Reggie: Nintendo Doesn't Enjoy Making Mature Games


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I think it's perfectly fine for them to keep doing what they do because they do it well. The shovelware for the system? None of it is made by them (well ok Wii Music was pretty crap). It's not their fault. The only way it is their fault would be for not suddenly adopting strict draconian quality policies that alienate third parties even more. And really, they shouldn't do that. The PS1 had tons of shovelware, so did the PS2. Both did well. The amount of shovelware on a system is not indicative of its quality.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Okay, that's made me have more respect for him. Seriously.

The only problem is that something like more than half of games today are rated M. But I guess I can understand why they wouldn't want to make an M game. That would badly fuck up the image they created with the Wii.

I guess he does have a point, and I'm fine with the titles that Nintendo develops. I'm more interested in seeing a brand new Starfox game on the Wii. You know that console needs it and was made for it.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Demon ID said:
However it would have been nice too have mention of why Nintendo like making shovelware so much, I hate to be that guy but when I read this my mind tends to wander towards the increasing amount of shite I see being released.
They don't. People don't seem to see the difference between a game being made by Nintendo, and one that is just on a Nintendo console.
Nintendo makes quality games, not all will appeal to you (Wiisports/music may not be your cup of tea) but there is effort placed into their games, unlike Random Wiisports Ripoff Minigame Collection #8.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Oh, thank goodness someone pointed out that hardcore games don't mean the same thing as mature... I was beginning to worry that I was going to have to complain to my college education that the developer definition wasn't the same as the player definition.

As I recall being taught:
Hardcore - games with a higher learning curve, lengthier gameplay, higher difficulty, etc.

Casual - games that can be picked up and played without major dedication to learning how to play, games which can be played in short amounts of time and stop playing for even months without losing track of objectives and story, that sort of thing


New member
Feb 23, 2009
If he is speaking of mature in the sense of blood guts and sex then I can completely agree with him. On the other hand if he is speaking of mature in the way that I hope the game industry sees mature then I am saddened.

I don't need the over the top blood and guts of madworld it does not appeal to me. What I want is a game with mature story with characters that have history, feelings, some sort of a story (other then your princess has been kidnapped please save her. What you want to know why a plumber is saving her instead of one of her knights or royal guard??)

Give me some substance. Which is what I am hoping Fragile will deliver a real story.

On another note I can't really think of ever seeing any type of marketing for the games that might actually have a story. Like I just realised that Fragile has been released in North America. Would have been nice to maybe see a commercial or something at least once even the reviews are sparse (only 4 logged in metacritic so far).


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Mabey if they made a system with a chipset and specs from this decade then third paries could port Multiformat titles easier without having to dumb them down. Its all well and good ecouraging devs to work on your system, but by making such an outdated machine (in terms of graphics, memory high def etc) It forces Devs to make a bespoke game for that system, so they either wont bother, or do it on the cheap.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
As long as they keep delivering scores like the Good Egg Galaxy, I could care less.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
And I hope Nintendo never changes.

Because even without the blood, sex and ultra-graphics, Nintendo still makes some of the most fun games out there.
This is true. Despire it not extending to the hardcore gamer demographic. The games they make are still fun, entertaining and a joy to play. I dont like all of them but the ones I do dont really have all that much blood (if any)


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
No one expects you to make mature games, just really good games. Leave the violent and sex themed first person shooters to the 3rd party developers.

My problem with the Wii is that most games belong in the bargain bin and some of the big games turned out to be a big disappointments.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Sir John The Net Knight said:
So according to Reggie Feels-Lame, the best way to support the Wii is to go out and buy the Hannah Montana shovelware that mires it's shelves? And in the process, hope that doing so will cause a timespace anomaly that causes Nintendo 3rd parties to be able to do things with the underpowered system that will appeal to a wider audience that he believes just wants to see flying limbs and blood splatter?

Excuse me while I do two things here. The first, of course, would be to facepalm. And the second would be to point out that it's quite obvious now that Nintendo is getting scared of losing sales because the short term success of the Wii may not be there in a few months.

Knowing actual gamers like I do, the few quality third party titles on the Wii aren't getting ignored. No More Heroes, Okami and Madworld were well received by gamers. Gamers aren't the ones not buying this stuff. It's Nintendo's new causal audience that doesn't buy it because it's an actual game and not some silly balance board game where the snowboard goes right if you lean right.

I hate to break it to Nintendo, but the reason people are flocking to the competition now is because XBox 360 and Playstation 3 are quite obviously doing what Nintendon't.
that is not what he is saying. He is just talking about an obvious business practice.
If your create something and find your customers will buy a particular object, then you will try to create that object to make money. He is saying that if the customers want mature games then they should buy all the mature games thus providing incentive for developers to create mature games for the Wii.

If you and million other people brought Hannah Montana shovelware, that tells the developers that you like that sort of game. So they should then create more to fill that need and make money.

He is just talking about a really common business practice.

Dark Angel Warlord

New member
Mar 20, 2010
that dont make sense cuz who buys videogames
more and more adults over 21 do
and they want a challanging game
they dont want cutisy cartoons
they want to destroy blow up stuff they want hard core games
not everyone wants to play pokemon forever
they need to expand their customer base
thats why playstation and xbox have more customers

give the customer what he or she wants and they will come to you

the possiblities are endless and they dont have to be blood and guts and gore
just more adult oriented


New member
Oct 30, 2008
WayOutThere said:
Flying-Emu said:
WayOutThere said:
"Nintendo simply doesn't do mature"

Then how about hardcore? I'd settle with that quite nicely.
But what does that mean? Seems to me that the only "hardcore" games are blood-drenched shooters, fighting games, and arcade oldies-but-goodies (I.E. Metal Slug, Contra, etc.).
It's possible to have hardcore games that aren't mature. Think of Mario, Zelda, Kirby etc.
You did not just say that Kirby is hardcore. Kirby was MADE for children and casual gamers.

My point has been made; there is no way to properly define a "hardcore" game because everyone's perceptions thereof are completely different. You want to know what I think a hardcore game is? Contra. Battletoads. Civilization III. Starcraft. Any game that's impossibly difficult, yet incredibly fun.

Kirby, Mario, and Zelda are all great games; they are not, however, hardcore. In any sense of the word.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Dark Angel Warlord said:
they want to destroy blow up stuff they want hard core games
not everyone wants to play pokemon forever
That's why it sold almost 3.5 million copies. IGN []

Hardcore is not "Blow stuff up." Hardcore is challenge, not gore.