I thought the trial was rather boring BUT peer pressure roped me in... AGAIN!
Now, I have the buyers remorse... and I tell my peers about it at least once a day because of what THEY made ME do.
I got through 8 levels on Multiplayer before I felt like punching my friends in the face and then got through 8 single player levels before I got bored and went on Fallout 3: Point Lookout, I went back on it this morning to get an acheivement I knew I could get with minimal effort and then... sure enough, went back on Fallout 3.
All this coming from a guy who just bought Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires and having had all DW games... So you can see my level of tolerance for repetative games.
Everything in the game is pretty good... except the game itself, which really makes it a rather pointless reel of music, spinning loading screens, random meat and cutscenes... I may play it again when I get the 360 dashboard update for the free things.