BobisOnlyBob said:
Driving? Seriously? I've been watching my friend parachute around at high-speed thanks to the parachute/hookshot combo. Also, no mention of using the grappling hook to attach objects to objects? He's been dispatching generic mooks by attaching them to canisters and explosive barrels and then attacking them instead. Or vehicles.
The extraction system is easy and quick. The only problem I've seen is the lack of explanation; however, they're quick to work out with some experimentation.
It sounds like you've hit hard by journalistic time pressure and coming off the end of PAX. Hopefully you'll have some more time to dabble and either update the review or acknowledge the greater depth of the game here in the comments, because as it stands this review is poorly-researched at best.
Agree. It sounds like the reviewer didn't have enough time to truly experiment and enjoy the game properly.
I only died once during the opening mission, it just took me a second to get used to new parachute controls. (This is mostly my fault, as I'm pre-conditioned by GTA IV's controls.) I think maybe you had a similar problem, Mr. Reviewer?
As for the Black Market issue, it's a non-issue, really. As someone stated before, just skip through the dialogue scenes. And I had no problem using it at all. D-pad down, aim at valid drop point on ground (no boulders, water, steep surfaces), press Y/Triangle/mapped keyboard button. Easy peasy. And buying on thing at a time isn't a huge deal, bearing in mind you can only carry two pistols, one rifle/longbarrel shotgun and two types of explosives, that's a max of 4 items to call him for
IF you're completely out of ammo and you want them ALL restocked. 5 calls if you want a vehicle drop. Cut that number by one more if you duel wield the same small arm, like I do with the pistol. (Max upgrade duel pistols ftw!)
Also, not just using a menu to order off of keeps me from accidentally buying things I didn't want via a stray button press.
I personally love this game. Sandboxers are my favorite genre of video game and this one does an amazing job at it. Encouraged free exploration, rewards for random violence and destruction, nice variety of vehicles to get around in, huuuuuuuuuuge (approx 400 km, iirc) world area with varying terrain, including snow-covered mountains, jungles, deserts, cities, industrial and military complexes, and even a floating cruise liner-like dance club, supported by two huge dirigibles, which floats in the sky and constantly moves around the game world.
But I really don't think this game gets enough cred for its innovation in creatively exploring and interacting with the environment. I mean, you could just go run and gun for everything, like in countless other shooters, but then you'd be doing yourself and the game a disservice. It's all about exploration and experimentation. One of my personal favorite things to do (which I figured out on my own through experimentation with the grapple), is to find one of the big windmills and tether a baddy to one of the 'wings'. Trust me, it never gets old watching a helpless soldier being spun around violently hundreds of meters off the ground. Then, when you're starting to get bored, click the grapple away, and FLING!
surfing a jet into an enemy colonel, jumping off at the last second, and watching it all explode behind you as you parachute away in action movie fashion, is epic.
As a matter of fact, the only issue I have with the game is the occasional glitches. I'm sure they'll be patched soon enough, and I haven't found any game breakers yet. Sometimes audio from a random military enemy will stutter, but it's more hilarious than irritating, since it's rare.
I was also once in a military base, causing havoc (as you do) and I was parachuting in to land for a one on one, mano y mano, fists vs. violently swung grappling-hook melee fight with a high ranking colonel, having removed all his support staff with sniper rifle fire from a nearby mountaintop. As I neared the clearing where the colonel was, I grappled onto a barracks to speed my decent, only to find myself stuck inside the barracks. I could see out, the colonel couldn't see me (only a few feet away) and I couldn't walk out the invisible-from-the-inside walls.
Luckily, grappling the ground behind the colonel yanked me free (I think it's because you're somewhat intangible while hookshotting), and our bout began as intended.
Again, none of these glitches were game-breaking, but you'll hear about them a lot in a game that has such room for all these physics experiments.
As for the voice acting, yeah, it's terrible, and the characters are hokey and cookie-cutter for the style, but I think it's really tongue-in-cheek as the game is all about the sandboxing, and I'm sure the devs knew it. Plus, it's that so bad, it's funny kind of terrible.
Ok, so,
This game's awesome.
Pretty sure this review was rushed.
Grappling hooks rule.
9/10 (I would have given a 10 if the tether stretched across a road actually clotheslined people instead of being intangible.)