Rumor: Lindsay Lohan To Sue Rocktstar Over GTA V

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
That burn at the end of the article...truly, that is on a different level. Well done indeed. :)

Honestly, that girl looks like every other hot blond, bikini-wearing, too-good-to-be-real girl that they slap on every single thing they want to try to sell with sex appeal. Lohan is not what came to mind when I saw that picture.


New member
Nov 6, 2006
Yea.. the laws regarding Satire are pretty clear on this. It'll get denied, and thrown out of court. Hell, the judge will probably laugh at Lohan's lawyers...


New member
May 4, 2009
Skeleon said:
Oooh, burnt like an ant under a magnifying glass!
Also very silly. Firstly, let's ignore the uselessness that is TMZ.
Secondly, even if this is true, Loki_The_Good made a good point about satirical portrayals of public figures: This wouldn't work, even if it were to happen. Believe it or not, Lohan is not the sole example of a female, spoilt, drug-addled, celebrity-idiot. How is this specific to Lohan? And even if it were, how would a satirical depiction require Rockstar to pay anything?
I think if the case was to hold water, they'd have to admit that she's a female, spoiled, drug-addled, celebrity-idiot. Those are likely the descriptive terms used in the official document.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, probably no one was even thinking it, and now this shit went viral. Good job, Miss Lohan. You have irreparably humiliated yourself for nothing.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
So... she is sueing because Rockstar created an empty-headed and useless girl and she thinks it was in her likeness? That's kinda funny...


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Good lord she is looking rough these days. She looks like a mix between Hilary Clinton and Julian Assange.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
What happened: Lindsay Lohan allegedly speaks with her lawyers about possible infringement on her likeness.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
1337mokro said:
I pity the lawyer that has to argue that case. "Satire should be made illegal!"
Pity is unwarranted here, methinks. For the hourly rate that lawyer is charging I'd be more than willing to spew some bullshit.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
amaranth_dru said:
Either way she isn't far off from there... I mean there's Charlie Sheen nuts (which I still think was a self-marketing ploy that was well executed) and Tom Cruise nuts (which is a whole other realm of batshit crazy) and then there's Lindsay Lohan nuts.
Eh, I think that's more a gender thing.

I mean, male reprobates like Sheen feature as the main character in any number of sitcoms, invariably married to a wife who isn't like that. Gender swap Lohan and Sheen, and I think he'd get the hatred.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
thaluikhain said:
amaranth_dru said:
Either way she isn't far off from there... I mean there's Charlie Sheen nuts (which I still think was a self-marketing ploy that was well executed) and Tom Cruise nuts (which is a whole other realm of batshit crazy) and then there's Lindsay Lohan nuts.
Eh, I think that's more a gender thing.

I mean, male reprobates like Sheen feature as the main character in any number of sitcoms, invariably married to a wife who isn't like that. Gender swap Lohan and Sheen, and I think he'd get the hatred.
I dunno about that, really. Sheen and Cruise have a certain degree of charisma and acting talent. Whereas Lindsay was just an attractive teenager that got lucky to be picked up by a big label. Swap the genders only and Sheen and Cruise would still have charisma and talent, whereas Lohan would still just be an ex-childhood star that got auto-tuned.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Am I right, or am I right?
Not only are you right, I will be giggling for hours.

Loki_The_Good said:
Using a likeness as satire ... So if she wins this does that mean that SNL will be forced off the air?
SNL should be taken out of existence for all those Presidential impersonations...Trying to fool America into believing all those horrible things about our many Presidents. Do they think it's funny or something?


erttheking said:
If this turns out to be true (And it may very well not be) then we also need to sue Jeff Dunham <youtube=mcpBnL8Oir0>
Both a more accurate portrayal AND better satire than GTA.

1337mokro said:
I pity the lawyer that has to argue that case. "Satire should be made illegal!"
It wouldn't be the first time a lawyer has been asked to argue about damages due to satire/parody.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
The really funny thing is that I predicted the joke of this thread before I clicked the link: "What, does she think Trevor looks way too much like her?"

I'd seriously have to hope this is just a load of BS, but on the other hand, if your fame is worthless and you've spent all your cash on drugs, what better way to get your name back out on the market AND make some money than to sue someone?


New member
Mar 7, 2012
C'mon Escapees give Lindsay a slack!
She must earn money somehow.
Meth can't be cheap.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Loki_The_Good said:
Using a likeness as satire ... So if she wins this does that mean that SNL will be forced off the air? seriously no one bought this game thinking it was backed by her likeness. How desperate for attention is she.
Well, "Fair Use" and the various protections afforded to parodists and satirists is a very touchy subject, and a legal mine field. After all we've seen Todd Mcfarlane get slammed hard by a hockey player for being used as the inspiration/model for the gangster "Tony Twist" in his "Spawn" comics. Not to mention how Todd himself did things like bully RPG publisher Palladium books over using the name "Nightspawn" and an extreme vague similarity in the style of artwork for an RPG series (which was renamed "Nightbane"). Weird Al, one of the most victorious parodists of all time was somewhat reluctant to actually cross Lady Gaga over his parody of one of her songs, despite insisting during this that he could have released it for money anyway and won "but he won't disrespect the artists that way" which leads one to believe he wasn't exactly eager to roll those dice from his end again.

Of course at the same time they pretty much ripped out off the likes and performance style of "Lady Miss Kier" from Dee Lite to make Ulala in "Space Channel 5" after being denied permission when they asked for it. Ironically Lady Miss Kier lost this one, when she really shouldn't have. She had a better case than say "Tony Twist".

At the end of the day it seems to oftentimes come down to both how good your lawyers are, how much money is involved, and how flattering the portrayal in the work is. Not to mention the viability of being able to hire or offer to hire the person being used, and of course if someone's inherent name and likeness carries with it any intristic value.

If she's right Lindsay probably deserves to win, she's a mess IRL, but from how this sounds the portrayal in GTA5, especially one that has her dealing with ultra-violent criminal elements (ie the player characters) to solve problems is not exactly flattering. A point which came up in the Mcfarlane case I believe, since casting an Athlete as a career criminal isn't exactly flattering. What's more they probably could have actually hired Lindsay Lohan to do the role, but to be fair probably didn't even try, because even as a somewhat faded star (for the moment at least) she's still got enough celebrity oomph (whether you like her or not) to demand more money than Rockstar probably wanted to pay for a bit part. What's more people are a LOT more aware of video games and the money to be made off of them nowadays than they were when "Space Channel 5" was released.

Lindsay isn't one of my favorite celebrities to be sure, but I don't hate her like some people do. She usually comes across like a messed up kid to me more than anyone really evil, and she does seem to have some talent along with a decent. From that perspective which is about as close to neutral as you can get, if I had to make a judgement on this case from what is said here, I'd have to see the bits from the game, and if it's an obvious reference/likeness I'd award Lindsay whatever the average asking price her agent demands for a few recording sessions or a film/TV appearance and then force Rockstar to pick up her legal costs. I would not however bankrupt Rockstar or anything over it. I'd imagine at the end of the day I'd wind up costing them a few million dollars.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Even if they did the right to parody is protected, this is just stupid. Either make movies or go away Lindsay!