Disagree. It IS for us to judge what is inappropriate or not. Otherwise one person can dictate whatever they want to find inappropriate or offensive on a whim.It's not for us to judge whether or not it's inappropriate. The 10 women who worked there perceived it as inappropriate and offensive and sent a letter to the management (in 2018) stating as much.
Although judging from what's been going on in the gaming industry lately it wouldn't surprise me if it was inapproppriate.
There has to be some agreed upon thresh hold. Some line where everybody knows and agrees to not cross. Otherwise anyone at any time could move that line where ever they want whenever they feel like.
Without a set standard, or judging body what stops someone from making accusations against another employee at any time? Say you and another employee are up for the same promotion, what stops your co-working friend from making accusations against your opponent? What stops you from accusing your boss just because you dont like your boss?
If this continues, companies will have no choice but to simply record every word said in the building. Or simply not hire women. Which do you think will be the cheaper option? This behavior doesn't discourage discrimination, but encourages it. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen"? If I am an employeer with a dominatingly male staff, and other companies have history of getting issues when hiring women, then why would I ever take that risk?
So there needs to be some company guideline (which can change depending on the company) which outlines what can and cannot be done or spoken.
You of course could say, "just don't make any sexual comments at work, or don't be XYZ phobic, or whatever" But the problem with this is simply what is deemed inappropriate changes based on the person. See my example above about character artists talking about breast and ass design on a female character in the game. You could spin that to be sexually inappropriate.
Frankly the only solution might simply be to wire the building to record everything everyone says 100% of the time and we can all live in a controlled environment because a few people hate the world.