Repost your first Escapist post!


Stormfather take you!
Nov 10, 2009
This should be fun. Just go to your profile, hit posts, and go to the first page. Open it up on a new tab or something, and either copy/paste it or quote yourself to this thread.

sir.rutthed said:
Reminds me of a poor opening sequence for an overrated anime.
Awesome score=0.
Let's see what happens here.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Strain42 said:
Hey Graham and Paul. J.C. Here :D I can't believe you guys actually did this movie after my e-mail ^^ Awesome work as always, I think this one is officialy my favorite Unskippable now. Keep up the good work
This was on the episode of Unskippable they did for Digital Devil Saga. I was a fan of the show, and a few weeks before that episode came out, when the show was pretty new, I e-mailed them and suggested that opening movie.

I got back an e-mail saying that it was a good idea and that they were also fans of the MegaTen franchise. Couple episodes later, there it was.

I felt pretty good about it lol


New member
May 5, 2011
I can see the attraction for businesses, keeping all useful documents in a place that is always accessible, but see no reason for an individual to use it. Services like Google Docs are getting to be pretty competitive with Microsoft Office. Then again, it all depends on the size of the company. If you're small, then you'd be better off with a non-cloud based service. But most big companies have a dedicated IT department anyway, so why bother?

Personally, I have no need for the cloud; when I need to access something on another computer I'll send it in an email as an attachment or use a usb. And things like Sync in Firefox are ridiculous - who actually uses them?
Sort of suspected it'd be nerdy...but at least it was a well thought out reply.

^-^ I want to see a new user post their first comment in this would break the website from the paradox.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
My very first post was in the March Madness in which Zynga almost won, so it no longer exists. This post was made in regards to a video of Navi saying "Hey listen!" over and over.
Aidinthel said:
I made it through the whole thing. With earphones. Mind you, my ears may have started to bleed around the six-minute mark.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Solaire of Astora said:
I think the most time I've logged on any one game is about 100 hours on Persona 3,
though that's kinda just because of the way the game is built.
Runners up are just about every other RPG I play from Dragon Age to Pokemon.
...And maybe Team Fortress 2.
A thread about games you've played more than any other.

Not too interesting, methinks. It's cool to look back at old posts though.

Melon Hunter

Chief Procrastinator
May 18, 2009
Melon Hunter said:
The colour of my eyes is indeterminate. They don't actually fall into a category, which is pretty cool.
From 'Tell us a random fact about yourself!', all the way back in May 2009. Goodness, that was a long time ago. Also, apparently, I made that one post, and then didn't post again for another two months. Huh.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
DustyDrB said:
Yep, I've played through Dragon Age twice and Mass Effect once (6th playthrough on it so far). Only a few games a year really interest me, so when they come around the anticipation is unbearable.
It was in a thread titled "Mass Effect 2: Anyone Else Going Nuts?"
Ahh, my first Escapist post was me being a Mass Effect fanboy. I'm glad that part of me hasn't changed.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
thelonewolf266 said:
can anyone who said that it won't happen because sony owns blu-ray please provide a link to a web page which has evidence of this cause i thought they just backed blu ray like microsoft backed the HD-DVD if that is the case then they would be incredibly stupid not to use blu ray in the next console as some point have already pointed that games are being made that just don't fit on to a dvd like metal gear solid 4 for example
I am deeply ashamed and apologise profusely for the myriad number of mistakes in that post.It was in a thread about whether or not Microsoft would use Blu-ray in their next console.I would just like to say I approve of this thread as it is interesting and I haven't seen it before. Unlike what appears to be the majority of threads that are just repeats of ones from the day before or even a couple of minutes before.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
knight of some random number said:
I would suggest d gray man it may start out a bit slow and boring but if you give it some time. It becomes quite good with a great story and likeable characters. or if you want to laugh then ghost stories is a good choice I was in hysterics within the first two episodes.

Here's mine, I realise there is a few mistakes such as no caps after a full stop and I will admit that my grammar is anything but perfect, although I do try.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
I know that this belongs somewhere else, but I don't know where. Plus, this is my first post, so please don't be to angry...

I want to enter the Film Festival, but I am a little confused about the Waivers. I have mine completely filled out, but I am a little confused about what I'm supposed to do with it. Do I hold onto it until (On the off chance that I win) they ask for it? Or do I send it to them before I upload the video? And if it is the latter, how do I send it to them?
So old, so naive... I kind of wish there was a Film Festival this year that I could enter... Or last year that I could have entered...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
This isn't my actual first post, it's deleted like everything in the March Mayhem forums.
Nouw said:
GOW is okay but this! Its a whole new level of gore. I'm okay with this as long as it dosen't look real!
Yeah I was pretty immature back then. Let me repeat that, more immature. I don't even know why I added that last exclamation mark.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Looks like my first post was in a "favorite anime" thread.

Leemaster777 said:
I'm also a fan of Death Note, but Excel Saga comes in a fairly close second. Seriously, funniest anime I've ever seen. Oh, and I like both the dubbed and subbed versions of both.
I have since altered my opinion. I like Excel Saga better than Death Note. Pretty sure I wrote that very shortly after seeing Death Note for the first time.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
ruedyn said:
hmmm... I think (after a minutes thought) that I'd tell them to lockdown while I go to tuchunka, get wrex and the other urdnots, and have a truly epic battle. Unless its a space battle ,then just let joker handle it.
This would be on a thread entitled 'What would Sheperd do?'. I gave an idea on how I think Sheperd would handle the Reaper battle. I'm cool with this.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
This was on a topic about if you would be excited if the world ended, or if there was an apocalypse, or something like that.

I dunno. I would feel kinda excited to see maybe a Zombie Apocalypse so that I can see how long I last wielding my steel Fenrir Keyblade I use for cosplay, so why not feel excited about seeing the world turn to shit, the world economy turn to shit, and everything else turn to shit, only to sit in my chair and think "wow, I'm experiencing this? o_O"


New member
Jun 19, 2009
"runescapes not an mmo, its just a game with suck ass graphics and countless hourse of usless grinding"
Not to sure why I was saying that, because it wasn't related to the OP's. I was kind of a tit back then anyways. But its the furthest one I could find.