Scorpid said:
Lol. Why? Why would you take that out of the writers tool box? I'm not saying it need to be goofy Jar Jar binks shit but even the wire which is IMO the best drama ever had some truly hilarious moments. Even Romeo and Juliet had funny moments. Laughter is just part of the human experience. Anywhere people are you can find some sort of humor somewhere. I dunno this seems like proof of a film taking itself in a direction it shouldn't by someone who has a childish understanding of what drama is.
PS: EVEN WH40k which is ALL about the grimdark has moments of humor and the community of Warhammer love to point it out. Just google Dreadknight WH40k and see what comes back at you. The world is richer with some comedy, even the drama.
Can I bill you for the time I just lost to d4chan? Heh?
Good points, though. While I can understand they're working on making themselves distinct from Marvel, this doesn't seem like the right way to go about it.
hermes200 said:
Some of my favorite moments in the animated Justice League was the banter between the characters. It sold the idea that, in a different context, they could be friends. Take that away, and it doesn't need to feel like a team at all...
Man, thanks for that video clip - it crystalized the following for me in a way I'd never quite realized : humor is a reaction to something unexpected. You can reveal unexpected stuff with horror (don't open the door!) or drama (I never! Learned! To read!) but over-reliance on those techniques gets old, fast and lessens the impact of each subsequent revelation.
But if you're not revealing something new, then everything is predictable.
I'm hoping this edict is something more along the line of not overdoing the snark - I love Joss Wheadon but I don't think his has to be the go-to style for self-aware banter. But one way or another they need to keep humor in.
?can't figure out how to segue neatly into this, so one last observation - GotG was a success to me because it had a firm appreciation for its own absurdity, immediately elevating it above the self-conscious Star Wars prequel trilogy.