Review: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Yeah, but what does the scouter say about his power level?

That aside: this looks like a game I'd enjoy.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
I'll definitely have to get this sometime, probably after the price has come down. I'm a huge sucker for beautiful cutscenes (and beautiful redheads ;D), so this looks awesome.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
What was with the ad on the video that wouldn't go away whenever I clicked it...


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Yes, for once we get a post-apocalyptic world that is not brown, gray, brownish gray or grayish brown // Beauty was ever where and I do agree that you will spend hours just exploring.

I also love the story of 'Into the West' so this game in now on the 'to buy' list.



New member
Apr 28, 2009
I dont get why people keep saying that this game is loosely based on the Chinese Journey to the West. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Chinese story except the head band.

So, a shallow combat, a poor platforming, and littered with technical issues manages to push this game to a 4 star rating? Is the character really THAT well done that can excuse for bad mechanics? I still remain skeptical. I like my action adventure games to at least be fun to play, and then be fun to experience.


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
I genuinely enjoyed the demo and wanted more by the time it ended... Definitely gonna pick this up for rental. I wonder how much developers are affected by people saying "it's a rental game", though.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
Damn, $60? ...Fuck it, I told all my friends when I played the demo "This game is gonna' be awesome, I think it's great.", and now I hear some consensus that it is, and I want to finance that.

But first, I need to get a job. I refuse to work at MacDonald's.

Side Note: Man, I also SO called his name being Monkey. I think it was in the description somewhere, but I didn't read it. And he just... reminded me of a monkey. He was monkey-like, completely. Monkey.


New member
May 3, 2010
I only heard about this game from the advertisements on The Escapist. Didn't think much of it, but after this review I will definitely look into it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Awesome, I especially like the way they show that the vegetation doesn't just refuse to grow when humanity's gone! :p


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2009
Pirate Yoda Online said:
Andy Serkis? Holy shit Monkey is Golum! Awesome :)
I KNOW!! I remember hearing about this game a while back at E3 i think but wasn't really sold on it. But ANDY SERKIS! What can't that man do?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Upon first hearing about this game and seeing some of the trailers for it, I was definitely stoked to play it. However, now hearing about the control issues, I am far, far more hesitant to be so excited for it. Basically, to me, any game with bad, unresponsive controls starts at a 2 out of 10 in opinion score and just goes down from there. I absolutely will not tolerate bad control schemes. If a game is unplayable, there's no point to trying to play it, buy it, or even make it in the first place. Game developers really need to remember to give careful thought and effort to making sure that the controls to any game are, as much as possible, fluid, responsive, and germane to the style, mechanics, and flow of the game. Video games require the gamer to perform actions, and those actions need to be as unimpeded as possible. As a corollary, the difficulty level of a game should never be a result of or contributed from the gamer having to fight shitty controls. Bad controls = 2/10, and it goes down from there for any additional flaws or problems.

To be honest, tech engineers and designers in general really need to learn that a bad UI makes the technology worthless. I don't care how many functions or features something has, if I can't use or access those functions and features because of a bad, clunky, kludgy, unresponsive, confusing UI, then it may as well have nothing at all; in such a case, there was no point in making the device, because it's as if it's not there, and there's no point in me buying it, because it's as if it's not there.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Enslaved looks like a really interesting game, and I've been hankering for a good ole' platformer/action adventure game, so I'll definitely give this a shot some time. I played the demo and it was pretty good, and it's a good change of pace from all the FPSs out there with their brown, muddy visuals.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Review: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Enslaved rises above its flaws to deliver a grand adventure.

Read Full Article
I know you reviewed the 360 version, but I don't suppose you've had any contact with the PS3 version as well? It's only that I played the demo on my PS3, and while I thought it did genuinely look quite good, I thought the framerate was terrible. It could have just been a sub-par demo, but if there's problems with the framerate on the PS3, I would like to know.

Otherwise, this looks like exactly the sort of game I love to play. Intriguing story and/or characters (preferably both, but meh, watcha gonna do?), a stunning, interesting environment to explore, and plenty of platforming. The controls and visuals on the demo I played reminded me a little of both Jak and Daxter and Uncharted, both of which I absolutely adore (although the controls did feel a little clunky). Unfortunately, I just bought Civilization V and I'll be getting New Vegas in... precisely two weeks from now. And then there's that whole education thing to worry about... I may have to put off buying this for a few months or so, at least until exams are over, but I can definitely see myself buying this sometime in the near future.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Andronicus said:
Susan Arendt said:
Review: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Enslaved rises above its flaws to deliver a grand adventure.

Read Full Article
I know you reviewed the 360 version, but I don't suppose you've had any contact with the PS3 version as well? It's only that I played the demo on my PS3, and while I thought it did genuinely look quite good, I thought the framerate was terrible. It could have just been a sub-par demo, but if there's problems with the framerate on the PS3, I would like to know.

Otherwise, this looks like exactly the sort of game I love to play. Intriguing story and/or characters (preferably both, but meh, watcha gonna do?), a stunning, interesting environment to explore, and plenty of platforming. The controls and visuals on the demo I played reminded me a little of both Jak and Daxter and Uncharted, both of which I absolutely adore (although the controls did feel a little clunky). Unfortunately, I just bought Civilization V and I'll be getting New Vegas in... precisely two weeks from now. And then there's that whole education thing to worry about... I may have to put off buying this for a few months or so, at least until exams are over, but I can definitely see myself buying this sometime in the near future.
No, I'm sorry, I can't say anything at all about the PS3 version.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
That last comment about the story and characters has peaked my interest. I will likely be making a purchase soon(ish). There a quite a few options to choose from though and I am not made of money >.<


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I played the demo and even tho I felt all the flaws They were talking about, you can also feel all the positives they mentioned.

Just from playing the demo you can tell your going to fall in love with these characters and the story is going to be epic.