Rumor: Universal Planning Doom Movie Reboot


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Omrosa Samosa said:
Doomed indeed. Also it's Dwayne Johnson, not Dwight. . . . although maybe a Dwight Johnson could have done a better job with the whole, you know, acting thing.
Hell no, son, Dwight Schrute! And Andy can play an imp!



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
snave said:
The only conceivable way to make a Doom film and stick to the game plot and have it not laughably bad would be to make it a totally camp, self-parody. Think survival horror meets Riddick meets the 60s Batman film. And a PG rating would fit with that goal.

Fingers crossed indeed.
Yeah, live action adaptation of the Doom comic. "Who's a man and a half? I'm a man and a half!"

Made of awesome.

Phishfood said:
The best movie adaption of doom was called "Aliens".
Actually, Doom was a cross between Aliens and Evil Dead, which explains alot.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I've been told that one of the best parts of the original Doom movie was being able to tell the old-school gamers in the audience from everyone else because they laughed at the injokes.


New member
May 18, 2010
>Family Friendly

silly Hollywood

OT: to be honest, I actually liked the first one, I thought the first person part was quite unique

though really, if they are gonna make another movie, I think it should be based on the first 2 games, rather than Doom 3

of course, there wouldn't be any plot or character development at all

but it would be just like Schwarzenegger's Commando, only in Mars, with Aliens and Hell Spawns


it would pretty much be a remake of Total Recall, right?

though, you know what would be interesting? a movie based off Doom 64

that game needs some love


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Wait... you still wore diapers when you were 7? :p
On Topic: Yeah not really looking forward to this one. I don't think anyone is, to be honest.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Please bring back the Rock for the lolz. I must see the peoples eyebrow while he shoots things in the face!


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Tehlanna TPX said:
I actually really liked the first version, even if it was filled with cheese.

If they took the time to reboot, I would hope it'd be more like the original game, and not filled with group crap. Just one marine, a gun, and a shit-ton of demon/alien/whatever scum.
Sounds like a good time to me :).
The first one tasted like Pepper-Jack...

Anyways, Im hopeful that if this is true, it means they may not make the same mistakes MistakeS twice. One of which is the whole genetic mutation bull shit...


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Maybe this time they'll learn the difference between a demon and a mutant. Wait, PG-13? nope, it's dead and it hasn't even been confirmed.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
No, no no no no no nooooooooooo!

You do not make a Doom movie with a PG-13 rating! Doom was one of the granddaddies of the ultra violent M rated games we now play, a faithful movie adaptation can not get slapped with a PG-13.
I suppose it can't be worse than the other Doom movie, though that one did have a certain charm to it.

Also, is it really a "reboot" if the series in question only had one installment? Isn't a remake or reimagining if it's only one movie?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
A PG 13 Doom movie wouldn't have mass market appeal no matter how they market it, unless they throw in sparkly vampires for the hell of it.

A rated R version would at least draw in fans of the series and anyone wanting to see a nice horror movie. Besides, it's Doom, there has to be flying limbs, blood, and guts with hideous monsters around every corner. You can't pull that off with a PG 13.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Designing the movie around 3D? PG-13 rating in a blatant and idiotic attempt to draw in bigger crowds with a disregard for what Doom is about? Yup, this is going to be terrible, at least if the rumors are true. I really hope they aren't.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Its not that hard to do PG13 horror about opening a doorway to hell, substitute gore for scary.

Tho I bet they will screw it up no matter what.

PS:I hated Rise of cobra....... took the best things about GI joe and shat on it

The Imp

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Can you say Mortal Kombat? One of the most violent games of the 90s and they want to make it PG-13. But it's still just a rumor so there might still be hope.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010

This film is destined for disaster (trying to avoid making the obvious pun here).
The first attempt showcased very little of what made the actual game memorable (not that it really had any story until Doom 3, and there was precious little to be had even there), and turned it into a zombie movie.

I understand that certain games don't exactly lend themselves very well towards movie adaptations (how in the fuck would YOU have done the Super Mario Bros movie if you had the reigns to it? Personally, I have no earthly clue where I would begin). Most people wouldn't want to watch a random mute space marine wander the halls in search of weapons, etc while blowing away every hellspawn between point A and B.

But my problem is that if they really wanted to go with a quick cash-in movie, they already have the groundwork laid out for them: Starship Trooopers, Aliens and or Predators.

Hell, here's my proposal for a screenplay (summary):
Do a war-buddy gig with the protagonist (the Space Marine of yore).
The marine, his best friend war-buddy and his platoon find themselves under attack after the UAC screwed the pooch in researching inter-dimensional transportation.
War-buddy gets dragged off by the demons for conversion, the marine gets pissed and wastes everything in his path, while stumbling upon the remains of his platoon as he goes. Some will live, most will die, and some will die trying to betray him either out of insanity or demonic takeover.

If you want more inter-character narrative, you could cop-out and show flashbacks from the marine's past whenever he comes across the bodies of people he knows, or locations that mean something to him.
Though given the target audience, I would just stick primarily to the Marine vs Demonic Army.

It isn't deep, and it certainly isn't anything original (not that Hollywood really cares about originality. I wouldn't be surprised if over 90% of all screened films were sequels or spinoffs), but if you want to do a quick-n-dirty Doom movie where people walk out of it and don't go "Where the fuck were the demons? The BFG? Hell?" then there you go.

Though somehow, I seriously doubt that it will go over well in PG-13. While the movie doesn't need tits, I can see other areas where the genre can be severely limited.


New member
Oct 15, 2010
Silly ?

I thought the first person section in the movie was quite good and the best part of the film.
It was the only original thing in this movie, the rest was just a blank out of the box standart movie.