Samtemdo8 said:
The first game's remake had Lisa Trevor to make it completely unique to the original version.
I feel RE 2 Remake did not have anything like that.
Lisa Trevor is still in the vein of the original Mr. X. A monster that can't be defeated that shows up at scripted moments. It doesn't really change the RE1 remake that much, it's simply additional content. The Crimson Heads do more to change the gameplay than L.T. does.
In contrast, the RE2 remake changes a lot, in that we're no longer at fixed camera angles, it adds respawning zombies and the ability to mangle them, plus Mr. X. True, Mr. X isn't a new addition per se, but the way he's handled is, considering that he gets to free roam the RPD. It changes the entire feeling of the game from the original in that you've got an enemy constantly stalking you, and you have to plan out your route to account for Mr. X plus the constant zombies.