NiPah said:
This does seem to have the stink of "fall guy" written all over it doesn't it? Closing a branch office and firing lots of people seems to benefit the stock holders more then a new CEO.
Just a couple of things:
Reddit isn't a publicly traded company, the people who "own" it are all investors, so they are putting their own money into this and expecting (someday) to get a return on that investment through either going public or through selling Reddit to someone else. Cutting costs isn't really a concern at this point since the company isn't profitable.
As for the "scapegoat" theory - I don't think it's reasonable to believe that this was anyone's intention at the start of this fiasco and there's no doubt in my mind as a long term reddit user that Pao did herself no favors in how she interacted with the community. To put it bluntly - she demonstrated a profound lack of knowledge about not only reddit as a platform (literally showing hundreds of thousands of redditors that she didn't know how to use it) but she also showed zero consideration for the concerns of the community or it's culture.
Very few places that have reported on this seem to understand that there is a huge amount of distrust on behalf of the average reddit user and the moderators (free staff that run the subreddits) and the actual paid reddit employees. This is why when they fired Victoria everyone got upset - because it demonstrated (yet again) that reddit showed absolutely no concern for the mods and forums that relied up Victoria's efforts as well as serving as yet another example of how the company doesn't communicate massive changes to the people who, in all fairness,
actually run reddit.
You see, the administrators that reddit employs merely enforce "site wide" rules (and they do it poorly and unevenly, but that's another subject). The actual day to day content and moderation is provided by users - for free. When all the default subreddits went dark that day, it really drove home the point to reddit as a company that technically they own "nothing" but the platform, which is useless if people don't want to use it. Basically if you are going to treat your unpaid labor as serfs, don't be surprised if they revolt when you continue to abuse them.