Ron Jeremy Says Games Are Worse For Kids Than Porn


New member
Apr 15, 2009

When a normal, stable-minded person plays a game such as Grand Theft Auto 4 (Screw Roman numerals) it does not make them want to shoot a damn cop and does not make them think hijacking a car is alright. It allows you to blow off steam in a fake world with no retribution. When I do anything in Mario, am I gonna go out that night with a flamethrower or flying-squirrel-raccoon suit thing and terrorize some brown mushrooms? Fuck no. That may sound awesome, but it's not realistic. Is it because of realism that violent video games are bad? Okay then. Tell rockstar to use bunnies and put them in Wonderland or something, I don't give a crap, just get off our backs, you:



New member
Apr 15, 2009
chewbacca1010 said:
Ever have a job where you were not in charge or where you had an asshole of a manager/boss? Ever had a job where you were on the lowest rung possible? If so, then chances are it was degrading in some form or other.

If not, then congrats, you must have been born rich or something. I'd wager that most of us have been there, so your moral indignation at the porn industry is puzzling.
That's something mental, something that isn't degrading like being a stripper or something. As a stripper, you degrade yourself bodily for other peoples' pleasure. As a low-ranked store-worker, no one takes pleasure in your degraded-ness. When you degrade yourself in a dirty movie, you... Jesus, do I have to explain it? It's nothing at all alike. It's not for other people at a job, it's for you and you know you have to do it, or else go hungry. Porn stars know they could do something else, so it isn't morally the same.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
As long as you realize that porn is mostly just fantasies and real life sex is almost never that good for either side of the participants then yes porn is okay for kids. Just so long as they don't spend ridiculous amounts of time watching it. As for videogames, the same rules apply, murder is never fun and try to curb your play time realistically. My brother has not learned to do this, he plays on average 14 hours of videogames a day and bitches like crazy when myself or my other brother want to go on the computer/consoles. Yeah, he's a real gem.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
I can't remember the last time anyone spent $3.99 on a 24 trial at 3am. of an online game.
Now porn on the other hand...


New member
Nov 18, 2009
chewbacca1010 said:
Amusing comment but the man is hardly the world's greatest brain trust, so I see little reason to care.

Still, I'll never understand the uneasiness with sex and the absolute acceptance of violence in American society. It really is odd.

NeuroticMarshmallow said:
I have trouble hearing someone discuss issues of morality while they themselves have made a career in an immoral industry.

Pornography just disgusts me in every form.
To think people waste their lives degrading themselves for money sickens me.
Ever have a job where you were not in charge or where you had an asshole of a manager/boss? Ever had a job where you were on the lowest rung possible? If so, then chances are it was degrading in some form or other.

If not, then congrats, you must have been born rich or something. I'd wager that most of us have been there, so your moral indignation at the porn industry is puzzling.

I do understand your point but being in a horrible job such as you mentioned is a bit different type of degrading then selling sex for money-but I've always been a bit morally uneasy about the whole porn thing-not sex itself,obviously but just the way porn presents it.

I sorta see the point though. Because I'd rather for some idiot to just sleep around rather horrible murder people. Cause violence is only glorified as a good thing most in the media and art. Sex-considering for the most part is the only reason we're here and able to procreated (oh and artificial insemination) isn't a bad thing,regardless of how unclean it makes some people feel to think about it.

Regardless,I still find Porn to be sickeningly degrading.
All in context-sex for the sake of sex pretty much sums it up.
for the most part-video games have more to them then porn does-Porn has always been sort of tasteless and cheap for the most part. But keep in mind that depictions of sex can without a doubt be depicted very tastefully and artfully (usually in the right context) but for most part,the porn industry we know of discards this aspect considering it is a industry built on just getting people remarkably horny.

and this whole "video games bad" thing is as old as games itself and we always throw it around. So this is nothing new-other then what its being compared to as "Worse" is kinda suprising and a bit conflicting.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
lwm3398 said:
chewbacca1010 said:
Ever have a job where you were not in charge or where you had an asshole of a manager/boss? Ever had a job where you were on the lowest rung possible? If so, then chances are it was degrading in some form or other.

If not, then congrats, you must have been born rich or something. I'd wager that most of us have been there, so your moral indignation at the porn industry is puzzling.
That's something mental, something that isn't degrading like being a stripper or something. As a stripper, you degrade yourself bodily for other peoples' pleasure. As a low-ranked store-worker, no one takes pleasure in your degraded-ness. When you degrade yourself in a dirty movie, you... Jesus, do I have to explain it? It's nothing at all alike. It's not for other people at a job, it's for you and you know you have to do it, or else go hungry. Porn stars know they could do something else, so it isn't morally the same.
Alright, so what is inherently degrading about being a stripper or being a porn star? Why is it the "bodily" aspect that you are so uncomfortable with? Why is being a porn star or a stripper less "moral" then say, working the cash at a McDonalds?

And I somehow doubt you've worked as a low-ranked store worker, if you think that no people take pleasure in your degradation. If you really feel this way, I suggest you work at a convenience store or in customer service for a number of years. If the customers don't get to you, then management inevitably will.

Also, it's nice that you know what options all porn stars have when it comes to job decisions. Seeing as how you are likely privileged to a certain degree (I think we all are, likely), you might have options when it comes to what jobs you choose, but not all do. Odd that you know what all porn stars "know". Ultimately, when it comes down to it, everyone has to pay the piper, one way or another, even if that means we lower ourselves.


New member
May 10, 2009
Charli said:
Oh look, another person who hasn't even picked up a controller or keyboard in their life swinging around their opinion to the masses. Man. I am shocked at this revelation.

just their opinions?

sorry, it was gonna be done anyway...


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Okay, stop being mean to Ron Jeremy. You see, he doesn't like games because...well..he doesn't like how they don't come with 'Joy Sticks' anymore. (Sorry! I couldn't help it! I had to say that joke!)

That aside I find his claim is one which is bold...and dumb. It's been proven again, again, and again, games stimulate the brain cells. The brain is like plastic. If a part of it dies, the brain will try and find another way to restore its self. So, games are actually pretty helpful.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
In America our comfort level with violence in media is kind of disgusting, so as far as that goes I have to agree with him. I'd much rather have my hypothetical offspring exposed to a tasteful lovemaking film (probably not Hung Wankenstein, though, HA) than watching hours of gory explosions and dismemberment.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
See? This is why I have lost my faith in humanity, because people like to splurt out their opinions publicly like they were cold hard facts.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Scumpernickle said:
See? This is why I have lost my faith in humanity, because people like to splurt out their opinions publicly like they were cold hard facts.
So that's it? That's what caused you to lose faith in humanity?


Or is this just another of the 30 million Hyperbole made on the Escapist daily? (See what I did there?)

lSHaDoW-FoXl said:
That aside I find his claim is one which is bold...and dumb. It's been proven again, again, and again, games stimulate the brain cells. The brain is like plastic. If a part of it dies, the brain will try and find another way to restore its self. So, games are actually pretty helpful.
So Plastic is the T-1000 from Terminator?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
theultimateend said:
Scumpernickle said:
See? This is why I have lost my faith in humanity, because people like to splurt out their opinions publicly like they were cold hard facts.
So that's it? That's what caused you to lose faith in humanity?


Or is this just another of the 30 million Hyperbole made on the Escapist daily? (See what I did there?)

Quotes were screwed up, bear with me.

Yes, this alone caused me to lose my faith in humanity. There are so many people like this that the world should already be run by them! Oh, wait..


Some guy
Aug 13, 2009
I don't really see how either one is that bad.As a youngster i watched alot of porn and played a lot of games.And look at me now im the manager of the fast food resturant!