Sauron would never have backed down to the censors and done more to fight back initially over things like "Hot Coffee" or "Manhunt 2". Sorry they just aren't that cool. More like some scared, shut in peering through a peephole with one hand on a phone with a police/911 speed dial just in case something startles them.
Okay, okay, not a great answer since this is about internal policy. How about a fat lardo that installs a security camera to make sure nobody steals his cookies?
Or maybe Michael Jackson who installed security cameras outside his bedroom to help prevent him from being surprised during his "perfectly innocent" sleepover parties with young boys.
The bottom line is that while I'm happy they released an uncut version of Manhunt 2 for download, it took bloody long enough (and the game is now pretty dated). Rockstar has an uphill battle to earn much respect from me... and honestly I'm less than receptive to their attempts to downplay internal strife (if there is any) and/or make it seem awesome.
I sort of hope there is an employee uprising, ending with the severed heads of the upper management being thrown to the masses. The new Rockstar Warlords could then proceed to go toe to toe with the censors and release the kind of extreme, totally irreverant content, I feel they lost the guts to truely make.