Review: PlayStation Move Roundup


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
You know, the boxing in the fight looks really strange. Either the game reads your movements awkwardly, or your boxing technique is pretty bad.

Also, the shoot looks like great fun in pretty much the same way Links Crossbow Training is, although I still think I'd prefer LCT because of the challenge that the combo offers when it comes to beating your scores.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Haha, I really love this review because of this statement about the Fight:

The writing isn't great either, the game begins with Trejo looking at you in a basement gym saying, "So you want to be a fighter?" in the most cliché way.
I love how you reviewed the writing of a Move fighting game. I agree too. I also hate the writing in Wii Fit and Pong.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Not gunna get it.
Or the Kinect.
To pricy, and great games for them yet.

Except Kinectimals. Those adorible bastards make me wanna smack my face against the floor.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
The biggest problem with the motion controls is that in a situation where your character is impeded by something in the environment but you, in your living room, are not, the controls lose all effectiveness.

The most obvious example of this is the Fight. Since your arm doesn't stop moving when your fighter has his punch blocked you will have to recognize that you missed, draw back your arm, and punch again in a different spot, all of which takes too much time. Of course, you could just throw the controllers around like a girlish slap-fight; I'd be interested to hear about how the developers dealt with such flailing.

While this might seem like a specific example, what happens when someone makes the inevitable Move game where you play a swordsman, Red Steel-style? You swing hard across your body but your sword is blocked at the start, which means that your character has the sword on the right side of the screen but you have your controller on the left.

Not bad for shooters, though. Well, as long as you don't have to move, oddly enough.


New member
May 16, 2010
CronoT said:
Melancholy_Ocelot said:
Graphics aside...I only have one question. A question that should have been voiced by PlayStation before development.

What does this offer that the Wii doesn't?
Pretty much nothing. "The Fight" looks like an HD version of MadWorld. That's NOT an improvement, btw.

It's also interesting to point out that the PS Move is selling much better in Europe than it is in the US. About the only game that 'hardcore' US fans would buy the Move for would be a CoD or MoH game. It's also interesting to point out that while the NES and Super NES didn't sell as spectacularly in Germany and France as it did in the US, the Gameboy and its successors sold insanely well there. It just goes to show that different markets like different things and setups for their own reasons.
well i dunno if the sales are shocking lest when i bothered to look at sales numbers, ps3 sold as well or better in europe vs xbox 360 then over here, where xbox 360 dominated sales for years. so i would almost expect move to sell better over there since the install base for ps3 must be larger than the states.

also got no clue about the sales numbers for wii over there but since everyone and their bother, mother and distant relatives have a wii over here, it might just be a harder sell for people to buy another motion control system or add on when they already have a wii. especially since the wii by all polls and data i have seen tends to sit on the shelf far more than other consoles gathering dust.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Mortal Kombat "FINISH HIM" = Taking the frozen head of your enemy and throwing it at the frozen body of your enemy so that both will shatter.

The Fight "FINISH HIM" = Taking the collar of your enemy, slapping him twice, and lightly tapping his head with your closed fist.

It just screams "The Fight sucks."
I was never that into golf, I would always avoid that part of Wii Sports.
The shooting games looked pretty good, Not the same for Razing storm, obviously.
But other than that, I think that the Playstation's motion controller......


...Should Move aside.


The games for the Move aren't really working out.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Not a bad review. Wish you would have a different reading for the text section than your video review though. I often read through it, hoping for a few details that were skimmed over in the video and identical text seems a little pointless. Other than to aid the hearing impaired, of course. Also, one more comment for the reviewer, directed towards the word hardcore that gets brought up a lot. I'm a little confused as to where the term belongs, as you said that the titles were similar to the Wii's, in that the Wii's were casual, yet too sim-like to really get into. Maybe sim-like isn't hardcore, but I'm pretty sure it's not casual. Correct me if I misunderstood though.

WaderiAAA said:
You know, the boxing in the fight looks really strange. Either the game reads your movements awkwardly, or your boxing technique is pretty bad.

Also, the shoot looks like great fun in pretty much the same way Links Crossbow Training is, although I still think I'd prefer LCT because of the challenge that the combo offers when it comes to beating your scores.
Not quite sure what you mean by combo. "The Shoot" seems to pretty clearly stack your sequential hits into some variety of bonus. Not the same kind of combo as LCB Training perhaps?

CronoT said:
Melancholy_Ocelot said:
Graphics aside...I only have one question. A question that should have been voiced by PlayStation before development.

What does this offer that the Wii doesn't?
Pretty much nothing. "The Fight" looks like an HD version of MadWorld. That's NOT an improvement, btw.

It's also interesting to point out that the PS Move is selling much better in Europe than it is in the US. About the only game that 'hardcore' US fans would buy the Move for would be a CoD or MoH game. It's also interesting to point out that while the NES and Super NES didn't sell as spectacularly in Germany and France as it did in the US, the Gameboy and its successors sold insanely well there. It just goes to show that different markets like different things and setups for their own reasons.
Woah, back-up about "like an HD version of MadWorld." I've played "MadWorld", and though I've not played "The Fight", I can assure you, the gameplay and style are nothing alike. "MadWorld" has about two or three motions that are translated as packed animations in-game. Plus, the point and aesthetic of "MadWorld" (an 'M-rated' titled by the way) is to gorify your opponent in as excruciating and numerous means possible through environmental interaction. To acquire a high-score in a post-apocalyptic city-wide-games, of course. Let's not forget that it was done in an animated, purposefully comic-book imitating, black-and-white presentation.

The Fight is done (not quite purely, as finishing blow will attest) in free-flow (not-packed -- as much?) simulated fighting motions against realistic one-on-one opponents. Quite a bit of difference there.

One last general reply. A couple people mentioned lag. In every modern game, there is some degree of lag, partly due to unwired controls. This varies between 3 and 20 frames in 60 hz (less than one-tenth of a second to more than a third-of-a-second). The "Move" is said to have theoretically little lag for it's type of device (about a single frame greater than the PS3 controller by itself), but that always varies game-to-game. Check out Digital Foundry, sister-site of for more info on this issue (not a rep, lol).


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Having fun with MAG and Sports Champions, or whatever it's called. Going to give NBA 2K11 a shot tonight.

I messed around briefy with the bowling game. It seemed like a massive increase over Wii bowling, that's for sure.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
SoulChaserJ said:
The Fight is a great game. It takes A LOT of getting used to. If you don't have the time to train yourself IRL then you shouldn't play this game. I challenge someone at the escapist to put a week into this game before they pass judgement.

TCZ and The shoot...ugh light gun games with a reticle telling you where you're aiming. No thanks.
I was wondering...if you are actually a good boxer does the game look better?
I still want it, i can fight i'm just wondering if the game is either horribly accurate, or too accurate for most.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Does the move actually work like a light gun for The Shoot? What I mean is, do you actually hit what your controller is directly aiming at?

Arturo Saavedra

New member
Jul 31, 2010
I think reviewers should make it their business to learn to play the game well. We have video supplements, why not skill supplements? The first main reason that comes to mind, for why I would like to see them do this, is so that they can give their opinion on what the journey from first play session to near-mastery routine is. I know someone who, pretty much, only plays games so that they can do really well at them. I too am this way to a point. I feel that it is important that we begin to start toting the problem solving and critical thinking skills as one of the major benefits that games have to offer. The stereotype is that video games make you dumb, yet the stereotypical nerd plays a lot of computer and video games. Those two views need to be carefully cross examined. If life hands you lemons, you learn about nature. If life presents you with games of any form, you learn about what it takes to do well at whatever it is that you are doing in life. ^Turo


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Man...The Fight looked exactly like how a real life fight between wimpy nerds would actually go. Meaning: it looks just like a very girly slap-fight. Actually...scratch that, I've actually seen girl fights more brutal than that.


DRM-free or give me death!
Dec 11, 2009
Ghored said:
Mortal Kombat "FINISH HIM" = Taking the frozen head of your enemy and throwing it at the frozen body of your enemy so that both will shatter.

The Fight "FINISH HIM" = Taking the collar of your enemy, slapping him twice, and lightly tapping his head with your closed fist.

It just screams "The Fight sucks."
I was never that into golf, I would always avoid that part of Wii Sports.
The shooting games looked pretty good, Not the same for Razing storm, obviously.
But other than that, I think that the Playstation's motion controller......


...Should Move aside.


The games for the Move aren't really working out.
There are a lot of finishing moves, when you don't perform one right it just slaps your opponent or pushed their forehead down on the ground. Just like how in Mortal Kombat you attempt to do a finishing move and you accidentally punch the person instead and they just fall.

That's exactly what happened here.

Hate to say it, but this is yet another review that couldn't have taken more than 4-10 hours of play time, if that.

The Fight requires that you train up your character, you gain different moves and you can change your alignment to clean or dirty boxing based on how you fight. You can bet on yourself or online matches for money as well. Yes it has online play, which works pretty well, no mention of that at all...

This roundup review was absolutely awful. They barely scratched on the game at all, just a 45 second snippet of the game and not even a good one.

The Fight is almost like a boxing RPG. It takes a while to really get used to it, and you have to train your character. It shows burning calories and other stats throughout your entire fight/training. When you actually level up your character (which you can de-level as well if you lose) you earn more moves/stat points/appearance customizations.

Spec your character right, and max out certain things and your noob character plays MUCH differently from your decked out character. You want a non-suck character in 15 minutes if your nerdarms can take it?

Go to the speedbag round as long as you can. You can just close your eyes, and listen to the punches to time them correctly and get a good multiplier. I got over 50 stat points my second go around. Sound silly? Sure it does, but if you value exercise, then its not a bad way to get some arm strength, but its no replacement for actual labor. Mostly its just testing your own stamina.

Speaking of stamina, the Fight has a stamina bar that is probably way worse than your actual stamina in real life. Make sure you get 20 points into it right away. When you through punches the bar goes down, if it goes down all the way, you start burning your maximum stamina. If you burn through that you tap out. Which you'd have to REALLY not pay attention to do that. Make sure your character matches you in real life, and things get a lot easier. If you don't have that much stamina, then adding more would be a waste, since you cant' punch that fast anyway.

The game is weird, and takes time to learn, most mainstream reviewers will hate it, but it doesn't mean you will. I happen to really like it when you can take the time to learn it, but I am sure its definitely not the game for everyone.