Report: No Khan in Star Trek Sequel


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Mitchell would be cool, but then Harry Mudd would be fun as well. However he wasn't really a diabolical Villain that's good for a movie. maybe IN the movie, but not the main Antagonist without drastically changing his character.

I suppose Kahn may not have worked since: A) It would be quite obvious, and hard to do better, and B) Kirk hasn't met Kahn in the new Continuity yet. Then again he would be known from the Eugenics Wars so it's not too big an issue.

Man those Eugenics Wars in the 90s were really tough. I'm glad we put that whole sordid mess behind us.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
You didn't give Trelane a snippet of explanation as you did with the rest.

A shame.. personally I'd like a tie in for "Who Mourns for Adonis",m myself, but I understand why Apollo didn't make the cut... BSG played the Greek/Roman tie-ins to death.

Mitchell/Trelane are both likely, as it took Kirk/Spock/McCoy cooperation to beat both of them, like it took to beat Khan in TOS and they will get to play up the new triad without messing with what is arguably the most popular movie in the series.

After further thought, I'm going with Mitchell as my bet. I recall that episode having more crew interaction and more opportunity to show off the Enterprise herself, maybe even with a little CSI thrown in, as opposed to a Trelane taking a few members away from that and toying with them in a fantasyland.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
possibly the ones who captured pike, because then it would make sense for him to be there other than as a force to get kirk into starfleet


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
The "KHAAAAAAN" joke got hijacked by Bill Simmons for the Minnesota Timberwolves' GM David Kahn.

Nerds need to find a new meme that hasn't gone mainstream.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:

Personally i thought the plot of the last star-trek movie was pretty much one of the worst i've ever seen in a movie, sure the production values were high but it got a LOT wrong, not for star-tek but just in terms of being a good and modern Sci-Fi movie. It really left me wanting; apart from Simon Pegg there was no real memorable part of the movie. It was a very flashy void.
I'll agree in that I didn't really like the main plot.
I'm willing to suspend disbelief, but the black hole thing just didn't make any sense. At one point it's a wormhole through time, and then at the end it becomes a simple gravitational well of destruction. Why would Nero's ship be destroyed if we already saw it pass through a black hole before and end up completely unharmed?

However, I was very impressed with the character interactions, and I've really become a fan of Chris Pine in particular after seeing it. That alone was enough to make me like the movie taken as a whole.


New member
May 25, 2010
If Khan were to be in the reboots, the movie would be a rough remake of "Space Seed," not a remake of ST2:WoK, so it could work. That said, I am not a big fan of the reboot because they've turned Scotty into a clown and Bones into an afterthought (and that despite Urban's dead-on Kelley impersonation--the best piece of acting in the film). I really liked "The Devil in the Dark" (Horta) and think that could make for an interesting movie--for about 60 minutes or so, and then they would have to find something else to fight.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
My mind went to Mudd before I even read the article. Gary Mitchell would be pretty cool, but for some reason my mind seriously rushed to Mudd.

We'll just have to see. I'm hoping we'll be surprised.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Maybe Abrahms will use Mudd and make a space orgy Star Trek movie. It would certainly be in line with what he considers to be Star Trek.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Mitchell or the Talosians will work. I'm having trouble seeing Harry Mudd as a central villain (even if indirectly), though.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
I must place my money on Talosians. I mean that it is just so easy. And they do not have to explain the long trip to the galactic barrier (and what that barrier is) or the comedic sty lings of Mudd.

order of probability
Talosians - best case
Horta - an interesting one about weather or not they were a villain and a morality play.
Harry Mudd - slightly more likely then Mitchell.
Gary Mitchell - this kind of story has been done too death.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009

You could not match the suave sexy that is the great Ricardo Montalbán
God rest his soul!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
eh...not sure if any of those sound good but they'll do something with it I suppose
still...nothing like Khaaaaan!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
darthzew said:
My mind went to Mudd before I even read the article. Gary Mitchell would be pretty cool, but for some reason my mind seriously rushed to Mudd.

We'll just have to see. I'm hoping we'll be surprised.
Me too. I picture Simon Baker as a slightly more charismatic reboot.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
It's going to really depend on how "serious" they want the movie to be.

Trelane I'd put at 50/50, he makes for quite a good villain until you find out he's basically a child with godlike powers masquerading as an adult.

Gary Mitchell, if the Star Trek movie is going for a more serious bent I'd go with Mitchell over Trelane. I mean killing your best friend to save your ship and the universe can make for a strong story. Granted, it all depends on how well they write the Kirk/Mitchell relationship and if the two actors can come across as friends.

Talos IV, the upside is that it would make for a really interesting story trying to escape from Psychic beings who want you in their zoo. The only down side is that it all takes place on one planet so there is much for the ship to do.

The Horta, basically would take the idea of the "Alien" movie and turn it on its head. I could see it play out as a Sci-fi Alien suspense movie and then you find out the Horta is only killing out of self-defense. It would take a lot of guts to adapt the original story as is, instead of turning the Horta into the next Xenomorph.

Harry Mudd isn't really a villain, he's basically a two-bit conman who's schemes sweep up the Enterprise. He's not really out to screw over Kirk and company, they're just along for the ride and have to figure a way out of his mess. He's more of a McGuffin than a villain. If it's Harry then on of two things will happen, the movie will be much lighter in tone or they will totally change the character to be more like Doctor Smith from the Lost in Space movie.

If they don't do any radical changes to the characters or story I'd say Mitchell or the Talosians if they were doing a "straight" sci-fi movie. If they were going for slightly siller I'd say Mudd and whatever mess he creates or possibly Trelane.

If they wanted to make the next Star Trek movie something more akin to District 9, I could see the Horta working as the story was originally envisioned.

That's the big question with the new Star Trek Movies right now, what do they want to be?

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
direkiller said:
a-tyipcal plot based around something from the original show

those fuzballs will be the doom of us all
O__O....Not the Tribbles!!!!!

Oh god they multiply faster than rabbits on ecstasy!!

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
I'm still pissed there's no Khan....But maybe it's for the best. I hate when Movies ruin Exceptionally Great Villains...

Venom Anyone?