Rumor: Star Trek Online Might Boldly Become Free


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Still not for me...I've played mmo's and its the same story every time ill invest alot of time...and eventually get to a point when way to much time needs be invested so I give up.


Shivan Sympathizer
May 2, 2009
derelict said:
It should, I tried the game and it's seriously not worth paying for, it is quite literally half-done.
I second that; after I posted my steer-clear-of-this-one review of the game, I got a reply informing me that all the issues I'd brought up were constantly given to Cryptic by players all thoughout Closed Beta but were evidently ignored.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
YES. One of the two MMOs I actually like (you get fifteen guesses as to what the other one is, and fourteen do not count) going free would be fun. Yay. I get to pilot a galaxy-class starship for FREE.

I am all for this.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
Supernova2000 said:
tehweave said:
Yay. I get to pilot a galaxy-class starship for FREE.
That hideous thing? it looks like a sausage dog that's had it's head put through a lathe.
Okay then, Intrepid class? Flying voyager would be cool.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I wish it had had some form of trial when it was released. That way I wouldn't have bought it.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
The game is still a mediocre offering to a awesome franchise ... this will just be further proof they FAILED.


Shivan Sympathizer
May 2, 2009
tehweave said:
Supernova2000 said:
tehweave said:
Yay. I get to pilot a galaxy-class starship for FREE.
That hideous thing? it looks like a sausage dog that's had it's head put through a lathe.
Okay then, Intrepid class? Flying voyager would be cool.
Well, it doesn't matter what I think really, you're flying it but yes, I think the Intrepid is much more reasonably designed.


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
Straying Bullet said:
C'mon Blizzard and the rest, F2P perfectly eliminates any private servers that would rob of your userbase. Trust me on this one! WoW has countless of glitchy serves, private and free. If Blizzard went F2P, they will gain a huge import of new players that will possible generate more revenue.
Hate to say it, but that's not going to happen. They have over 10 million subscribers, and that number will only increase with the release of Cataclysm. That $150 million per month is a reliable source of revenue that is very unlikely to change. However, in an F2P model, how many new subscribers would they actually gain? Also, how many transactions would those subscribers, who have already shown they aren't willing to pay $15/month, actually make?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Supernova2000 said:
derelict said:
It should, I tried the game and it's seriously not worth paying for, it is quite literally half-done.
I second that; after I posted my steer-clear-of-this-one review of the game, I got a reply informing me that all the issues I'd brought up were constantly given to Cryptic by players all thoughout Closed Beta but were evidently ignored.
Just as a note, the same thing happened with the Champions Online closed Beta. Players were constantly coming forth with fully fleshed out ideas to improve the game flow, fix the terribly broken balancing, etc. and Cryptic totally ignored them. Well, I guess "totally ignored" isn't true.. they did respond with comments akin to "we're working on the problems" or "we've got great ideas on that coming soon, just watch!" (only to release the same broken game that we were testing in Beta).


Shivan Sympathizer
May 2, 2009
StriderShinryu said:
Supernova2000 said:
derelict said:
It should, I tried the game and it's seriously not worth paying for, it is quite literally half-done.
I second that; after I posted my steer-clear-of-this-one review of the game, I got a reply informing me that all the issues I'd brought up were constantly given to Cryptic by players all thoughout Closed Beta but were evidently ignored.
Just as a note, the same thing happened with the Champions Online closed Beta. Players were constantly coming forth with fully fleshed out ideas to improve the game flow, fix the terribly broken balancing, etc. and Cryptic totally ignored them. Well, I guess "totally ignored" isn't true.. they did respond with comments akin to "we're working on the problems" or "we've got great ideas on that coming soon, just watch!" (only to release the same broken game that we were testing in Beta).
Yes, that sounds familiar. And not at all surprising.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
I guess that's cool. I was never really into MMOs because they feel like too much of a time sink. However, to the people that do find this good, more power to them.

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
vansau said:
Free-to-play MMOGs have proven to be financially viable, based on examples like browser-based titles like Farmville and the more hardcore games like Dungeons & Dragons Online.
Why is Guild Wars never referenced as a "free-to-play" MMO? Doesn't Dungeons & Dragons Online require a single purchase to own the game, then you don't have to do the subscription thing until later on? Guild Wars has always been "pay once, now you actually own the game", yet I never see it referenced.



Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Mr. Mike said:
vansau said:
Free-to-play MMOGs have proven to be financially viable, based on examples like browser-based titles like Farmville and the more hardcore games like Dungeons & Dragons Online.
Why is Guild Wars never referenced as a "free-to-play" MMO? Doesn't Dungeons & Dragons Online require a single purchase to own the game, then you don't have to do the subscription thing until later on? Guild Wars has always been "pay once, now you actually own the game", yet I never see it referenced.

You make a good point... for those of us who aren't too familiar with the game, is it similar to WoW or STO? I seem to recall it played more like a single-player RPG with some multiplayer elements thrown in, but that's an impression that's about 5 years or so old.