Resident Evil 5 Coverage Reignites Racism Debate


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Why show non-zombies doing anything? Local flavour? If Capcom wanted to show background events to the main story they could just show African people going about their normal lives. They must know this would kick up a shitstorm.


Aug 3, 2008
In the original games, I'm pretty sure black zombies were twice as hard to kill than white zombies but nobody said that was racist.
Besides, if the game gives the impression of Africans being 'savages' or whatnot, how come no one complained when Code Veronica gave the impression that British people are psychotic?

Miles Tormani

New member
Jul 30, 2008
To counter everyone who said "Read the article again," I read it three times, and I have one thing to say.

How do WE know that these people doing stereotypical "omfg racist" things are NOT infected? Because some shit-brained twat from Eurogamer said so? There's rarely a clear distinction between infected and not infected from what I see, and such was true of RE4 as well. Hell, Leon thought the first Ganado he met was not a human. In the demo of RE5, Chris says, and I quote, "Kirk, the locals are hostile!" even though their behavior at that point is CLEARLY infected.

I know what's going to be said. "Oh, but in the cutscenes they're acting differently from in game!" I agree with that, and, in fact, I should hope so. If the cutscenes all showed the Majini (is that what they're called?) rushing at you, stopping to walk when they reach five feet, declaring that they're about to attack in their native tongue when they're behind Chris or Sheva, or throwing an endless supply of monkey wrenches, they may as well not have cutscenes at all. God forbid Capcom wants to show extra characterization for how far Las Plagas has advanced in ways that that would appear maybe once and not have to code extra AI when they can just make the models move around. Why don't we cut the motorbike scene from Devil May Cry 3, because Dante CLEARLY doesn't use a motorbike as a weapon in game!


New member
Dec 6, 2007
It was fine when the zombies were formerly Rural Spaniards, but now that they're Rural Africans, people are flipping the hell out.

And what's the big problem with Sheva being an English-Speaker? It's a matter of Language, Language Barriers, specifically. If Luis Sera only spoke Spanish, tons of RE4's story would never have happened. For one, Luis and Leon WOULDN'T WORK TOGETHER. It's kind of hard to get a simple job done when you don't speak the same language...and these people want Chris and Sheva to save the world with that kind of issue?


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Wow, this debate should just die off. It's a game, not racist propaganda. So killing white people in like 90% of games is okay, but suddenly, when black people get shot, it's racist? It's a game people, not reality.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Keane Ng said:
Jumplion said:
I just noticed your date of join is September 11.....
Yes, yes it is. There's probably a way to change that, but I honestly think it's kinda funny.
Why is it funny?.You think september 11th was funny,when all those people died..Sick if you ask me.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
I actually kinda agree with the racism thing - I know it's a game and all but the "evil zombies" just look like black people who are starting a riot or uprising (seen them with rakes, staffs and other improvised weapons in videos)
Although the whole part about the black people glaring at you and dragging a woman off is just too far


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Well I hate to tell you this, but there are indeed savages in africa, I know missionaries that have gone there and they have told me of a few stories, like a guy riding his bike got hacked up with a machete because he didn't want to hand his bike over. I know it isn't everywhere, but it does exist unfortunately. By the way, I thought that most Africans were Black? So if you have the game where you are only killing white people in Africa it wouldn't make any sense now would it?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Capcom has pointed out before there's a rainbow of people in Africa, and that there's a rainbow of zombies in the game.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Honestly. Game reviewers are fucking retards just like the people in this thread who find RE5 racist. The exact same things they are talking about happened in RE4 except it wasn't a random white woman it was the president's daughter. You morons are begging to see something racist.

Focus on fucking nazis and the KKK, those are actual real life groups teething with racism. You know what I saw a black man have to stand in line behind a white man in the grocery store to buy his food. RACISM!!!

You are also giving credibly to people who give near perfect scores to bad games, constantly. The reasoning level is just not there and they, on a daily basis, miss the faults in the games they are reviewing.

You fucking monkeys sicken me.

In conclusion, go play RE4, and then shoot yourselves in the head. And again, don't fucking breed, ever.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
The people protesting are the people we should be offended by, they are the ones making colour an issue after all aren't we all just...people?

It's set in africa right? wouldnt it be very wrong to set it in africa and have no black people in it?


New member
Nov 8, 2008
That Dude With A Face said:
Hmmm... Who saw this one comming???

A game where you kill black people in Africa!!! That's just racist. How dare they portrait realistic populations (unlike Far Cry 2 Africa which is filled with white people).
farcry was in South Africia, and I believe most people there are white. It was a british colony.

To the OP, yeah it could be a little racists, but so is every zombie game to an extent, anyhow I don't think the game is that good.
Mar 26, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
That Dude With A Face said:
Hmmm... Who saw this one comming???

A game where you kill black people in Africa!!! That's just racist. How dare they portrait realistic populations (unlike Far Cry 2 Africa which is filled with white people).
They don't even do that, about a quarter of the "zombies" in this game are white, asian, or some other minority. An attempt to appease bleeding hearts that seems to work as well as you'd think it would.
The suspiciously Asian looking zombies that crop up just seem so out of place and make you do a double-take, which kind of ruins the immersion. It would be like taking out the Siberian soldiers in the Tundra level of Goldeneye 64 and all of a sudden coming across an African tribesman. WTF.


All I really do is threadcrap
Mar 27, 2008
Just for kicks, kids:

Notice how in half a dozen posts to this thread, I've never actually said RE5 was racist.

I've merely been pointing out why your various little kneejerk "It's not racist!" statements are flawed. This is really easy because the exact same set of excuses gets posted every single time the question of race in gaming gets brought up at all. Really naive shit like "It's just a game!" or "What about white people?"

-- Alex


New member
Sep 24, 2008
The demented honking will never be appeased. Just ignore them and they'll go away. Oh and people in Australia make sure to get your copy before Micheal Atkinson literally gives birth to a cow.

The less you acknowledge the demented honking the quicker their ADD will kick in and they'll go off to do something else.

Seriously though, its a no win situation. If you treat black people equally, you're a rascist, if you treat them differently, you're even more of a rascist.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Alex_P said:
Just for kicks, kids:

Notice how in half a dozen posts to this thread, I've never actually said RE5 was racist.

I've merely been pointing out why your various little kneejerk "It's not racist!" statements are flawed. This is really easy because the exact same set of excuses gets posted every single time the question of race in gaming gets brought up at all. Really naive shit like "It's just a game!" or "What about white people?"

-- Alex
I especially love the "pretending racism doesn't exist makes it disappear" arguement. Worked for the civil rights movement, right? All those brave people ignoring the messed up way the world was working....oh wait. Stuff didn't change till people stopped ignoring those things.

Or the argument that with racism there are bigger fish to fry. I'll give you people that, but it doesn't mean we should just give a pass to the smaller more insidious and even at times completely untintentional occurrences in this world.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
I pray that other people who have played the demo have seen the white enemies in there along side the black enemies.

carlosvader77 said:
A problem that's as old as society itself. I'm Mexican, so you know all the kinds of racist stereotypes we get...
Ah, you reminded me of when the mayor of Juarez banning the sale of GRAW2 in Mexico because he said that it would make people think that it's a horrible place to live (sorry for you bring Mexican that reminded of that, I feel quite bad now). It's another example of people taking things way too seriously. They're FICTIONAL, f**king get over it!

Chaz D

New member
Feb 1, 2009
When Resident Evil 4 came out, nobody jumped out of their seats for it's racist portrayal of Spanish people.

But, you change the skin colour of the antagonists and suddenly every idiot for a ten-mile raidus is jumping for the hills carrying anti-racism billboards. If anything, this controversy just shows how uncomfortable society is with it's perception of race, and the ridiculous way people still feel apologetic for racial tensions that have only worsened as a result.

Fact is, Resident Evil 5 is set in AFRICA. Africa has a lot of black people in it.

The exact same nonsense about racism came up when 300 was released, with the exact same incredibly obvious explanation.

When we actually start to feel comfortable about racial difference, that's when we stop pointing the finger and realise that things like this mean a lot less than we think.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I like to point out that it is actually the politically correct people who are the rascists in these kinds of situations.

Instead of celebrating our differences AND our similarities, those demented honkers only seek to divide people.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
matrix3509 said:
I like to point out that it is actually the politically correct people who are the rascists in these kinds of situations.

Instead of celebrating our differences AND our similarities, those demented honkers only seek to divide people.
...and I'd like to point out that you're completely missing the point.