
Aug 26, 2010
AlAaraaf74 said:
Animal Crossing. Though, Tom Nook is one of the most evil antagonists ever...
I'm assuming you mean this?

Honestly, I can tell you the only game I have that does not include violence of some sort is Portal 2 and the card/arcade games on my laptop. And Portal 2 is pushing it, if you count AI murder as violence.


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
Well, you could give Child of Eden a shot. I guess it is a rail shooter, but in the context of the game you're purifying the things you shoot of a virus that had infected them. So really, you're not hurting them, you're healing them.

Shaun White Snowboarding (you're just snowboarding), would actually count as an action game by your rules, as would any skating or snowboarding game for that matter.


New member
May 11, 2009
Would racing games count? I wouldn't call most of them violent because there's not a huge incentive to crash into other players (although that does happen accidentally from time to time). And it does seem to fit your definition of "action" game.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Trauma Team! I don't know why I mentioned that, but my friends seem to enjoy it. I think it's just weird.

You could also play online card games and feel like an old person OR a high-roller.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hotel Dusk - You're sort of investigating stuff, and there's off-screen discussed violence, but you don't actually engage in any

Picross 3D - Puzzle game

Any of the Laytons


New member
Oct 17, 2010
If it's just this-gen, I'd suggest Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts'n'Bolts. If you're willing to shop XBLA, I'd suggest the whole series, particularly Banjo-Tooie.

How non-violent? The third game is about driving vehicles from which you can shoot robots with cannons that fire eggs. It's basically Super Mario 64 on crack.

The first two games can kinda sorta be misconstrued as "violent" if you get the whiniest animal-rights-activist pussy you can find to play it, but there's no blood. There's some bits that are kinda gross, though.

Also, they're fun. Just thought I'd bring that up. :)


New member
Sep 27, 2009
All the Guitar Hero/Rock Band games...sports games...Minecraft (potentially)...Minesweeper...technically you can play MMOs without fighting, if you're more interested in the economy than the combat...


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Deus Ex! You can pass through most of the game without hurting anyone if you're careful enough I think (never really tried it myself) . =D Actually, there are probably other stealth games that let you avoid performing any violence. Games like some of the Thief games and Splinter Cell games may apply.

Not action games but older puzzle adventure games such as Gabriel Knight, The Longest Journey, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle are none violent and can be fun.

But still you're right, there should be more big mainstream video games that don't use violence or at least make it optional. Even though I enjoy video games more than movies, there are plenty of mainstream movies that don't rely on violence at all to be entertaining (even if some or many may suck for other reasons.)

You can also play some of the older PC RPGs with being a pacifist. I have a friend who beat Arcanum playing a diplomat character and just having his followers attack but I'm not even sure that is necessarily if you have a stealthy/diplomat character hybrid. I think fallout is possible to win without attacking anyone. Not fallout 2 though because it has a forced fight at the end. Also, Planescape: torment but I think a few fights are mandatory. But everything else can be avoided with the right dialogue choices or using sneaking abilities I think.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Minecraft. Creeper-exploding doesn't count as violent, right?

But seriously, go make cool shit in that game. Now.