CK76 said:
Good, also given your username would you suggest the Layton games? They look perfect for someone like me. All I fear is getting sucked in a losing all my money to their charm. What is there, 3 of them now? Hundred dollars quick if I'm not careful.
Oh, I would absolutely recommend them... there are two of them in the US and the third is coming out next month. I've beaten them both and I can honestly tell you that it's the single greatest DS franchise out there right now. Not only is the art style beautiful and creative, the stories are surprisingly good and the cutscenes are the best I've seen in gaming. Also, the feeling of finally getting the answer to a puzzle that's been stumping you for a while feels better than any amount of kills in an FPS.
I only have two problems with the game, though... once you've beaten the games (quite short games, the Curious Village is roughly 10 hours long and the Diabolical Box is 15) there's absolutely no replay value other than the cutscenes because the puzzles are always the same and in the same order and part of the fun is figuring them out for yourself so knowing the answers just makes the game boring. Thankfully, their website constantly updates the game with free downloadable puzzles so I doubt you'll run out. And another is how awkward some of the puzzle deliveries can be... such as a character you run into saying "It's such a nice day outside! Say, that reminds me of a puzzle!" or something like that.
But I would recommend them 100%. They're not too expensive and if you're into puzzles I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.