Research Finds Violent Games Relieve Stress and Depression


New member
May 14, 2010
igissx said:
RangerSERE said:
danpascooch said:
RangerSERE said:
You know what does a better job of that all around? Exercise.
Go post that on the Gold Gym forum, this is the Escapist, it's about gaming.

It's about time someone did this study, I'm sick of games being blamed for all the worlds woes.
Oh the big dick around here has spoken up. Congrats.
Dan does have a point. There is no traces of excersise or physical type of work on the escapist, so talking about excersise is pretty much like talking about snow in a tropical forum...
No you're completely right, i guess all these [] people will have to just continue pretending...just for you.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Texas does it again. Guns make lower crime, violent games result in less crime. (I agree with both statements by the way.)

Texas- Justifying being/playing as a badass on a daily basis.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Frankly these tests never work because they try to generalize.

Yes there are a portion of society that enjoy violent games as a way to de-stress and generally calm down, and it's fair to say a great number of them read the escapist. There's also a load of people who can't deal with it and use it as an excuse/catalyst to do stupid stuff in real life, in between us and them are all the other people.

If you set up a survey to find something you can generally tend to find it. Although this one says stuff I prefer to hear so it must be right. :)

Acton Hank

New member
Nov 19, 2009
"Studies show that violent videogames make people more agressive"
"Studies show that violent videogames don't make people more agressive"
"Studies show that violent videogames relieve stress"

Would you make up your goddamn minds already?!


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Counter-arguments and counter-studies will go back and forth forever about stuff like this. I do fully support these kinds of studies, though.

At the end of the day, blood violence and gore have been part of human entertainment... forever. There have been extremely violent plays in Victorian or other times that used pig's blood to simulate human blood in appearance, for instance. This happened all the time.

Moral Guardians can raise as much noise as they like, but they are misinformed.
I will say that the 'desensitised to violence' arguments are total bullshit, though.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
You know I'm starting to grow tired of all these studies that say either "Video games cause violent behavior!" or "Video games relieve violent behavior!"


New member
Jan 24, 2010
RangerSERE said:
You know what does a better job of that all around? Exercise.

as for the paper i am not suprised i use games to de-stress from uni keep telling my class mates who freak out and wounder why i am not that the best way to blow off stress is to blow a zombies faces off

why a zombie because in most games zombies have no ablity to hide they just run right up to you makes them easyer to hit


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Yeah, I find that violent games tend to make me less stressed. Although free-running in Assassin's Creed (1 and 2) helps as well. Especially if I can sneak up on a guard... Or two. Two's better. :)


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Ive known that for awhile but its going to make the liberals REALLY pissed at Texas now. Not only are people still allowed to play violent video-games but they may actually be beneficial!
Oh whats even MORE interesting, I'm not seeing any bitching about Texas. But whats REALLY going to burn is when a debate starts up and one of the few scientific studies you can use is from Texas, the state you've always berated as being filled with ignorant red necks.

(TA&M Article)


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I've been saying this for years and now finally have some evidence to back up my claim.



New member
Dec 27, 2008
dochmbi said:
103 doesn't seem like a large enough sample size.
"Ferguson cautioned that these results were correlational, however, and more research is needed. However, he suggested that video games could increasingly be used in therapy with young adults and teens. Violent games may help people work through their frustrations with real life and calm down without increasing aggressive behaviors in real life."
Im not trying to be a smart ass or anything
(The guy who made the article for the escapist should prolly have linked up the original website)

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
I think this will be ignored by news stations especially one's that make rash decisions on things they know nothing about (I'm looking at you fox). I think people will still say that violent games lead to crime because criminals get arrested and they will have game consoles (which properly they have bought using money that they got from the crimes) and people will balm the games not his background or people that he befriended or a teenager kills someone and the parents will say we got him a "xbox" when he was 13 then we got him "grand theft auto" when he was 14 and soon he got very violent and wouldn't talk to anyone. they will properly also say he is a single child showing that the parents haven't got experience raising children. but if you think about it he is about to go through puberty and so therefore will be emotionally unstable if he's not talking to you it's either you not trying or something is wrong in his live like he made what you think a friends but actually are bullies or he has done something he feels guilty off. Then stuff like that starts building up then he gets to a point were has tried everything talking to solve the problem fighting someone or getting someone else to help (if murder is his first attempt to solve the problem it's properly something wrong with him not the games he is playing). now he is in a situation were he fells like murder is the only solution so he goes and murders the person(if he gets a gun without you knowing he knows people he shouldn't and if you give him a gun what are you thinking).

I play violent video games all the time and I'm a pacifist so I don't believe in violence as a solution to a problem(I know I posted that in a video game I would still act like a bad-ass if I was the character I'm playing but that's normally because they are in a situation where they need to be violent to live, and I put living above avoiding violence) so I take special offence when they say playing violent video games leads to violence.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I could see using a difficult game as part of anger-management therapy. Set it to 'Dante Must Die' and then help the player learn to cope with the stress that induces, in a controlled, safe setting.


Aug 25, 2008
But you get the idiots saying, "play a violent game, makes you violent", seriously, does our world have to be so hypocritical?

But it is true, i relieve much stress using the force to blow away about 10 Storm Troopers into another 10 Storm Troopers, or driving around on mars and blasting through an EDF building.


Aug 25, 2008
daftalchemist said:
L4D is my stress relief. What could possibly relieve stress better than shooting zombies in the face?
Shooting Transforming robots in the face? XD