Rejected Xbox Names Revealed in List

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
arc1991 said:
Glad they didn't call it "FACE"...otherwise if i went to a friends I would playing on their FACE...
And if you brought a competing gaming console over to play and stacked it on top of theirs, you'd be putting your Wii on their FACE.

[small]I'm going to Hell for that one.[/small]


New member
Sep 10, 2009
HOLY crap, EACH of those is truly godawfull!!!
Some of them are so bad I want to travel back in time just to punch the people coming up with it... :O


New member
Sep 10, 2009
F said:
These are absolutely dreadful. I can't believe they ever considered using any of these. I mean "Optimal Ozone"? What?

And why are they all short for something. What's wrong with Xbox 3? (other than being close to 360). 720 would be a better name.

Also why is "TSO - Three Six Zero" on the list? I thought naming it Xbox 1 was lazy...but naming it directly after the previous console.

These make WiiU seem like a good idea.

But I wonder now, what does "One" stand for?

EDIT: I do quite like Lex...but not because of what it stands for...for the villain reason.
Read closely, these are considdered names for the *ORIGINAL* XBOX, the one from 12 years or whenever ago...


New member
May 19, 2013
- IS1 (Interactive System In One)
there is already an IS1 and it is a tank going by the name Iossef Stalin One

That would be a very interesting name for a console :)


New member
Apr 16, 2013
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.

I hope so, whoever thought of the calling the TSO needs to be punched. Repeatedly. In the FACE.

Speaking of faces, who would call it the face? I could imagine some awkward conversations coming from that.
"You got a U?! That's it mister, no more face for you!

Or: "we're going to break your face and won't fix it until your grades improve!"

"Hey Steve! Lets go watch porn on your face!""

Captcha: sticky wicket. That is disgusting Captcha.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
This is about the original Xbox. The only thing it does to the One is make the Xbox part of the name look better, as we've already seen less stupid proposals on the Bone front.

mad825 said:
How is "Xbox One" intelligent in any shape or form? The name "Xbox" was a good one compared to those on the list but how they've stretched it out was done very badly and very campy.
Synobal is clearly talking "in comparison."

Headdrivehardscrew said:
Show me the names and faces of the folks responsible for this.
You mean FACEs, right?

Simple Bluff said:
That's odd - they're all acronyms.
They described this as being from the "acronym phase" within the article.

Dango said:
Well I sure am glad they didn't name it the "FACE". I would've actually liked if they named it the E2 (Extreme Experience), sounds like a good time.
arc1991 said:
Glad they didn't call it "FACE"...otherwise if i went to a friends I would playing on their FACE...
FACE would be awesome with Kinect. >.>


New member
Mar 30, 2012
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could HAVE been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
Fixed that for you, pal.

But yeah, all of these are terrible.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
This reminds me of Dilbert. You always present One obviously good choice next to one or more horrible choices. That way the "Boss" thinks he's making a choice when in reality he's just picking the obvious one.

Given that MAX is on top of the list I bet that is the one the dev team wanted him to pick. XBox Max does sound like a final system that will never need to be replaced. Which is the intent of the XBox One. Whoever presented XBox One probably thought it was a clearly stupid choice, and never thought the boss would pick it.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
I'm curious which they'll choose from next. We got TSO and AIO already.

- MAX (Microsoft Action Experience)
- AIO (All In One)
- MIND (Microsoft Interactive Network Device)
- FACE (Full Action Center)
- MITH (Microsoft Interactive Theatre)
- XON (Experience Optimised Network)
- MVPC (Microsoft Virtual Play Center)
- TAC (Total Action Center - discs/games could be called TACs)
- MARC (Microsoft Action Reality Center)
- LEX (Live Entertainment Experience)
- M-PAC (Microsoft Play and Action Center)
- RPM (Real Performance Machine)
- MOX (Microsoft Optimal Experience)
- E2 (Extreme Experience)
- MTG (Microsoft Total Gaming)
- VIP (Virtual Interactive Player)
- PTP or P2P (Powered To Play)
- VIC (Virtual Interactive Center - disks/games could be called VICs)
- MARZ (Microsoft Active Reality Zone)
- TSO (Three, Six, Zero)
- EHQ (Entertainment Headquarters)
- O2 (Optimal Ozone or Optical Odyssey)
- MIC (Microsoft Interactive Center)
- R&R (Reality and Revolution)
- MEA (Microsoft Entertainment Activator)
- AMP (Active Microsoft Player)
- VPS (Virtual Play System)
- MAP (Microsoft Action Play)
- MEGA (Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Attendant or Microsoft Entertainment & Gaming Assembly)
- CPG (CyberPlayGround)
- VERV (Virtual Entertainment & Reality Venture)
- OM (Odyssey of the Mind)
- P2 (PowerPlay)
- IS1 (Interactive System In One)
- MET (Microsoft Entertainment Technology or Microsoft Entertainment Theatre)

I wish I could see their rejected 'car names' from phase 2.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
This is about the original XBOX, not the Xboner.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
rofltehcat said:
Urgh those are horrible... how can they possibly not be able to afford people who can come up with a better name (and avoid stuff like Xbone)?

i'm free, just ask me.. here ya go 'Oracle'

either that or 'Kinkt adapter'

because that's what it is becoming at this point.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
This is the list for the original xbox, nothing to do with the Xbox One.

And why the hell would they take the time to make a fake list like this? What is there to gain?

TL;DR: Stop being so cynical.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Scars Unseen said:
Let's see if we can beat that. I'll start.

-COCK (Community Oriented Creativity Kit)

"Hey Billy, can I cover over and play with your COCK?"

"Sorry, bro. My COCK's got the red ring of death, so I'm waiting for a new one."
But the 360 had the RROD

"Hey Bill can I come over and play with your COCK 360?" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Though the COCK 2 could work.


Dec 24, 2011
Was there a rule that the name had to be some sort of acronym? I hate acronyms, fuck originality let's just string a bunch of stupid words together and take the first letter of each word.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Well it could be worse better.

It could have been called "All-Star Systems"

or "Extreme Game Operator"

or the Systeflasher