Objectable said:
Can we just shut reddit down? Any website that allows this bullshit should not be allowed to exist.
You realize that you're posting a meme. Inside that list is /r/feminism - the default Feminism subreddit and a suicide prevention subreddit. Definitely "bullshit" that should not be allowed to exist, eh??
I think it's also worth putting this entire bullshit drama in perspective.
There are
35 million registered reddit user accounts. The sub that is in that photo has 2,000 subscribers and it gets a new post like maybe once every 3-6 days which is usually somewhere between "hurrrrr derp derp" and "where can i find porn?"
Honestly, banning subs like this is actually harmful to reddit. Places like that sub work as "containment" zones for idiots and edgelords. It gives them a tiny little place where they can act out that is far away from where everyone else is hanging out.
Here's the thing that I think most people fail to understand. In
real society we don't ban speech we find offensive because we know that's not an effective way of dealing with the situation. Instead what we do is we
marginalize it. We push people like the KKK and NAMBLA out of the public square instead of silencing them because we know it's a more effective way to deal with it.
If you ban all of these stupid subs, you're not going to make these people go away or make them stop being shitty. All you're really doing is encouraging them to act out by going to the subs that women frequent and having them act out there.
Don't you think if you could actually change people, like really force them to stop having shitty thoughts, by just telling them to shut up, that we wouldn't have done this eons ago? It just doesn't work that way.