Ryan Reynolds Deadpool Test Footage Leaked - Update 6


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
Triaed said:
Well, with the takedown action by Fox I highly doubt that they leaked the video on purpose.
On the other hand, studios and their legal teams are not known for making smart decisions....
I wouldn't assume that the take down means a leak wasn't deliberate. It's on the internet now so anyone can see it regardless of the takedown and they know that as well as we do, but they can pretend to be upset about it while they gauge reaction to it.

My reaction to it, for what it's worth (especially to the Fox market research team that are incredibly smart and very attractive), is that it was awesome and they should totally go with exactly that.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Perfect capture of the Deadpool character, right down to the 4th wall breaking and such. I've always felt that Reynolds is perfect (as I said before, but I'm re-commenting because I didn't get to see the footage earlier) and this so needs to be made. As in like last fucking year.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I don't know why people even bother uploading sh** to Youtube anymore. Was anyone surprised it got pulled?

Anyway, great clip. I almost forgave the Wolverine movie's Deadpool butchering.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
While I'm not quite sold on the idea of a full movie of this (the driving conflict is my biggest concern because he's, you know, immortal), the footage does make me a little more confident that it could be done.

Verlander said:
It looked like video game footage to me, don't think it's legit.

There are rarely good R rated comic book films, so I'm not holding my breath
They already did a video game off Deadpool. It was about as good as one could expect. Decent with crude humor but otherwise unremarkable...

But, yeah, it's all CGI. They're not going to blow the amount of money to do this live for a screen test. This is way cheaper to do.


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm not even just flabbergasted that it's good. It's that this comes on the tail of a franchise that's full of wasted potential (Rogue, Phoenix and Cyclops, Wolverine [by being run into the ground], most of the cast of First Class, and, yes, Deadpool). Now, even it's only a cg render, we learn we almost got one of the most aesthetically and thematically beautiful offerings of a comic hero from any studio. My only real criticism is that I've seen Deadpool a little more spastic than Reynolds, though this is pretty much EXACTLY how I'd expect "Reynolds as Deadpool" to play out and it's quite satisfying.


New member
Feb 25, 2010

That was GREAT. Holy hell, somebody, anybody, make this happen.

Needs an R rating, though. Like, hardcore NEEDS an R rating. It'll be shit any other way.

But like that? Hell, I would watch the HELL out of that.


New member
Jul 20, 2013
Wow, a comic I've never read and care nothing about and an actor I dislike and yet I totally would watch this movie.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
That wasn't too bad. A little wonky in the action, but not too juvenile.

I'll see it.

Jeremy Dawkins said:
Well that's a thousand times better than Origins' version of Deadpool. I wonder if they will try to explain away why he's different from that movie, or if they won't even mention it.
Did you see Days of Future Past? It's pretty much an explanation since it
Retcons the events of Origins via references, and by literally erasing the Origins timeline.

But it will require a new origin story of course.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
i seriously enjoyed that and actually saw the real deadpool from the comics. renolds is still a good actor, just he ended up in crappy movies like green lantern.
but i also hope this is going to R rated. it has to be, otherwise it would just ruin the character. they better be smart about that. but when they show this scene with him holding the head, then we could have a chance for a R rating.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Lovely Mixture said:
But it will require a new origin story of course.
Or they could skip it. Deadpool did fine for years without an origin story, has lied about it a few times, and we could do with a few fewer origin movies anyway.

I'd take 90 minutes of Deadpool kicking ass.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
This needs to happen already. But since it needs to, it won't. Which is generally how things work nowadays.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Where was Ryan Reynolds in this? I mean, I heard his voice, but I don't think I saw a living, breathing human in the entire video.

For all I know, this could be lifted straight from a video game, since there's more CGI in this video than an entire two-and-a-half-hour Michael Bay vehicle.


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Lovely Mixture said:
Retcons the events of Origins via references, and by literally erasing the Origins timeline.

But it will require a new origin story of course.
I'm personally a fan of his origin story in the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon. He shot out six different origin stories over the course of two minutes, all of them obviously ripped off of other superheros. Then proceeds on as if he had answered truthfully.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
What don't people understand about the the phrase "Test footage"?

The scene is basically animated concept art that is shown to producers so they can get a feel for the project, with the hope that they will decide to back it financially. Before funding is acquired, any money spent on making the test footage is lost money, so it better not be expensive.

In this particular video, they set the desired tone for the movie, provide an example of an action scene and showcase how Ryan Reynolds' performance would fit the role. That's it.
What don't people understand about reading comprehension?

I know what test footage is, but the point I was trying to make (and that you so graciously sidestepped) was that it's entirely possible to make footage that doesn't look like the last Ninja Turtles [http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/003/2/c/_60_tmnt_2007_screenshot_by_tmnt_screenshots-d5qbejj.jpg] movie.

I mean, it's not like it would cost them any more to slap an actual red suit on the actual Ryan Reynolds and actually record him in cool pose.

But yeah, let's focus on what we think my complaint was about, as opposed to the actual complaint. Whatever.

Kyr Knightbane

New member
Jan 3, 2012
I absolutely want this movie made.

Seriously, next to a full on Lobo movie, Deadpool is absolutely my next pick

I want all the 4th wall breaking, snide comments, interacting with set pieces, bloody violent and off the wall goofiness that Wade is known for.

Ryan Reynolds is absolutely perfect, and I hope they make this, and make it Rated R.

Screw Origins, and that messy ass timeline.

Other than that, lets do this:



New member
Oct 1, 2012
They did it... in only a 1 min piece of test footage they friking finally nailed a live Deadpool.

Ok Fox/Marvel. Take all your money, and throw it at this extravagant production. Don't worry... you'll make it back in plethoras, the cult of Deadpool fans will make sure the box office will spontaneously combusts when it hits theaters.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Spaceman Spiff said:
Nope. He fucking nailed it in Ted.

He usually nails it. I think "Just Friends" was his best.

I would love to see this Deadpool movie. Were it CGI though, a lot of people can do it.

Nolan North in the game:

Even this guy: