Report: Only 30 Percent of Marvel/DC Characters Female


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Ogoid said:
Rebel_Raven said:
Ogoid said:
Rebel_Raven said:
I kinda find it, well bullshit, seeing people bring up a genre of a medium (romance) vs the medium (comic books), on another note. May as well say there's plenty of bats in baseball, when there's not a while lot of bats in sports in general, or something like that. It's not a great argument, IMO.
Trashy romance novels are a genre in the medium of books, every bit as superheroes are a genre in the medium of comics.

Equating "comics" to either "superheroes" or "Marvel/DC" shows a woeful lack of knowledge of the medium.
You missed the whole
Kinda surprised it's that high, myself. I'm kinda of an off, and on comic fan.
part of my post, huh? As in not hugely into it? I never claimed to be an expert. Still, hope ya feel better.

I'm aware of more comic brands than Marvel/DC, but honestly, Super Hero is damn near all of them.
Okay, first and foremost I see I obviously came across as more confrontational than I intended, for which I apologize.

My comments about equating comics and superheroes was not directly aimed at you; if anything, it'd be directed at whoever wrote the original piece, and at that particular and - as far as I'm concerned - misguided attitude of taking a genre (a grossly over-represented genre, no arguments here, but a genre nonetheless) for the entirety of a medium.

Case in point, one wouldn't have to look further than more than half of the links in my first post in this thread, and I wouldn't even have to strain myself to throw in some more, even without going into Japanese or European stuff.
It did come across as confrontational, yeah. I apologize, too. No hard feelings here.

Yeah, super hero is so overwhelmingly common in comic books, it's easy to see how it'd be mistaken for the be all, and end all of comics. I'd imagine it's about all people are aware of most of the time. Heck, I scarcely hear of non-super hero stuff, and am guilty of occasionally forgetting there's more out there, myself.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Are superhero comic readers at least 30% female?

Media should mirror its consumer demographics, not world demographics. Take affirmative action for example, you don't require a business in North Dakota to have at least 14% of a minority employed just because the US has that number. You figure out what the demographics are specific to that region and you make it relate.

These businesses are catering art and literature for specific groups of people, the people that buy comics. I don't complain that panty hose companies overwhelmingly cater to women because men don't buy them (in any legitimate number). So I don't care if the crotch is ball-friendly or not because males aren't the target market for the product. There is also no guarantee that making them more female representative would ever increase female purchases to match standard human demographics. This is because women do trend towards different genres of media than males do and comics are typically mostly in the vein of action genres which happens to be one of the least preferred genres for women in other forms of media.

If you want to discuss something that matters, it should be regarding the genres comics portray, not the heroes themselves. It's really weird when everyone assumes that genders are exactly the same in every way when we're clearly a sexually dimorphic species. Men and Women have different tastes. We've evolved that way and that's OK. But we need to get to a point as a species where equality doesn't have to mean lying to ourselves that differences don't exist when they so clearly and measurably day. Our differences should be acknowledged and even celebrated. That's when women are going to be more catered too. Not just giving them male heroes with breasts slapped on like that's enough for them. Not in aggregate.