Rumor: Will Smith Signs On for Independence Day Sequels


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Geamo said:
Independence Day was brilliant.
Independence Day sucks a monkeys ass in space.

The story: bland "aliens invade earth" setup
The mood: Americans are the greatest. Save the planet, again
The content: arcade F-16s fighting alien spacecraft. Winning, of course
Ridiculous plot point 1: air force pilot learns to fly alien spacecraft in 10 seconds
Ridiculous plot point 2: ex pilot flies up alien motherships ass, mothership explodes
Ridiculous plot point 3: humans fly hijacked alien fighter right into alien home base. Super advanced aliens clueless
Inexcusably, outrageously ridiculous plot point 4: humans upload a computer virus onto alien home base. Humans win.

I don't think you have to have a masters in computer science to realize how incredibly stupid that last one is. Uploading a computer virus onto completely unknown alien technology and displaying a laughing skull on their monitors is just completely off the charts on my intergalactic stupidity meter. Roland Emmerich: FAIL

And I'm sure 2 and 3 will suck just as much, if not more. I'll pass, thanks.

Roland Emmerich made a few good movies. Joey and Stargate are awesome. Unfortunately after Stargate everything he produced has been a 100% special-effects orgy with 0% brain.

Saris Kai

New member
Oct 5, 2009
If they were smart (so in other words unlikely to happen) they would advance the time line far enough that earth has reaped the benefits of having more salvaged alien technology. It would make for a more interesting setting and an earth that has not done so won't be recovered from that first attack inside of Will Smith's character's lifetime given the widespread destruction of infrastructure.

The aliens were space gypsies who travel world to world so they can harvest resources before moving on. The first movie didn't mention if their entire race was on that particular flotilla or not. Some may have survived all their ships getting wrecked and are holding out on the parts of earth humans are mostly gone from it would be a good reason for them to be in the second movie but otherwise it should really be a different race. If they have more migrant fleets out there and more of them show up for revenge they will win, end of story, unless humans have done a lot with the tech they should have been able to salvage. If that is the case the planetary defense grid will handle most of the threat, end of story. If humanity had salvaged a bunch of alien tech after barely surviving an alien invasion and their first priority of what to do with it isn't a planetary defense grid they deserve to be killed off.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Yay and **** at the same time. While Independence Day was probably the greatest film ever made and another movie with Will Smith would be welcome, I do not want 2 and 3 to ruin the original. You see, I have a movie "pyramid"

................................independence day..............................

...........Spiderman 1...........................Spiderman 2........

..The Star Wars dual trilogy insert here to fill space..

Note the intentional omission of Spiderman 3. It does not exist. Okay!? Please inform me of how you would keep the pyramid normal with 3 at the top.

But I am still excited none the less.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
It would be cool to see Marines take on those aliens face to face, after we got to see them in air battles.
One would wonder how well we would have picked ourselves up again after 15 years after an attack of that scale(Day After Tomorrow and Deep Impact I doubt would have nowhere near the scale of those casualty figures of ID4). This has potential for some real storytelling.
Know who I would get a kick out of seeing return? Adam Baldwin.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
a new ID4 movie? Aw hell nah!

Actually I quited loved Independence Day though the post Area 51 parts were incredibly slow

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Tiamat666 said:
Geamo said:
Independence Day was brilliant.
Independence Day sucks a monkeys ass in space.

The story: bland "aliens invade earth" setup
The mood: Americans are the greatest. Save the planet, again
The content: arcade F-16s fighting alien spacecraft. Winning, of course
Ridiculous plot point 1: air force pilot learns to fly alien spacecraft in 10 seconds
Ridiculous plot point 2: ex pilot flies up alien motherships ass, mothership explodes
Ridiculous plot point 3: humans fly hijacked alien fighter right into alien home base. Super advanced aliens clueless
Inexcusably, outrageously ridiculous plot point 4: humans upload a computer virus onto alien home base. Humans win.

I don't think you have to have a masters in computer science to realize how incredibly stupid that last one is. Uploading a computer virus onto completely unknown alien technology and displaying a laughing skull on their monitors is just completely off the charts on my intergalactic stupidity meter. Roland Emmerich: FAIL

And I'm sure 2 and 3 will suck just as much, if not more. I'll pass, thanks.

Roland Emmerich made a few good movies. Joey and Stargate are awesome. Unfortunately after Stargate everything he produced has been a 100% special-effects orgy with 0% brain.
No, it doesn't make sense. But it's still one of the best popcorn flicks of all time.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
John Funk said:
Tiamat666 said:
Geamo said:
Independence Day was brilliant.
Independence Day sucks a monkeys ass in space.

No, it doesn't make sense. But it's still one of the best popcorn flicks of all time.
Skimming through this thread and reading the comments it seems like most people agree with you.

I think one of the saddest things of our times is the low standards people place on their entertainment. Make things go boom and put in a few snappy, cool comments or patriotism, and the masses will flock to your product.

Don't get me wrong. I can enjoy a good action flick. Predator is awesome, some Rambo movies are awesome and I like "300". But these movies all have something special complementing the action. In Predator you have interesting characters and a coherent and believable storyline involving an alien headhunter. In 300 you have the unique visual style, creative design and historical background. In Independence Day you just have special effects and cheesy patriotism, while the plot consists of insultingly stupid events. That's not good enough for me.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Besides a lot of the movie not making sense, I loved that movie. I have no idea how they would be able to make a sequel unless it's a totally different movie, in which case, just make it its own movie.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
BlindMessiah94 said:
Why does he keep calling it ID4?
If you look at the cover box it has ID4 behind Independence Day.

Khell_Sennet said:
I can think of many ways they could make this a success, and just as many ways they could fuck the whole thing up. I'll therefore reserve any judgment until I've at least seen a trailer and have some base understanding of what they're selling us in the way of story and cast.
Agree 100%, potentially it could be a great movie, and it could be just as big of a disaster.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
It could be epic.

Sadly, it probably won't be.

The first was never meant to have a sequel. Forcing sequels on stand-alone epics rarely works out.
1. Retconns abound
2. They inevitably get compared to the original, and fall short no matter what.
3. Story-wise, whatever was absolutely awesome at the end of the first one becomes moot. i.e. if Bill Pullman's speech was just before they destroy the current big bad, the sequels will have a bigger bad, and that 1. makes Bill's speech kind-of premature in hindsight, and 2. no lead-in will live up to it even though it is about a bigger threat and we will be disillusioned like "so you say now, until the next big bad comes along".

I'm holding out hope in spite of cynicism anyway.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
We will fight them with the power of Apple!

Maybe in the 2nd one, we'll hack the mothership with an iPhone and in the 3rd with an iPad.



New member
Dec 2, 2009
Independence day, was like a pistol that disintegrates itself after firing. Second or third ones will most likely be worse, sadly. But I'd like to be optimistic for a while.
Tiamat666 said:
Geamo said:
Independence Day was brilliant.
Independence Day sucks a monkeys ass in space.

The story: bland "aliens invade earth" setup
The mood: Americans are the greatest. Save the planet, again
The content: arcade F-16s fighting alien spacecraft. Winning, of course
Ridiculous plot point 1: air force pilot learns to fly alien spacecraft in 10 seconds
Ridiculous plot point 2: ex pilot flies up alien motherships ass, mothership explodes
Ridiculous plot point 3: humans fly hijacked alien fighter right into alien home base. Super advanced aliens clueless
Inexcusably, outrageously ridiculous plot point 4: humans upload a computer virus onto alien home base. Humans win.

I don't think you have to have a masters in computer science to realize how incredibly stupid that last one is. Uploading a computer virus onto completely unknown alien technology and displaying a laughing skull on their monitors is just completely off the charts on my intergalactic stupidity meter. Roland Emmerich: FAIL

And I'm sure 2 and 3 will suck just as much, if not more. I'll pass, thanks.

Roland Emmerich made a few good movies. Joey and Stargate are awesome. Unfortunately after Stargate everything he produced has been a 100% special-effects orgy with 0% brain.
True, true.
Still it was pretty fun to watch back then.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
John Funk said:
Now, just because I can, I'm embedding Bill Pullman's speech from the end of ID4 - also known as one of the most awesome moments in anything ever
While that speech is truly awesome, it doesn't compare to JIMMYYYYYYY:
Ever since we saw that, my friends and I refer to anyone getting their asses royally kicked as "little jimmy's", as in if their best friends were there to see it, they would surely scream JIMMY NOOOOOOOOO!


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Dorian6 said:
but Independence day was a crap movie
Im with you mate, and i fucking HATE Will Smith, he totally fucked up both "I, Robot" and "i am legend", two of the top 10 science fiction novels ever written. So i have no faith in this asshole to as far as science fiction goes.

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
samsonguy920 said:
It would be cool to see Marines take on those aliens face to face, after we got to see them in air battles.
One would wonder how well we would have picked ourselves up again after 15 years after an attack of that scale(Day After Tomorrow and Deep Impact I doubt would have nowhere near the scale of those casualty figures of ID4). This has potential for some real storytelling.
Know who I would get a kick out of seeing return? Adam Baldwin.
well, actually day after tomorrow and deep impact had casualties of around 80 and 99% of human race respectively.

As for emerich after wasting 2 hours and a half of my precious time with 2012 he should just pack and go home instead. I sense that if these movies come forward they are gona be another big disapointment. Oh wait, if ur especting them to be crap they cant be disapointing, can they?!

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
I certainly hope they had a pretty good script or two before they decided to go ahead with their plans. Think about it. Wasn't the MO of the alien race from the first movie that they moved from planet to planet using up all of the resources? And then they all died from the nuke? I'm interested to see how they get out of that plot hole. Or is earth just the black sheep of the universe and every alien out there wants us dead?