Rumor: Next Xbox Could Run Windows

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Rumor: Next Xbox Could Run Windows

Microsoft apparently wants to bring its product lines much closer together.

Insider sources are suggesting that Microsoft has some pretty big plans for its PC, phone, and console businesses in the future. Of particular note is the idea that all three - and tablets and TVs besides - might all end up running the same version of Windows.

These sources say that at some time within the next four years, Microsoft would create a single operating system for its various lines. As This Is My Next [] notes, this timeline would come at the end of the Xbox 360's ten-year lifespan, as well as the expected three-year run of Windows 8. Apparently, Microsoft is also considering dropping the Windows name when this project goes live in favor of something totally new.

This information lines up rather nicely with comments made by Microsoft's Andy Lees at the Worldwide Partner Conference. Lees' said that Microsoft wanted a single system for its various product lines, one that would promote "coherence and consistency" across the entire Microsoft product range. "We won't have an ecosystem for PCs, and one for phones, and one for tablets - they'll all come together." He added that the goal wasn't just to share UI elements, but also core components like Internet Explorer.

If these rumors are true, then it represents the biggest rebranding in Microsoft history. It's questionable as to whether Microsoft would be willing to drop a brand name that people all over the world are familiar with, but it's not impossible if it wants to get a fresh start, free from any preconceptions. I wouldn't want to be footing the bill for that marketing campaign though.

Source: via CVG []

Feb 13, 2008
Consoles will be running as PCs? []

Quelle surprise.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
OK, Next Xbox runs Windows, and Windows 8 will run Xbox games?

Remind me again of the difference between a PC and a console.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Wasn't there also a rumor of Win 8 running Xbox games?
EDIT: Damn it, ninja'd.
I wonder which one is true (if they both are, it's relatively stupid).

William Fleming

New member
Mar 6, 2011
Dear Microsoft, why continue manufacturing both systems? Rumors say you are making windows 8 able to play Xbox 360 games and next gen Xbox able to run Windows.

Just watch though, features will be gimped (no online crossplay apparently) for the cross over and hackers and pirates will most likely severely hurt the whole thing.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Im not sure what to be more afraid of right now, the fact that MovieBob could be right or that Microsoft could be undertaking what could be seen as an extremely high risk venture.


Tech Head
Oct 18, 2009
It's hard to say whether this is a good idea. Hopefully it doesn't end up a one-size-fits-all scenario where there is little difference between each platform, though Microsoft hasn't disappointed me for a while so hopefully if this is the case there will be plenty of modified software, layout, interface, etc to differentiate the systems. Consolification of games is one thing, but consolification of my PC I won't stand for.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Wasn't this rumor already on here as a newsposting a few days ago?
I've been getting deja-vu like this for a while now. A few times I checked and some editor released "news" a buddy of his already put up a week or so before :S

Citizen Snips

A Seldom Used Crab
May 13, 2009
We are just one small step away from Jarvis from Iron Man! The Kinect will allow us to interact with holograms running on Windows 9 (Jarvis 1.0) that can move from our work desk to our TV and then sent to our friend's Xbox's for them to also interact with them.

...We can only dream.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
dropping the Windows name when this project goes live in favor of something totally new.
*everybody starts to buy macs en masse because "windows" is dead*

"they'll all come together." He added that the goal wasn't just to share UI elements, but also core components like

anyways: this might be the death of microsoft, if they're not careful. (not that people haven't said that a million times already)
well, as long as they have backwards compatibility with older Xbox versions, Im fine with it. (will totally never happen >_>)


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
Well, if this allows consoles to actually use mods, then this could be a great step in the right direction for microsoft. Otherwise... it still could be good, but it could also backfire. I suppose the question is what will the benefit of buying a console and an OS for my PC be?


New member
Sep 24, 2010
William Fleming said:
Dear Microsoft, why continue manufacturing both systems? Rumors say you are making windows 8 able to play Xbox 360 games and next gen Xbox able to run Windows.
Probably because an X-Box looses market appeal for people doing graphic design or office work or who like to fiddle with the innards of there system, while it WILL appeal to those looking for a decent bargan entrance into videogaming, costing only a few hundred dollars and providing easy plug and play functionality.


New member
Jan 19, 2011

I own consoles to play games, I like that they are adjusted for console use. I like the feel of a controller..putting windows on a game console really. Does nothing good not to mention game consoles need to be priced well, meaning the price to make them has to be kept low. Hence by both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 have about 512Mbyte memory. More would be possible yes but such would cost more and hence this was a sacrifice.

A console with maybe 2Gbyte of relative cheap memory might be possible. But then you get Windows 8 or so.. yeah I don't see it. Sorry but windows is a resource hog that also is a black box. You know it does something but who knows what does what. How more windows ages how more services and background crap. Out of the box even. Sure I know that Microsoft has tried to fix their "mono core" design reality is that you can't change the basics.

My prediction windows on a console... doesn't runs well! Hell linux on the PS3 even doesn't runs that well due to the limited about of memory.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2009
o.o Here's hoping its a decent OS, because you can't make them stop this sort of stupidity.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
"Can we F**k it?" is the only question i have.

Im happy that this is happening though. Its basically going to be a PC built for gaming. Im guessing it will be around 500-800 USD. But it would be well worth the price if you ask me.