Rejected Xbox Names Revealed in List


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I'm calling bullshit here. Microsoft are smart enough not to even THINK about calling it any of those things, especially if it deviated from the Xbox name. I'm going to have to agree this is probably just another terrible PR move by Microsoft.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
That list is pretty sad. I would have liked to have read the non-acronym/initialism list, i.e. the "car name" list instead.

In the other list posted, the name "Utopian Turtletop" really jumped out at me. I think that is a name that is in need of a suitable product.

Though I would say all the selections at least make SOME sense, which is more than I can say for the Wii. Does Wii have a similar longer name that I've never read of? Because it has all the juvenile mockery potential, with none of the misplaced logic of a legitimate acronym as far as I could ever tell.

And then its succeeded by the Wii U, its not even fun to say out loud. You sound like you are making an ambulance noise.

I never had the chance to play one, but Dreamcast...that's how you name a console.

Jaguar always seemed a little "trying to hard" and its the same as a car company.

Neo Geo is fun to say. Turbo Graphix 16 is a little wordy.

But Gameboy? That is perfect. Why Nintendo abandoned the Gameboy name in favor or DS and 3DS is beyond me. I know they stand for Developer System and (i assume) Three Dimensional System, but "Gameboy Duo" and "Gameboy 3D" would probably have sold a bit more initial units.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Wow. That list was just bad. And I thought I was bad with names. But those were bad.

It almost makes the Xbox One sound better by comparison. Almost. That's still a stupid confusing name. And if you're wondering why, notice how many people thought this article was talking about the Xbox One rather than the Xbox. I didn't even realize it till I went back and reread it.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
The fan made xbox infinite logo was so good. Shame Xbox One is a terribly boring name.

It only sounds deep or intelligent to marketing teams.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
You know... the Xbox Max sounds pretty cool. it also sounds likew hat you call the last system oyu make but it sounds better than the xbox one. The acronym sucks, but jsut calling it a max and saying well, we wanted gamers to have the max expereience probably would have made it sound less ridiculous.

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
This isn't for the Xbox One, its for the original Xbox (confusing, i know)


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I'm a fan of "- MEA (Microsoft Entertainment Activator)"

Time to go activate my entertainment!


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
What a terrible list of terrible names. The Xbox was just fine, and it really let them go wild with the design. Too bad that they completely forgot about the whole "let's make it look cool" thing with the latest incarnations.

In fact, what's up with that? Console designs used to be cool. Not NES or Atari... those weren't that cool... but the Xbox, the PS, the Nintendo 64, the Genesis, and even the SNES... all of those had superfluous doodads and shapes to make them look sleek or futuristic. Now it's just "Look at our big black bricks! Don't you just want to play with our big black bricks all night long?"


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Steven Bogos said:
synobal said:
They are just releasing this so they can say "See you think our name is stupid but it could of been so much worse!". I honestly doubt any of that list was ever considered.

TL;DR List is fake, released to make the decision to name it Xbox One seem intelligent.
This isn't for the Xbox One, its for the original Xbox (confusing, i know)
Hey! Let's quote the guy with the exact same response 10 times in the same thread.


Even then, he's still correct. XBox One is a terrible name and this is probably a smokescreen to try and make us stop calling it the XBone or the XBox One Eighty. And if Beyonce at the Superbowl taught us, asking people to stop calling you something or using an unflattering picture of you only makes them do it more.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
synobal said:
Sorry I got confused, I thought they were talking about the Xbox one, not the Xbox, as in the er first xbox. Gods that is confusingly stupid.
Considering the 2nd name is "AIO - All in One", which is the phrase they now use for the XBone, I can't say I blame you. Now we know where that crappy phrase came from, and shows how old it is too :-/


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I know this is about the first xbox (can't call it xbox 1), but now it makes me wonder if the "one" stands for something in the


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I like M.A.X.

It sounds so damn '90s' to me.


Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I wonder if they made up this list just to make Xbox One sound good by comparison. All those acronyms are horrible. Are they telling us they could only thing of ONE name that didn't totally suck?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Yeah, when you think it cant get worse...." AIO (All In One)" imagine having to say that in a covnersation. Xboxaio....

I think the Myth was actually a decent name. not for what it represents, but Xbox Myth kinda sounds alright. much better than Xbone at least. they coudl even run a whole marketing campaign about it being mythical.

Jumwa said:
I mean, everyone acknowledged Wii was a dumb name when it was first unveiled, but you accept it and move on. I knew a girl who was actually named Star Power, which was an incredibly cruel joke by her parents, but you know what? Growing up, nobody even seemed to realize it was odd, because we were familiar with it.

Xbox remains a dumb name that came years too late to even be timely, but we accept it because with time we stop seeing the name, and instead what it represents: the product, the person, the _____.
Wii is still a dumb name. and so is 360 really. Xbox at least made sense. it was a DirectX (engine) box. shortened to X Box, or Xbox.

Simple Bluff said:
That's odd - they're all acronyms. Was it fashionable to do that back then or something? Most of the don't even make sense; the Odyssey of the Mind? The FACE? What?
Xbox is an acronym, sort of. DirectX Box.

CriticalMiss said:
Does anyone find it a bit spooky that one of their original suggestions was 'three, six, zero'?
yeah i didnt miss that one, was like "the hell?"

Frostbyte666 said:
I look at the list and think surely XON (Experience Optimised Network) would be better using the E instead of the xtreme version so we have EON then bung xbox in front of that and you get XBox EON.
we already have a lot of eons
we even got a magazine called EON..... would cause confusion.

Scars Unseen said:
Let's see if we can beat that. I'll start.

-COCK (Community Oriented Creativity Kit)

"Hey Billy, can I cover over and play with your COCK?"

"Sorry, bro. My COCK's got the red ring of death, so I'm waiting for a new one."
the bolded misspellnig made this ten times funnier.

P.S. capcha: Who you gonna call?
Microsoft marketing department....


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
id wish they had named it P2...o the brand confusion there would have been EPIC lol


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I love how they've all got recurring words like 'play', 'interactive' and 'all in one' except for the "OM".

Now I just have this image of a boardroom full of suits spouting these crappy acronyms, with one high-as-balls businessman in the corner going "Wait! I have it! The OM: Odyssey of the Mind!"

Kinda wish they'd called it that now.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Seems like it may be fake if it's referring to the original Xbox. AIO (All In One) and TS0 (Three Six Zero) refer to consoles 2 generations later. So either he's made it up and not realized or Microsoft saved those names and didn't bother brainstorming new ones.

Both could be true...